[ARVADOS] created: c7092d77cec31b3144bba823ac46dc56993498f4

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Apr 9 17:44:37 EDT 2015

        at  c7092d77cec31b3144bba823ac46dc56993498f4 (commit)

commit c7092d77cec31b3144bba823ac46dc56993498f4
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 9 17:46:20 2015 -0400

    3126: Accept remote http/https/git url as repository attr in jobs.create/save.

diff --git a/services/api/Gemfile b/services/api/Gemfile
index 70f67d5..1ce85d8 100644
--- a/services/api/Gemfile
+++ b/services/api/Gemfile
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ group :test, :development do
   # still mandatory.
   gem 'simplecov', '~> 0.7.1', require: false
   gem 'simplecov-rcov', require: false
+  gem 'mocha', require: false
 # This might not be needed in :test and :development, but we load it
diff --git a/services/api/Gemfile.lock b/services/api/Gemfile.lock
index a6a8326..49775d9 100644
--- a/services/api/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/services/api/Gemfile.lock
@@ -114,7 +114,10 @@ GEM
     mail (2.5.4)
       mime-types (~> 1.16)
       treetop (~> 1.4.8)
+    metaclass (0.0.4)
     mime-types (1.25.1)
+    mocha (1.1.0)
+      metaclass (~> 0.0.1)
     multi_json (1.10.1)
     multipart-post (1.2.0)
     net-scp (1.2.0)
@@ -232,6 +235,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
   google-api-client (~> 0.6.3)
+  mocha
   omniauth (= 1.1.1)
diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb
index ce8a05c..46b5099 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb
@@ -254,18 +254,18 @@ class Arvados::V1::JobsController < ApplicationController
         raise ArgumentError.new("unknown attribute for git filter: #{attr}")
-      version_range = Commit.find_commit_range(current_user,
-                                               filter["repository"],
-                                               filter["min_version"],
-                                               filter["max_version"],
-                                               filter["exclude_versions"])
-      if version_range.nil?
+      revisions = Commit.find_commit_range(current_user,
+                                           filter["repository"],
+                                           filter["min_version"],
+                                           filter["max_version"],
+                                           filter["exclude_versions"])
+      if revisions.empty?
         raise ArgumentError.
           new("error searching #{filter['repository']} from " +
               "'#{filter['min_version']}' to '#{filter['max_version']}', " +
               "excluding #{filter['exclude_versions']}")
-      @filters.append([attr, "in", version_range])
+      @filters.append([attr, "in", revisions])
diff --git a/services/api/app/models/commit.rb b/services/api/app/models/commit.rb
index 0d47b63..0198f06 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/commit.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/commit.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 class Commit < ActiveRecord::Base
-  require 'shellwords'
+  class GitError < StandardError
+    def http_status
+      422
+    end
+  end
   def self.git_check_ref_format(e)
     if !e or e.empty? or e[0] == '-' or e[0] == '$'
@@ -11,6 +15,20 @@ class Commit < ActiveRecord::Base
+  # Return an array of commits (each a 40-char sha1) satisfying the
+  # given criteria.
+  #
+  # Return [] if the revisions given in minimum/maximum are invalid or
+  # don't exist in the given repository.
+  #
+  # Raise ArgumentError if the given repository is invalid, does not
+  # exist, or cannot be read for any reason. (Any transient error that
+  # prevents commit ranges from resolving must raise rather than
+  # returning an empty array.)
+  #
+  # repository can be the name of a locally hosted repository or a git
+  # URL (see git-fetch(1)). Currently http, https, and git schemes are
+  # supported.
   def self.find_commit_range(current_user, repository, minimum, maximum, exclude)
     if minimum and minimum.empty?
       minimum = nil
@@ -18,135 +36,159 @@ class Commit < ActiveRecord::Base
     if minimum and !git_check_ref_format(minimum)
       logger.warn "find_commit_range called with invalid minimum revision: '#{minimum}'"
-      return nil
+      return []
     if maximum and !git_check_ref_format(maximum)
       logger.warn "find_commit_range called with invalid maximum revision: '#{maximum}'"
-      return nil
+      return []
     if !maximum
       maximum = "HEAD"
-    # Get list of actual repository directories under management
-    on_disk_repos = repositories
-    # Get list of repository objects readable by user
-    readable = Repository.readable_by(current_user)
-    # filter repository objects on requested repository name
-    if repository
-      readable = readable.where(name: repository)
-    end
+    gitdir, is_remote = git_dir_for repository
+    fetch_remote_repository gitdir, repository if is_remote
+    ENV['GIT_DIR'] = gitdir
     commits = []
-    readable.each do |r|
-      if on_disk_repos[r.name]
-        ENV['GIT_DIR'] = on_disk_repos[r.name][:git_dir]
-        # We've filtered for invalid characters, so we can pass the contents of
-        # minimum and maximum safely on the command line
+    # Get the commit hash for the upper bound
+    max_hash = nil
+    IO.foreach("|git rev-list --max-count=1 #{maximum.shellescape} --") do |line|
+      max_hash = line.strip
+    end
-        # Get the commit hash for the upper bound
-        max_hash = nil
-        IO.foreach("|git rev-list --max-count=1 #{maximum.shellescape} --") do |line|
-          max_hash = line.strip
-        end
+    # If not found or string is invalid, nothing else to do
+    return [] if !max_hash or !git_check_ref_format(max_hash)
-        # If not found or string is invalid, nothing else to do
-        next if !max_hash or !git_check_ref_format(max_hash)
-        resolved_exclude = nil
-        if exclude
-          resolved_exclude = []
-          exclude.each do |e|
-            if git_check_ref_format(e)
-              IO.foreach("|git rev-list --max-count=1 #{e.shellescape} --") do |line|
-                resolved_exclude.push(line.strip)
-              end
-            else
-              logger.warn "find_commit_range called with invalid exclude invalid characters: '#{exclude}'"
-              return nil
-            end
+    resolved_exclude = nil
+    if exclude
+      resolved_exclude = []
+      exclude.each do |e|
+        if git_check_ref_format(e)
+          IO.foreach("|git rev-list --max-count=1 #{e.shellescape} --") do |line|
+            resolved_exclude.push(line.strip)
+        else
+          logger.warn "find_commit_range called with invalid exclude invalid characters: '#{exclude}'"
+          return []
+      end
+    end
-        if minimum
-          # Get the commit hash for the lower bound
-          min_hash = nil
-          IO.foreach("|git rev-list --max-count=1 #{minimum.shellescape} --") do |line|
-            min_hash = line.strip
-          end
-          # If not found or string is invalid, nothing else to do
-          next if !min_hash or !git_check_ref_format(min_hash)
+    if minimum
+      # Get the commit hash for the lower bound
+      min_hash = nil
+      IO.foreach("|git rev-list --max-count=1 #{minimum.shellescape} --") do |line|
+        min_hash = line.strip
+      end
-          # Now find all commits between them
-          IO.foreach("|git rev-list #{min_hash.shellescape}..#{max_hash.shellescape} --") do |line|
-            hash = line.strip
-            commits.push(hash) if !resolved_exclude or !resolved_exclude.include? hash
-          end
+      # If not found or string is invalid, nothing else to do
+      return [] if !min_hash or !git_check_ref_format(min_hash)
-          commits.push(min_hash) if !resolved_exclude or !resolved_exclude.include? min_hash
-        else
-          commits.push(max_hash) if !resolved_exclude or !resolved_exclude.include? max_hash
-        end
-      else
-        logger.warn "Repository #{r.name} exists in table but not found on disk"
+      # Now find all commits between them
+      IO.foreach("|git rev-list #{min_hash.shellescape}..#{max_hash.shellescape} --") do |line|
+        hash = line.strip
+        commits.push(hash) if !resolved_exclude or !resolved_exclude.include? hash
-    end
-    if !commits or commits.empty?
-      nil
+      commits.push(min_hash) if !resolved_exclude or !resolved_exclude.include? min_hash
-      commits
+      commits.push(max_hash) if !resolved_exclude or !resolved_exclude.include? max_hash
+    commits
-  # Import all commits from configured git directory into the commits
-  # database.
-  def self.import_all
-    repositories.each do |repo_name, repo|
-      stat = { true => 0, false => 0 }
-      ENV['GIT_DIR'] = repo[:git_dir]
-      IO.foreach("|git rev-list --format=oneline --all") do |line|
-        sha1, message = line.strip.split " ", 2
-        imported = false
-        Commit.find_or_create_by_repository_name_and_sha1_and_message(repo_name, sha1, message[0..254]) do
-          imported = true
-        end
-        stat[!!imported] += 1
-        if (stat[true] + stat[false]) % 100 == 0
-          if $stdout.tty? or ARGV[0] == '-v'
-            puts "#{$0} #{$$}: repo #{repo_name} add #{stat[true]} skip #{stat[false]}"
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      if $stdout.tty? or ARGV[0] == '-v'
-        puts "#{$0} #{$$}: repo #{repo_name} add #{stat[true]} skip #{stat[false]}"
-      end
+  # Given a repository (url, or name of hosted repo) and commit sha1,
+  # copy the commit into the internal git repo and tag it with the
+  # given tag (typically a job UUID).
+  #
+  # The repo can be a remote url, but in this case sha1 must already
+  # be present in our local cache for that repo: e.g., sha1 was just
+  # returned by find_commit_range.
+  def self.tag_in_internal_repository repo, sha1, tag
+    unless git_check_ref_format tag
+      raise ArgumentError.new "invalid tag #{tag}"
+    unless /^[0-9a-f]{40}$/ =~ sha1
+      raise ArgumentError.new "invalid sha1 #{sha1}"
+    end
+    src_gitdir, _ = git_dir_for repo
+    dst_gitdir = Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir
+    must_pipe("echo #{sha1.shellescape}",
+              "git --git-dir #{src_gitdir.shellescape} pack-objects --revs --stdout",
+              "git --git-dir #{dst_gitdir.shellescape} unpack-objects")
+    must_git(dst_gitdir,
+             "tag --force #{tag.shellescape} #{sha1.shellescape}")
-  def self.refresh_repositories
-    @repositories = nil
+  protected
+  def self.remote_url? repository
+    /^(https?|git):\/\// =~ repository
-  protected
+  # Return [local_git_dir, is_remote]. If is_remote, caller must use
+  # fetch_remote_repository to ensure content is up-to-date.
+  #
+  # Raises an exception if the latest content could not be fetched for
+  # any reason.
+  def self.git_dir_for repo_name
+    if remote_url? repo_name
+      return [cache_dir_for(repo_name), true]
+    end
+    repos = Repository.readable_by(current_user).where(name: repo_name)
+    if repos.count == 0
+      raise ArgumentError.new "Repository not found: '#{repo_name}'"
+    elsif repos.count > 1
+      logger.error "Multiple repositories with name=='#{repo_name}'!"
+      raise ArgumentError.new "Name conflict"
+    else
+      return [repos.first.server_path, false]
+    end
+  end
+  def self.cache_dir_for git_url
+    Rails.root.join('tmp', 'git', Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(git_url) + ".git").
+      to_s
+  end
- def self.repositories
-   return @repositories if @repositories
+  def self.fetch_remote_repository gitdir, git_url
+    # Caller decides which protocols are worth using. This is just a
+    # safety check to ensure we never use urls like "--flag" or wander
+    # into git's hardlink features by using bare "/path/foo" instead
+    # of "file:///path/foo".
+    unless /^[a-z]+:\/\// =~ git_url
+      raise ArgumentError.new "invalid git url #{git_url}"
+    end
+    FileUtils.mkdir_p gitdir
+    must_git(gitdir,
+             "init",
+             "fetch --no-progress --tags --prune --force --update-head-ok #{git_url.shellescape} 'refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'")
+  end
-   @repositories = {}
-   Repository.find_each do |repo|
-     if git_dir = repo.server_path
-       @repositories[repo.name] = {git_dir: git_dir}
-     end
-   end
+  def self.must_git gitdir, *cmds
+    # Clear token in case a git helper tries to use it as a password.
+    orig_token = ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN']
+    begin
+      git = "git --git-dir #{gitdir.shellescape}"
+      cmds.each do |cmd|
+        must_pipe git+" "+cmd
+      end
+    ensure
+      ENV['ARVADOS_API_TOKEN'] = orig_token
+    end
+  end
-   @repositories
- end
+  def self.must_pipe *cmds
+    cmd = cmds.join(" 2>&1 |") + " 2>&1"
+    out = IO.read("|#{cmd}")
+    if not $?.success?
+      raise GitError.new "#{cmd}: #{$?}: #{out}"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/services/api/app/models/job.rb b/services/api/app/models/job.rb
index 01df069..423d93c 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/job.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/job.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class Job < ArvadosModel
   validate :validate_status
   validate :validate_state_change
   validate :ensure_no_collection_uuids_in_script_params
+  before_save :tag_version_in_internal_repository
   before_save :update_timestamps_when_state_changes
   has_many :commit_ancestors, :foreign_key => :descendant, :primary_key => :script_version
@@ -130,15 +131,34 @@ class Job < ArvadosModel
       # instead of a commit-ish.
       return true
-    if new_record? or script_version_changed?
-      sha1 = Commit.find_commit_range(current_user, self.repository, nil, self.script_version, nil)[0] rescue nil
-      if sha1
-        self.supplied_script_version = self.script_version if self.supplied_script_version.nil? or self.supplied_script_version.empty?
-        self.script_version = sha1
-      else
-        self.errors.add :script_version, "#{self.script_version} does not resolve to a commit"
+    if new_record? or repository_changed? or script_version_changed?
+      sha1 = Commit.find_commit_range(current_user, repository,
+                                      nil, script_version, nil).first
+      if not sha1
+        errors.add :script_version, "#{script_version} does not resolve to a commit"
         return false
+      if supplied_script_version.nil? or supplied_script_version.empty?
+        self.supplied_script_version = script_version
+      end
+      self.script_version = sha1
+    end
+    true
+  end
+  def tag_version_in_internal_repository
+    if self.state == Running
+      # No point now. See ensure_script_version_is_commit.
+      true
+    elsif new_record? or repository_changed? or script_version_changed?
+      uuid_was = uuid
+      begin
+        assign_uuid
+        Commit.tag_in_internal_repository repository, script_version, uuid
+      rescue
+        uuid = uuid_was
+        raise
+      end
@@ -171,7 +191,7 @@ class Job < ArvadosModel
                                :arvados_sdk_version) do |git_search|
       commits = Commit.find_commit_range(current_user, "arvados",
                                          nil, git_search, nil)
-      if commits.nil? or commits.empty?
+      if commits.empty?
         [false, "#{git_search} does not resolve to a commit"]
       elsif not runtime_constraints["docker_image"]
         [false, "cannot be specified without a Docker image constraint"]
diff --git a/services/api/config/application.default.yml b/services/api/config/application.default.yml
index 1696e2c..0d936b7 100644
--- a/services/api/config/application.default.yml
+++ b/services/api/config/application.default.yml
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ test:
   blob_signing_key: zfhgfenhffzltr9dixws36j1yhksjoll2grmku38mi7yxd66h5j4q9w4jzanezacp8s6q0ro3hxakfye02152hncy6zml2ed0uc
   user_profile_notification_address: arvados at example.com
   workbench_address: https://localhost:3001/
+  git_repositories_dir: <%= Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'git', 'test' %>
+  git_internal_dir: <%= Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'internal.git' %>
   # The prefix used for all database identifiers to identify the record as
diff --git a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/commits_controller_test.rb b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/commits_controller_test.rb
index 2b109b6..4af1c6e 100644
--- a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/commits_controller_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/commits_controller_test.rb
@@ -1,102 +1,4 @@
 require 'test_helper'
-require 'helpers/git_test_helper'
-# NOTE: calling Commit.find_commit_range(user, nil, nil, 'rev') will produce
-# an error message "fatal: bad object 'rev'" on stderr if 'rev' does not exist
-# in a given repository.  Many of these tests report such errors; their presence
-# does not represent a fatal condition.
-# TODO(twp): consider better error handling of these messages, or
-# decide to abandon it.
 class Arvados::V1::CommitsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
-  fixtures :repositories, :users
-  # See git_setup.rb for the commit log for test.git.tar
-  include GitTestHelper
-  test "test_find_commit_range" do
-    authorize_with :active
-  # single
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', nil)
-    assert_equal ['31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
-  #test "test_branch1" do
-    # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, nil, 'master', nil)
-    assert_includes(a, 'f35f99b7d32bac257f5989df02b9f12ee1a9b0d6')
-    assert_includes(a, '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57')
-  #test "test_branch2" do
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, 'b1', nil)
-    assert_equal ['1de84a854e2b440dc53bf42f8548afa4c17da332'], a
-  #test "test_branch3" do
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, 'HEAD', nil)
-    assert_equal ['1de84a854e2b440dc53bf42f8548afa4c17da332'], a
-  #test "test_single_revision_repo" do
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), "active/foo", nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', nil)
-    assert_equal ['31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), "arvados", nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', nil)
-    assert_equal nil, a
-  #test "test_multi_revision" do
-    # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', nil)
-    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
-  #test "test_tag" do
-    # complains "fatal: ambiguous argument 'tag1': unknown revision or path
-    # not in the working tree."
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, 'tag1', 'master', nil)
-    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577'], a
-  #test "test_multi_revision_exclude" do
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', ['4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577'])
-    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
-  #test "test_multi_revision_tagged_exclude" do
-    # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
-    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', ['tag1'])
-    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
-    Dir.mktmpdir do |touchdir|
-      # invalid input to maximum
-      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, nil, "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556 ; touch #{touchdir}/uh_oh", nil)
-      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'maximum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
-      assert_equal nil, a
-      # invalid input to maximum
-      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, nil, "$(uname>#{touchdir}/uh_oh)", nil)
-      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'maximum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
-      assert_equal nil, a
-      # invalid input to minimum
-      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556 ; touch #{touchdir}/uh_oh", "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", nil)
-      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'minimum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
-      assert_equal nil, a
-      # invalid input to minimum
-      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, "$(uname>#{touchdir}/uh_oh)", "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", nil)
-      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'minimum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
-      assert_equal nil, a
-      # invalid input to 'excludes'
-      # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
-      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", "077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57", ["4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577 ; touch #{touchdir}/uh_oh"])
-      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'excludes' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
-      assert_equal nil, a
-      # invalid input to 'excludes'
-      # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
-      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), nil, "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", "077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57", ["$(uname>#{touchdir}/uh_oh)"])
-      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'excludes' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
-      assert_equal nil, a
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/jobs_controller_test.rb b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/jobs_controller_test.rb
index b8b061f..1e1425e 100644
--- a/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/jobs_controller_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/functional/arvados/v1/jobs_controller_test.rb
@@ -392,4 +392,45 @@ class Arvados::V1::JobsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
     post :lock, {id: jobs(:running).uuid}
     assert_response 403 # forbidden
+  test 'reject invalid commit in remote repository' do
+    authorize_with :active
+    url = "http://localhost:1/fake/fake.git"
+    fetch_remote_from_local_repo url, :foo
+    post :create, job: {
+      script: "hash",
+      script_version: "abc123",
+      repository: url,
+      script_parameters: {}
+    }
+    assert_response 422
+  end
+  test 'tag remote commit in internal repository' do
+    authorize_with :active
+    url = "http://localhost:1/fake/fake.git"
+    fetch_remote_from_local_repo url, :foo
+    post :create, job: {
+      script: "hash",
+      script_version: "master",
+      repository: url,
+      script_parameters: {}
+    }
+    assert_response :success
+    assert_equal('077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57',
+                 internal_tag(json_response['uuid']))
+  end
+  test 'tag local commit in internal repository' do
+    authorize_with :active
+    post :create, job: {
+      script: "hash",
+      script_version: "master",
+      repository: "active/foo",
+      script_parameters: {}
+    }
+    assert_response :success
+    assert_equal('077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57',
+                 internal_tag(json_response['uuid']))
+  end
diff --git a/services/api/test/helpers/git_test_helper.rb b/services/api/test/helpers/git_test_helper.rb
index 67e99c1..b4ac46d 100644
--- a/services/api/test/helpers/git_test_helper.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/helpers/git_test_helper.rb
@@ -17,12 +17,37 @@ module GitTestHelper
       @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir()
       system("tar", "-xC", @tmpdir, "-f", "test/test.git.tar")
       Rails.configuration.git_repositories_dir = "#{@tmpdir}/test"
-      Commit.refresh_repositories
+      intdir = Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir
+      if not File.exist? intdir
+        FileUtils.mkdir_p intdir
+        IO.read("|git --git-dir #{intdir.to_s.shellescape} init")
+        assert $?.success?
+      end
     base.teardown do
       FileUtils.remove_entry @tmpdir, true
-      Commit.refresh_repositories
+    end
+  end
+  def internal_tag tag
+    IO.read "|git --git-dir #{Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir.shellescape} log --format=format:%H -n1 #{tag.shellescape}"
+  end
+  # Intercept fetch_remote_repository and fetch from a specified url
+  # or local fixture instead of the remote url requested. fakeurl can
+  # be a url (probably starting with file:///) or the name of a
+  # fixture (as a symbol)
+  def fetch_remote_from_local_repo url, fakeurl
+    if fakeurl.is_a? Symbol
+      fakeurl = 'file://' + repositories(fakeurl).server_path
+    end
+    Commit.expects(:fetch_remote_repository).once.with do |gitdir, giturl|
+      if giturl == url
+        Commit.unstub(:fetch_remote_repository)
+        Commit.fetch_remote_repository gitdir, fakeurl
+        true
+      end
diff --git a/services/api/test/test_helper.rb b/services/api/test/test_helper.rb
index bf5afea..68d4bbf 100644
--- a/services/api/test/test_helper.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ end
 require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
 require 'rails/test_help'
+require 'mocha/mini_test'
 module ArvadosTestSupport
   def json_response
diff --git a/services/api/test/unit/commit_test.rb b/services/api/test/unit/commit_test.rb
index 2424af3..7e348bd 100644
--- a/services/api/test/unit/commit_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/unit/commit_test.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,156 @@
 require 'test_helper'
+require 'helpers/git_test_helper'
+# NOTE: calling Commit.find_commit_range(user, nil, nil, 'rev')
+# produces an error message "fatal: bad object 'rev'" on stderr if
+# 'rev' does not exist in a given repository.  Many of these tests
+# report such errors; their presence does not represent a fatal
+# condition.
 class CommitTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-  # test "the truth" do
-  #   assert true
-  # end
+  # See git_setup.rb for the commit log for test.git.tar
+  include GitTestHelper
+  test 'find_commit_range does not bypass permissions' do
+    assert_raises ArgumentError do
+      c = Commit.find_commit_range users(:inactive), 'foo', nil, 'master', []
+    end
+  end
+  [
+   'https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git',
+   'http://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git',
+   'git://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git',
+  ].each do |url|
+    test "find_commit_range uses fetch_remote_repository to get #{url}" do
+      fake_gitdir = repositories(:foo).server_path
+      Commit.expects(:fetch_remote_repository).
+        once.with(Commit.cache_dir_for(url), url).returns fake_gitdir
+      c = Commit.find_commit_range users(:active), url, nil, 'master', []
+      refute_empty c
+    end
+  end
+  [
+   'bogus/repo',
+   '/bogus/repo',
+   '/not/allowed/.git',
+   'file:///not/allowed.git',
+   'git.curoverse.com/arvados.git',
+   'github.com/curoverse/arvados.git',
+  ].each do |url|
+    test "find_commit_range skips fetch_remote_repository for #{url}" do
+      Commit.expects(:fetch_remote_repository).never
+      assert_raises ArgumentError do
+        Commit.find_commit_range users(:active), url, nil, 'master', []
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  test 'fetch_remote_repository does not leak commits across repositories' do
+    url = "http://localhost:1/fake/fake.git"
+    fetch_remote_from_local_repo url, :foo
+    c = Commit.find_commit_range users(:active), url, nil, 'master', []
+    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57'], c
+    url = "http://localhost:2/fake/fake.git"
+    fetch_remote_from_local_repo url, 'file://' + File.expand_path('../../.git', Rails.root)
+    c = Commit.find_commit_range users(:active), url, nil, '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', []
+    assert_equal [], c
+  end
+  test 'fetch_remote_repository finds versions' do
+    skip 'not written yet'
+  end
+  test 'tag_in_internal_repository creates and updates tags in internal.git' do
+    authorize_with :active
+    gitint = "git --git-dir #{Rails.configuration.git_internal_dir}"
+    IO.read("|#{gitint} tag -d testtag 2>/dev/null") # "no such tag", fine
+    assert_match /^fatal: /, IO.read("|#{gitint} show testtag 2>&1")
+    refute $?.success?
+    Commit.tag_in_internal_repository 'active/foo', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', 'testtag'
+    assert_match /^commit 31ce37f/, IO.read("|#{gitint} show testtag")
+    assert $?.success?
+  end
+  test "find_commit_range laundry list" do
+    authorize_with :active
+    # single
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', nil)
+    assert_equal ['31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
+    #test "test_branch1" do
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, 'master', nil)
+    assert_includes(a, '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57')
+    #test "test_branch2" do
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, 'b1', nil)
+    assert_equal ['1de84a854e2b440dc53bf42f8548afa4c17da332'], a
+    #test "test_branch3" do
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, 'HEAD', nil)
+    assert_equal ['1de84a854e2b440dc53bf42f8548afa4c17da332'], a
+    #test "test_single_revision_repo" do
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', nil)
+    assert_equal ['31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'arvados', nil, '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', nil)
+    assert_equal [], a
+    #test "test_multi_revision" do
+    # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', nil)
+    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
+    #test "test_tag" do
+    # complains "fatal: ambiguous argument 'tag1': unknown revision or path
+    # not in the working tree."
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', 'tag1', 'master', nil)
+    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577'], a
+    #test "test_multi_revision_exclude" do
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', ['4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577'])
+    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
+    #test "test_multi_revision_tagged_exclude" do
+    # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
+    a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556', '077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', ['tag1'])
+    assert_equal ['077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57', '31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556'], a
+    Dir.mktmpdir do |touchdir|
+      # invalid input to maximum
+      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556 ; touch #{touchdir}/uh_oh", nil)
+      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'maximum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
+      assert_equal [], a
+      # invalid input to maximum
+      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', nil, "$(uname>#{touchdir}/uh_oh)", nil)
+      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'maximum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
+      assert_equal [], a
+      # invalid input to minimum
+      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556 ; touch #{touchdir}/uh_oh", "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", nil)
+      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'minimum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
+      assert_equal [], a
+      # invalid input to minimum
+      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', "$(uname>#{touchdir}/uh_oh)", "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", nil)
+      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'minimum' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
+      assert_equal [], a
+      # invalid input to 'excludes'
+      # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
+      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", "077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57", ["4fe459abe02d9b365932b8f5dc419439ab4e2577 ; touch #{touchdir}/uh_oh"])
+      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'excludes' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
+      assert_equal [], a
+      # invalid input to 'excludes'
+      # complains "fatal: bad object 077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57"
+      a = Commit.find_commit_range(users(:active), 'active/foo', "31ce37fe365b3dc204300a3e4c396ad333ed0556", "077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57", ["$(uname>#{touchdir}/uh_oh)"])
+      assert !File.exists?("#{touchdir}/uh_oh"), "#{touchdir}/uh_oh should not exist, 'excludes' parameter of find_commit_range is exploitable"
+      assert_equal [], a
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/services/api/test/unit/job_test.rb b/services/api/test/unit/job_test.rb
index 1c8573e..3cffbb9 100644
--- a/services/api/test/unit/job_test.rb
+++ b/services/api/test/unit/job_test.rb
@@ -400,4 +400,15 @@ class JobTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     job = Job.create!(job_attrs(good_params))
     assert job.valid?
+  test 'update job uuid tag in internal.git when version changes' do
+    authorize_with :active
+    j = jobs :queued
+    j.update_attributes repository: 'active/foo', script_version: 'b1'
+    assert_equal('1de84a854e2b440dc53bf42f8548afa4c17da332',
+                 internal_tag(j.uuid))
+    j.update_attributes repository: 'active/foo', script_version: 'master'
+    assert_equal('077ba2ad3ea24a929091a9e6ce545c93199b8e57',
+                 internal_tag(j.uuid))
+  end



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