[ARVADOS] created: 749c0d9f4775306bcdfd5db2c37a22ca62d83f7d

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Tue Mar 31 17:02:41 EDT 2015

        at  749c0d9f4775306bcdfd5db2c37a22ca62d83f7d (commit)

commit 749c0d9f4775306bcdfd5db2c37a22ca62d83f7d
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 31 17:02:38 2015 -0400

    4253: Add script to migrate existing Gitolite installations.

diff --git a/services/api/script/migrate-gitolite-to-uuid-storage.rb b/services/api/script/migrate-gitolite-to-uuid-storage.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2fe6751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/api/script/migrate-gitolite-to-uuid-storage.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Prior to April 2015, Arvados Gitolite integration stored repositories by
+# name.  To improve user repository management, we switched to storing
+# repositories by UUID, and aliasing them to names.  This makes it easy to
+# have rich name hierarchies, and allow users to rename repositories.
+# This script will migrate a name-based Gitolite configuration to a UUID-based
+# one.  To use it:
+# 1. Change the value of REPOS_DIR below, if needed.
+# 2. Install this script in the same directory as `update-gitolite.rb`.
+# 3. Ensure that no *other* users can access Gitolite: firewall off
+#    the SSH port (don't firewall your own connection!), and disable
+#    the update-gitolite cron job.
+# 4. Run this script: `ruby migrate-gitolite-to-uuid-storage.rb production`.
+# 5. Undo step 3.
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'pp'
+require 'arvados'
+require 'tempfile'
+require 'yaml'
+REPOS_DIR = "/var/lib/gitolite/repositories"
+# Default is development
+production = ARGV[0] == "production"
+ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "development"
+ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production" if production
+DEBUG = 1
+# load and merge in the environment-specific application config info
+# if present, overriding base config parameters as specified
+path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/arvados-clients.yml'
+if File.exists?(path) then
+  cp_config = YAML.load_file(path)[ENV['RAILS_ENV']]
+  puts "Please create a\n " + File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/config/arvados-clients.yml\n file"
+  exit 1
+gitolite_url = cp_config['gitolite_url']
+gitolite_arvados_git_user_key = cp_config['gitolite_arvados_git_user_key']
+gitolite_tmpdir = File.join(File.absolute_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),
+                            cp_config['gitolite_tmp'])
+gitolite_admin = File.join(gitolite_tmpdir, 'gitolite-admin')
+gitolite_keydir = File.join(gitolite_admin, 'keydir', 'arvados')
+ENV['ARVADOS_API_HOST'] = cp_config['arvados_api_host']
+ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'] = cp_config['arvados_api_token']
+if cp_config['arvados_api_host_insecure']
+def ensure_directory(path, mode)
+  begin
+    Dir.mkdir(path, mode)
+  rescue Errno::EEXIST
+  end
+def replace_file(path, contents)
+  unlink_now = true
+  dirname, basename = File.split(path)
+  new_file = Tempfile.new([basename, ".tmp"], dirname)
+  begin
+    new_file.write(contents)
+    new_file.flush
+    File.rename(new_file, path)
+    unlink_now = false
+  ensure
+    new_file.close(unlink_now)
+  end
+def file_has_contents?(path, contents)
+  begin
+    IO.read(path) == contents
+  rescue Errno::ENOENT
+    false
+  end
+module TrackCommitState
+  module ClassMethods
+    # Note that all classes that include TrackCommitState will have
+    # @@need_commit = true if any of them set it.  Since this flag reports
+    # a boolean state of the underlying git repository, that's OK in the
+    # current implementation.
+    @@need_commit = false
+    def changed?
+      @@need_commit
+    end
+    def ensure_in_git(path, contents)
+      unless file_has_contents?(path, contents)
+        replace_file(path, contents)
+        system("git", "add", path)
+        @@need_commit = true
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def ensure_in_git(path, contents)
+    self.class.ensure_in_git(path, contents)
+  end
+  def self.included(base)
+    base.extend(ClassMethods)
+  end
+class Repository
+  include TrackCommitState
+  @@aliases = {}
+  def initialize(arv_repo)
+    @arv_repo = arv_repo
+  end
+  def self.ensure_system_config(conf_root)
+    ensure_in_git(File.join(conf_root, "arvadosaliases.pl"), alias_config)
+  end
+  def self.rename_repos(repos_root)
+    @@aliases.each_pair do |uuid, name|
+      begin
+        File.rename(File.join(repos_root, "#{name}.git/"),
+                    File.join(repos_root, "#{uuid}.git"))
+      rescue Errno::ENOENT
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def ensure_config(conf_root)
+    return if name.nil?
+    @@aliases[uuid] = name
+    name_conf_path = auto_conf_path(conf_root, name)
+    return unless File.exist?(name_conf_path)
+    conf_file = IO.read(name_conf_path)
+    conf_file.gsub!(/^repo #{Regexp.escape(name)}$/m, "repo #{uuid}")
+    ensure_in_git(auto_conf_path(conf_root, uuid), conf_file)
+    File.unlink(name_conf_path)
+    system("git", "rm", "--quiet", name_conf_path)
+  end
+  private
+  def auto_conf_path(conf_root, basename)
+    File.join(conf_root, "conf", "auto", "#{basename}.conf")
+  end
+  def uuid
+    @arv_repo[:uuid]
+  end
+  def name
+    if @arv_repo[:name].nil?
+      nil
+    else
+      @clean_name ||=
+        @arv_repo[:name].sub(/^[^A-Za-z]+/, "").gsub(/[^\w\.\/]/, "")
+    end
+  end
+  def self.alias_config
+    conf_s = "{\n"
+    @@aliases.sort.each do |(repo_name, repo_uuid)|
+      conf_s += "\t'#{repo_name}' \t=> '#{repo_uuid}',\n"
+    end
+    conf_s += "};\n"
+    conf_s
+  end
+  # Get our local gitolite-admin repo up to snuff
+  if not File.exists?(gitolite_admin) then
+    ensure_directory(gitolite_tmpdir, 0700)
+    Dir.chdir(gitolite_tmpdir)
+    `git clone #{gitolite_url}`
+    Dir.chdir(gitolite_admin)
+  else
+    Dir.chdir(gitolite_admin)
+    `git pull`
+  end
+  arv = Arvados.new
+  permissions = arv.repository.get_all_permissions
+  permissions[:repositories].each do |repo_record|
+    repo = Repository.new(repo_record)
+    repo.ensure_config(gitolite_admin)
+  end
+  Repository.ensure_system_config(gitolite_admin)
+  message = "#{Time.now().to_s}: migrate to storing repositories by UUID"
+  Dir.chdir(gitolite_admin)
+  `git add --all`
+  `git commit -m '#{message}'`
+  Repository.rename_repos(REPOS_DIR)
+  `git push`
+rescue => bang
+  puts "Error: " + bang.to_s
+  puts bang.backtrace.join("\n")
+  exit 1



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