[ARVADOS-DEV] created: 2f56fdaf3a039ee87d264933fe1306c2642f81fe
git at public.curoverse.com
git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Jun 24 13:59:21 EDT 2015
at 2f56fdaf3a039ee87d264933fe1306c2642f81fe (commit)
commit 2f56fdaf3a039ee87d264933fe1306c2642f81fe
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date: Wed Jun 24 13:54:02 2015 -0400
6388: Remove version munging from Python package builds.
This code was added to accommodate version numbers that did *not*
comply with PEP 440. We've since fixed those, and they only include
alphanumerics and dots, so we don't need to munge them.
diff --git a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
index 65515c8..7cece07 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
@@ -557,23 +557,17 @@ fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/crunchstat=/usr/bin/crunchstat crunchstat 'Curover
# whip up a patch and send it upstream, but that will be for another day. Ward,
# 2014-05-15
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
-# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK" --depends=python2.7
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK" --depends=python2.7
# The FUSE driver
# Please see comment about --no-python-fix-name above; we stay consistent and do
# not omit the python- prefix first.
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
-# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/services/fuse/arvados_fuse.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Keep FUSE driver" --depends=python2.7
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/fuse/arvados_fuse.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Keep FUSE driver" --depends=python2.7
# The node manager
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
-# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager arvados-node-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager/arvados_node_manager.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados node manager" --depends=python2.7
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager arvados-node-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager/arvados_node_manager.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados node manager" --depends=python2.7
# The Docker image cleaner
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
commit aac6af892c9bbaeb791d62ed7470a80713e66650
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date: Wed Jun 24 13:51:09 2015 -0400
6388: run-build-packages records python2.7 dependency where needed.
diff --git a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
index 5b2ad29..65515c8 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
@@ -216,14 +216,23 @@ fpm_build_and_scp () {
- # fpm does not actually support a python3 package type. Instead we recognize
- # it as a convenience shortcut to add several necessary arguments to
- # fpm's command line later, after we're done handling positional arguments.
- if [ "python3" = "$PACKAGE_TYPE" ]; then
- set -- "$@" --python-bin python3 --python-easyinstall easy_install3 \
- --python-package-name-prefix python3 --depends python3
- fi
+ case "$PACKAGE_TYPE" in
+ python)
+ # All Arvados Python2 packages depend on Python 2.7.
+ # Make sure we build with that for consistency.
+ set -- "$@" --python-bin python2.7 \
+ --python-easyinstall easy_install-2.7
+ ;;
+ python3)
+ # fpm does not actually support a python3 package type. Instead
+ # we recognize it as a convenience shortcut to add several
+ # necessary arguments to fpm's command line later, after we're
+ # done handling positional arguments.
+ set -- "$@" --python-bin python3 --python-easyinstall easy_install3 \
+ --python-package-name-prefix python3 --depends python3
+ ;;
+ esac
declare -a COMMAND_ARR=("fpm" "--maintainer=Ward Vandewege <ward at curoverse.com>" "-s" "$PACKAGE_TYPE" "-t" "$FORMAT" "-x" "usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tests")
@@ -550,7 +559,7 @@ fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/crunchstat=/usr/bin/crunchstat crunchstat 'Curover
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK" --depends=python2.7
# The FUSE driver
# Please see comment about --no-python-fix-name above; we stay consistent and do
@@ -558,13 +567,13 @@ fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse,
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/services/fuse/arvados_fuse.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Keep FUSE driver"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/services/fuse/arvados_fuse.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Keep FUSE driver" --depends=python2.7
# The node manager
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager arvados-node-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager/arvados_node_manager.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados node manager"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager arvados-node-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager/arvados_node_manager.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados node manager" --depends=python2.7
# The Docker image cleaner
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
commit 0e13d045f78e1c78c9f2be3012c6bf06bf1ea5bd
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date: Wed Jun 24 13:24:20 2015 -0400
6388: Add distro targets to run-build-packages.
This will provide us a single mechanism to make sure that packages are
built to run on a particular distribution: not just in terms of FPM's
output format, but also repository location, backports required, etc.
diff --git a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
index e0584c4..5b2ad29 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ Options:
Build api server and workbench packages with vendor/bundle included
Output debug information (default: false)
- Package format (default: deb)
+ Distribution to build packages for (default: debian7)
WORKSPACE=path Path to the Arvados source tree to build packages from
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ CALL_FREIGHT=0
PARSEDOPTS=$(getopt --name "$0" --longoptions \
- help,upload,scp-user:,scp-host:,apt-server:,build-bundle-packages,debug,format: \
+ help,upload,scp-user:,scp-host:,apt-server:,build-bundle-packages,debug,target: \
-- "" "$@")
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
SCPHOST="$2"; shift
- --format)
- FORMAT="$2"; shift
+ --target)
+ TARGET="$2"; shift
@@ -86,7 +86,36 @@ if [[ "$UPLOAD" != '0' && ("$SCPUSER" == '' || "$SCPHOST" == '') ]]; then
exit 1
-# Sanity check
+case "$TARGET" in
+ debian7)
+ FORMAT=deb
+ REPO_UPDATE_CMD='freight add *deb apt/wheezy && freight cache && rm -f *deb'
+ PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags pyvcf google-api-python-client \
+ oauth2client pyasn1 pyasn1-modules rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py \
+ virtualenv pykka apache-libcloud requests six pyexecjs jsonschema \
+ ciso8601 pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname)
+ PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py six requests)
+ ;;
+ centos6)
+ FORMAT=rpm
+ REPO_UPDATE_CMD='mv *rpm /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/ && createrepo /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/'
+ PYTHON_BACKPORTS=(python-gflags pyvcf google-api-python-client \
+ oauth2client pyasn1 pyasn1-modules rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py \
+ virtualenv pykka apache-libcloud requests six pyexecjs jsonschema \
+ ciso8601 pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname)
+ PYTHON3_BACKPORTS=(docker-py six requests)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo -e "$0: Unknown target '$TARGET'.\n" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
if ! [[ -n "$WORKSPACE" ]]; then
echo >&2 "$helpmessage"
echo >&2
@@ -252,11 +281,7 @@ fpm_verify_and_scp () {
echo "Error building package for $1:\n $FPM_RESULTS"
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 ]]; then
- if [[ "$FORMAT" == 'deb' ]]; then
- else
- fi
@@ -546,15 +571,12 @@ cd $WORKSPACE/debs
fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/dockercleaner arvados-docker-cleaner 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python3' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/dockercleaner/arvados_docker_cleaner.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Docker image cleaner"
# A few dependencies
-for deppkg in python-gflags pyvcf google-api-python-client oauth2client \
- pyasn1 pyasn1-modules rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py virtualenv \
- pykka apache-libcloud requests six pyexecjs jsonschema ciso8601 \
- pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname; do
+for deppkg in "${PYTHON_BACKPORTS[@]}"; do
fpm_build_and_scp "$deppkg"
# Python 3 dependencies
-for deppkg in docker-py six requests; do
+for deppkg in "${PYTHON3_BACKPORTS[@]}"; do
# The empty string is the vendor argument: these aren't Curoverse software.
fpm_build_and_scp "$deppkg" "python3-$deppkg" "" python3
@@ -689,11 +711,11 @@ fpm_verify_and_scp $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
# Finally, publish the packages, if necessary
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 && "$CALL_FREIGHT" != 0 ]]; then
- if [[ "$FORMAT" == 'deb' ]]; then
- ssh -p2222 $SCPUSER@$SCPHOST -t "cd tmp && ls -laF *deb && freight add *deb apt/wheezy && freight cache && rm -f *deb"
- else
- ssh -p2222 $SCPUSER@$SCPHOST -t "cd rpm && ls -laF *rpm && mv *rpm /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/ && createrepo /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/"
- fi
+ ssh -p2222 $SCPUSER@$SCPHOST -t bash - <<EOF
+if [ -n "\$(find -name "$FPM_OUTDIR/*.$FORMAT" -print -quit)" ]; then
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 ]]; then
echo "No new packages generated. No freight run necessary."
commit f0d1f9935eadd303d6b160ae9c349398f6691bd9
Author: Brett Smith <brett at curoverse.com>
Date: Tue Jun 23 12:10:54 2015 -0400
6388: Remove Debianisms from run-build-packages.
Make sure function and variable names don't refer to Debian when they
can also be used for Red Hat.
diff --git a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
index 2e797bf..e0584c4 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Options:
Upload packages (default: false)
--scp-user USERNAME
- Scp user for apt server (only required when --upload is specified)
---apt-server HOSTNAME
- Apt server hostname (only required when --upload is specified)
+ scp user for repository server (only required when --upload is specified)
+--scp-host HOSTNAME
+ scp host for repository server (only required when --upload is specified)
--build-bundle-packages (default: false)
Build api server and workbench packages with vendor/bundle included
@@ -34,23 +34,29 @@ UPLOAD=0
-while [[ -n "$1" ]]
- arg="$1"; shift
- case "$arg" in
+PARSEDOPTS=$(getopt --name "$0" --longoptions \
+ help,upload,scp-user:,scp-host:,apt-server:,build-bundle-packages,debug,format: \
+ -- "" "$@")
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ exit 1
+eval set -- "$PARSEDOPTS"
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
echo >&2 "$helpmessage"
echo >&2
exit 1
- APTUSER="$1"; shift
+ SCPUSER="$2"; shift
- --apt-server)
- APTSERVER="$1"; shift
+ --scp-host|--apt-server)
+ SCPHOST="$2"; shift
- FORMAT="$1"; shift
+ FORMAT="$2"; shift
@@ -61,18 +67,21 @@ do
- *)
- echo >&2 "$0: Unrecognized option: '$arg'. Try: $0 --help"
- exit 1
+ --)
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "$0: unrecognized argument '$2'. Try: $0 --help"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ shift
# Sanity checks
-if [[ "$UPLOAD" != '0' && ("$APTUSER" == '' || "$APTSERVER" == '') ]]; then
+if [[ "$UPLOAD" != '0' && ("$SCPUSER" == '' || "$SCPHOST" == '') ]]; then
echo >&2 "$helpmessage"
echo >&2
- echo >&2 "Error: please specify --scp-user and --apt-server if --upload is set"
+ echo >&2 "Error: please specify --scp-user and --scp-host if --upload is set"
echo >&2
exit 1
@@ -158,7 +167,7 @@ handle_python_package () {
# Build debs for everything
-build_and_scp_deb () {
+fpm_build_and_scp () {
# The package source. Depending on the source type, this can be a
# path, or the name of the package in an upstream repository (e.g.,
# pip).
@@ -217,11 +226,11 @@ build_and_scp_deb () {
- verify_and_scp_deb $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
+ fpm_verify_and_scp $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
# verify build results and scp debs, if needed
-verify_and_scp_deb () {
+fpm_verify_and_scp () {
@@ -244,9 +253,9 @@ verify_and_scp_deb () {
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$FORMAT" == 'deb' ]]; then
@@ -298,7 +307,7 @@ rm -rf install
perl Makefile.PL >"$PERL_OUT" && \
make install PREFIX=install INSTALLDIRS=perl >"$PERL_OUT" && \
- build_and_scp_deb install/=/usr libarvados-perl "Curoverse, Inc." dir \
+ fpm_build_and_scp install/=/usr libarvados-perl "Curoverse, Inc." dir \
# Ruby gems
@@ -335,16 +344,16 @@ if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
# -q appears to be broken in gem version 2.2.2
gem build arvados.gemspec -q >/dev/null 2>&1
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 ]]; then
# publish new gem
gem push arvados-*gem
- build_and_scp_deb arvados-*.gem "" "Curoverse, Inc." gem "" \
+ fpm_build_and_scp arvados-*.gem "" "Curoverse, Inc." gem "" \
--prefix "$FPM_GEM_PREFIX"
# Build arvados-cli GEM
cd sdk/cli
@@ -359,14 +368,14 @@ gem search arvados-cli -r -a |grep -q $ARVADOS_GEM_VERSION
if [[ "$?" != "0" ]]; then
# clean up old gems
rm -f arvados-cli*gem
if [[ "$DEBUG" != 0 ]]; then
gem build arvados-cli.gemspec
# -q appears to be broken in gem version 2.2.2
gem build arvados-cli.gemspec -q >/dev/null
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 ]]; then
# publish new gem
gem push arvados-cli*gem
@@ -427,7 +436,7 @@ git log --format=format:%H -n1 . > git-commit.version
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/src-build-dir/=/usr/local/arvados/src arvados-src 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--exclude=usr/local/arvados/src/.git" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=The Arvados source code" "--architecture=all"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/src-build-dir/=/usr/local/arvados/src arvados-src 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--exclude=usr/local/arvados/src/.git" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=The Arvados source code" "--architecture=all"
# clean up, check out master and step away from detached-head state
cd "$WORKSPACE/src-build-dir"
@@ -447,7 +456,7 @@ cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/keepstore"
go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/keepstore"
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/keepstore=/usr/bin/keepstore keepstore 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Keepstore is the Keep storage daemon, accessible to clients on the LAN"
+fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/keepstore=/usr/bin/keepstore keepstore 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Keepstore is the Keep storage daemon, accessible to clients on the LAN"
# Get GO SDK version
cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/sdk/go"
@@ -467,7 +476,7 @@ fi
go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/keepproxy"
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/keepproxy=/usr/bin/keepproxy keepproxy 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Keepproxy makes a Keep cluster accessible to clients that are not on the LAN"
+fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/keepproxy=/usr/bin/keepproxy keepproxy 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Keepproxy makes a Keep cluster accessible to clients that are not on the LAN"
# datamanager
cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager"
@@ -482,7 +491,7 @@ fi
go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/datamanager"
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/datamanager=/usr/bin/arvados-data-manager arvados-data-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Datamanager ensures block replication levels, reports on disk usage and determines which blocks should be deleted when space is needed."
+fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/datamanager=/usr/bin/arvados-data-manager arvados-data-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Datamanager ensures block replication levels, reports on disk usage and determines which blocks should be deleted when space is needed."
# arv-git-httpd
cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/arv-git-httpd"
@@ -497,14 +506,14 @@ fi
go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/arv-git-httpd"
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/arv-git-httpd=/usr/bin/arvados-git-httpd arvados-git-httpd 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Provides authenticated http access to Arvados-hosted git repositories."
+fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/arv-git-httpd=/usr/bin/arvados-git-httpd arvados-git-httpd 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Provides authenticated http access to Arvados-hosted git repositories."
# crunchstat
cd "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/crunchstat"
go get "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/services/crunchstat"
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/crunchstat=/usr/bin/crunchstat crunchstat 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Crunchstat gathers cpu/memory/network statistics of running Crunch jobs"
+fpm_build_and_scp $GOPATH/bin/crunchstat=/usr/bin/crunchstat crunchstat 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.0" "--description=Crunchstat gathers cpu/memory/network statistics of running Crunch jobs"
# The Python SDK
# Please resist the temptation to add --no-python-fix-name to the fpm call here
@@ -516,7 +525,7 @@ build_and_scp_deb $GOPATH/bin/crunchstat=/usr/bin/crunchstat crunchstat 'Curover
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK"
# The FUSE driver
# Please see comment about --no-python-fix-name above; we stay consistent and do
@@ -524,30 +533,30 @@ build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/sdk/python python-arvados-python-client 'Curoverse,
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/services/fuse/arvados_fuse.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Keep FUSE driver"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/fuse python-arvados-fuse 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2 }' $WORKSPACE/services/fuse/arvados_fuse.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Keep FUSE driver"
# The node manager
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
# Python version numbering is obscure. Strip dashes and replace them with dots
# to match our other version numbers. Cf. commit 4afcb8c, compliance with PEP-440.
-build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager arvados-node-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager/arvados_node_manager.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados node manager"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager arvados-node-manager 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){ gsub(/-/,".",$2); print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager/arvados_node_manager.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados node manager"
# The Docker image cleaner
cd $WORKSPACE/debs
-build_and_scp_deb $WORKSPACE/services/dockercleaner arvados-docker-cleaner 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python3' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/dockercleaner/arvados_docker_cleaner.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Docker image cleaner"
+fpm_build_and_scp $WORKSPACE/services/dockercleaner arvados-docker-cleaner 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python3' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/services/dockercleaner/arvados_docker_cleaner.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Docker image cleaner"
# A few dependencies
for deppkg in python-gflags pyvcf google-api-python-client oauth2client \
pyasn1 pyasn1-modules rsa uritemplate httplib2 ws4py virtualenv \
pykka apache-libcloud requests six pyexecjs jsonschema ciso8601 \
pycrypto backports.ssl_match_hostname; do
- build_and_scp_deb "$deppkg"
+ fpm_build_and_scp "$deppkg"
# Python 3 dependencies
for deppkg in docker-py six requests; do
# The empty string is the vendor argument: these aren't Curoverse software.
- build_and_scp_deb "$deppkg" "python3-$deppkg" "" python3
+ fpm_build_and_scp "$deppkg" "python3-$deppkg" "" python3
# Build the API server package
@@ -590,7 +599,7 @@ if [[ "$BUILD_BUNDLE_PACKAGES" != 0 ]]; then
- verify_and_scp_deb $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
+ fpm_verify_and_scp $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
# Build the 'bare' package without vendor/bundle.
@@ -604,7 +613,7 @@ fi
-verify_and_scp_deb $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
+fpm_verify_and_scp $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
# API server package build done
@@ -659,7 +668,7 @@ if [[ "$BUILD_BUNDLE_PACKAGES" != 0 ]]; then
- verify_and_scp_deb $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
+ fpm_verify_and_scp $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
# Build the 'bare' package without vendor/bundle.
@@ -674,16 +683,16 @@ fi
-verify_and_scp_deb $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
+fpm_verify_and_scp $FPM_EXIT_CODE $FPM_RESULTS
# Workbench package build done
# Finally, publish the packages, if necessary
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 && "$CALL_FREIGHT" != 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$FORMAT" == 'deb' ]]; then
- ssh -p2222 $APTUSER@$APTSERVER -t "cd tmp && ls -laF *deb && freight add *deb apt/wheezy && freight cache && rm -f *deb"
+ ssh -p2222 $SCPUSER@$SCPHOST -t "cd tmp && ls -laF *deb && freight add *deb apt/wheezy && freight cache && rm -f *deb"
- ssh -p2222 $APTUSER@$APTSERVER -t "cd rpm && ls -laF *rpm && mv *rpm /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/ && createrepo /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/"
+ ssh -p2222 $SCPUSER@$SCPHOST -t "cd rpm && ls -laF *rpm && mv *rpm /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/ && createrepo /var/www/rpm.arvados.org/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/"
if [[ "$UPLOAD" != 0 ]]; then
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