[ARVADOS] created: a8008a0ec56d3ca5710d8f1540b047ac93bb77ae

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Mon Jun 1 15:59:54 EDT 2015

        at  a8008a0ec56d3ca5710d8f1540b047ac93bb77ae (commit)

commit a8008a0ec56d3ca5710d8f1540b047ac93bb77ae
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Sun May 31 08:07:02 2015 -0400

    6146: Add dns_server_update_command. Update docs & tests for DNS update hooks.

diff --git a/services/api/app/models/node.rb b/services/api/app/models/node.rb
index 6c05650..1cd6387 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/node.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/node.rb
@@ -13,14 +13,6 @@ class Node < ArvadosModel
   belongs_to(:job, foreign_key: :job_uuid, primary_key: :uuid)
   attr_accessor :job_readable
-  @@max_compute_nodes = Rails.configuration.max_compute_nodes
-  @@dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir
-  @@dns_server_conf_template = Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template
-  @@dns_server_reload_command = Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command
-  @@uuid_prefix = Rails.configuration.uuid_prefix
-  @@domain = Rails.configuration.compute_node_domain rescue `hostname --domain`.strip
-  @@nameservers = Rails.configuration.compute_node_nameservers
   api_accessible :user, :extend => :common do |t|
     t.add :hostname
     t.add :domain
@@ -35,11 +27,11 @@ class Node < ArvadosModel
   api_accessible :superuser, :extend => :user do |t|
     t.add :first_ping_at
     t.add :info
-    t.add lambda { |x| @@nameservers }, :as => :nameservers
+    t.add lambda { |x| Rails.configuration.compute_node_nameservers }, :as => :nameservers
   def domain
-    super || @@domain
+    super || Rails.configuration.compute_node_domain
   def api_job_uuid
@@ -113,7 +105,7 @@ class Node < ArvadosModel
         rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
           try_slot += 1
-        raise "No available node slots" if try_slot == @@max_compute_nodes
+        raise "No available node slots" if try_slot == Rails.configuration.max_compute_nodes
       end while true
       self.hostname = self.class.hostname_for_slot(self.slot_number)
@@ -155,33 +147,61 @@ class Node < ArvadosModel
-  def self.dns_server_update(hostname, ip_address)
-    return unless @@dns_server_conf_dir and @@dns_server_conf_template
+  def self.dns_server_update hostname, ip_address
+    ok = true
     ptr_domain = ip_address.
-    hostfile = File.join @@dns_server_conf_dir, "#{hostname}.conf"
-    begin
-      template = IO.read(@@dns_server_conf_template)
-    rescue => e
-      STDERR.puts "Unable to read dns_server_conf_template #{@@dns_server_conf_template}: #{e.message}"
-      return
-    end
+    template_vars = {
+      hostname: hostname,
+      uuid_prefix: Rails.configuration.uuid_prefix,
+      ip_address: ip_address,
+      ptr_domain: ptr_domain,
+    }
-    populated = template % {hostname:hostname, uuid_prefix:@@uuid_prefix, ip_address:ip_address, ptr_domain:ptr_domain}
+    if Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir and Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template
+      begin
+        begin
+          template = IO.read(Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template)
+        rescue => e
+          logger.error "Reading #{Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template}: #{e.message}"
+          raise
+        end
-    begin
-      File.open hostfile, 'w' do |f|
-        f.puts populated
+        hostfile = File.join Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir, "#{hostname}.conf"
+        File.open hostfile+'.tmp', 'w' do |f|
+          f.puts template % template_vars
+        end
+        File.rename hostfile+'.tmp', hostfile
+      rescue => e
+        logger.error "Writing #{hostfile}: #{e.message}"
+        ok = false
-    rescue => e
-      STDERR.puts "Unable to write #{hostfile}: #{e.message}"
-      return
-    File.open(File.join(@@dns_server_conf_dir, 'restart.txt'), 'w') do |f|
-      # this will trigger a dns server restart
-      f.puts @@dns_server_reload_command
+    if Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command
+      cmd = Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command % template_vars
+      if not system cmd
+        logger.error "dns_server_update_command #{cmd.inspect} failed: #{$?}"
+        ok = false
+      end
+    if Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir and Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command
+      restartfile = File.join(Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir, 'restart.txt')
+      begin
+        File.open(restartfile, 'w') do |f|
+          # Typically, this is used to trigger a dns server restart
+          f.puts Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command
+        end
+      rescue => e
+        logger.error "Unable to write #{restartfile}: #{e.message}"
+        ok = false
+      end
+    end
+    ok
   def self.hostname_for_slot(slot_number)
@@ -190,10 +210,10 @@ class Node < ArvadosModel
   # At startup, make sure all DNS entries exist.  Otherwise, slurmctld
   # will refuse to start.
-  if @@dns_server_conf_dir and @@dns_server_conf_template
-    (0..@@max_compute_nodes-1).each do |slot_number|
+  if Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir and Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template
+    (0..Rails.configuration.max_compute_nodes-1).each do |slot_number|
       hostname = hostname_for_slot(slot_number)
-      hostfile = File.join @@dns_server_conf_dir, "#{hostname}.conf"
+      hostfile = File.join Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir, "#{hostname}.conf"
       if !File.exists? hostfile
         n = Node.where(:slot_number => slot_number).first
         if n.nil? or n.ip_address.nil?
diff --git a/services/api/config/application.default.yml b/services/api/config/application.default.yml
index d46c397..016f3ea 100644
--- a/services/api/config/application.default.yml
+++ b/services/api/config/application.default.yml
@@ -123,21 +123,32 @@ common:
   # silenced by throttling are not counted against this total.
   crunch_limit_log_bytes_per_job: 67108864
-  # Path to dns server configuration directory (e.g. /etc/unbound.d/conf.d),
-  # or false = do not update dns server data.
+  # Path to dns server configuration directory
+  # (e.g. /etc/unbound.d/conf.d). If false, do not write any config
+  # files or touch restart.txt (see below).
   dns_server_conf_dir: false
-  # Template for the dns server host snippets. See unbound.template in this directory for
-  # an example. Set to false to disable.
+  # Template file for the dns server host snippets. See
+  # unbound.template in this directory for an example. If false, do
+  # not write any config files.
   dns_server_conf_template: false
-  # Dns server reload command, or false = do not reload dns server after data change
+  # String to write to {dns_server_conf_dir}/restart.txt (with a
+  # trailing newline) after updating local data. If false, do not
+  # open or write the restart.txt file.
   dns_server_reload_command: false
-  # Example for unbound
+  # Command to run after each DNS update. Template variables will be
+  # substituted; see the "unbound" example below. If false, do not run
+  # a command.
+  dns_server_update_command: false
+  ## Example for unbound:
   #dns_server_conf_dir: /etc/unbound/conf.d
   #dns_server_conf_template: /path/to/your/api/server/config/unbound.template
+  ## ...plus one of the following two methods of reloading:
   #dns_server_reload_command: /etc/init.d/unbound reload
+  #dns_server_update_command: unbound-control local_data %{hostname} IN A %{ip_address}; unbound-control local_data %{hostname}.%{uuid_prefix} IN A %{ip_address}; unbound-control local_data %{hostname}.%{uuid_prefix}.arvadosapi.com IN A %{ip_address}; unbound-control local_data %{ptr_domain}. IN PTR %{hostname}.%{uuid_prefix}.arvadosapi.com
   compute_node_domain: false
diff --git a/services/api/test/unit/node_test.rb b/services/api/test/unit/node_test.rb
index 37e95db..98e260b 100644
--- a/services/api/test/unit/node_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/unit/node_test.rb
@@ -26,4 +26,53 @@ class NodeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     assert_nil node.slot_number, "fixture is not what I expected"
     assert_equal 'down', node.crunch_worker_state, "wrong worker state"
+  test "dns_server_conf_template" do
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.root.join 'tmp'
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template = Rails.root.join 'config', 'unbound.template'
+    conffile = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'compute65535.conf'
+    File.unlink conffile rescue nil
+    assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+    assert_match /\"1\.0\.0\.127\.in-addr\.arpa\. IN PTR compute65535\.zzzzz\.arvadosapi\.com\"/, IO.read(conffile)
+    File.unlink conffile
+  end
+  test "dns_server_restart_command" do
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.root.join 'tmp'
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'foobar'
+    restartfile = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'restart.txt'
+    File.unlink restartfile rescue nil
+    assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+    assert_equal "foobar\n", IO.read(restartfile)
+    File.unlink restartfile
+  end
+  test "dns_server_restart_command fail" do
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'bogusdir'
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'foobar'
+    refute Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+  end
+  test "dns_server_update_command with valid command" do
+    testfile = Rails.root.join('tmp', 'node_test_dns_server_update_command.txt')
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command =
+      ('echo -n "%{hostname} == %{ip_address}" >' +
+       testfile.to_s.shellescape)
+    assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+    assert_equal 'compute65535 ==', IO.read(testfile)
+    File.unlink testfile
+  end
+  test "dns_server_update_command with failing command" do
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command = 'false %{hostname}'
+    refute Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+  end
+  test "dns update with no commands/dirs configured" do
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command = false
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = false
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template = 'ignored!'
+    Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'ignored!'
+    assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
+  end



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