[ARVADOS-DEV] updated: c18ab4005222f73e5e50684ed1f242d8988baec4

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Aug 12 12:08:43 EDT 2015

Summary of changes:
 jenkins/run-build-packages.sh | 23 ++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

  discards  83c4da9b9c08e82d637931b2845574b60fbaf6a9 (commit)
       via  c18ab4005222f73e5e50684ed1f242d8988baec4 (commit)

This update added new revisions after undoing existing revisions.  That is
to say, the old revision is not a strict subset of the new revision.  This
situation occurs when you --force push a change and generate a repository
containing something like this:

 * -- * -- B -- O -- O -- O (83c4da9b9c08e82d637931b2845574b60fbaf6a9)
             N -- N -- N (c18ab4005222f73e5e50684ed1f242d8988baec4)

When this happens we assume that you've already had alert emails for all
of the O revisions, and so we here report only the revisions in the N
branch from the common base, B.

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit c18ab4005222f73e5e50684ed1f242d8988baec4
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Mon Aug 10 10:41:00 2015 -0400

    6934: Package libpam-arvados using Python recipe. Add sdk/pam to run-tests.

diff --git a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
index 1ceecee..9dcfd1f 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-build-packages.sh
@@ -424,15 +424,16 @@ if [[ "$DEBUG" != 0 ]]; then
+cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/pam"
-cd sdk/python
+cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python"
-cd ../../services/fuse
+cd "$WORKSPACE/services/fuse"
-cd ../../services/nodemanager
+cd "$WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager"
 # Arvados-src
@@ -558,6 +559,11 @@ cd $WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET
 rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python/build"
 fpm_build $WORKSPACE/sdk/python "${PYTHON2_PKG_PREFIX}-arvados-python-client" 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/sdk/python/arvados_python_client.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=The Arvados Python SDK" --deb-recommends=git
+# The PAM module
+cd $WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET
+rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/build"
+fpm_build $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam libpam-arvados 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'python' "$(awk '($1 == "Version:"){print $2}' $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/arvados_pam.egg-info/PKG-INFO)" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--description=PAM module for authenticating shell logins using Arvados API tokens"
 # The FUSE driver
 # Please see comment about --no-python-fix-name above; we stay consistent and do
 # not omit the python- prefix first.
@@ -588,18 +594,6 @@ for deppkg in "${PYTHON3_BACKPORTS[@]}"; do
     fpm_build "$deppkg" "$outname" "" python3
-# libpam-arvados
-cd $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam
-cd $WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET
-if [[ "$FORMAT" == "deb" ]]; then
-  fpm_build $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/debian/shellinabox=/etc/pam.d/shellinabox libpam-arvados 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=Apache License, Version 2.0" "--description=PAM module for Arvados" "--config-files=/etc/default" "-d libpam-python" $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/arvados_pam.py=/usr/bin/arvados_pam.py $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/debian/arvados_pam=/etc/default/arvados_pam
-  # FIXME enable and test once we have the centos pam.d file
-  #fpm_build $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/centos/shellinabox=/etc/pam.d/shellinabox libpam-arvados 'Curoverse, Inc.' 'dir' "$PKG_VERSION" "--url=https://arvados.org" "--license=Apache License, Version 2.0" "--description=PAM module for Arvados" "--config-files=/etc/default" "-d libpam-python" $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/arvados_pam.py=/usr/bin/arvados_pam.py $WORKSPACE/sdk/pam/centos/arvados_pam=/etc/default/arvados_pam
 # Build the API server package
 cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api"
diff --git a/jenkins/run-tests.sh b/jenkins/run-tests.sh
index 7759944..e191b44 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-tests.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-tests.sh
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ services/keepstore
@@ -390,6 +391,10 @@ ln -sfn "$WORKSPACE" "$GOPATH/src/git.curoverse.com/arvados.git" \
 virtualenv --setuptools "$VENVDIR" || fatal "virtualenv $VENVDIR failed"
 . "$VENVDIR/bin/activate"
+if (pip install setuptools | grep setuptools-0) || [ "$($VENVDIR/bin/easy_install --version | cut -d\  -f2 | cut -d. -f1)" -lt 18 ]; then
+    pip install --upgrade setuptools
 # Note: this must be the last time we change PATH, otherwise rvm will
 # whine a lot.
@@ -506,10 +511,10 @@ do_install() {
             # the source dist package to avoid a pip bug.
             # see https://arvados.org/issues/5766 for details.
-            # Also need to install twice, because if it belives the package is
+            # Also need to install twice, because if it believes the package is
             # already installed, pip it won't install it.  So the first "pip
             # install" ensures that the dependencies are met, the second "pip
-            # install" ensures that we've actually install the local package
+            # install" ensures that we've actually installed the local package
             # we just built.
             cd "$WORKSPACE/$1" \
                 && "${3}python" setup.py sdist rotate --keep=1 --match .tar.gz \
@@ -585,6 +590,7 @@ do_install sdk/cli cli
 # keepproxy).
 declare -a pythonstuff
+    sdk/pam



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