[ARVADOS] updated: 6b4405e36bb59ebd4714690eeb8518c4a2fa019b

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Sep 4 10:59:06 EDT 2014

Summary of changes:
 sdk/python/arvados/collection.py       |   2 +-
 services/fuse/arvados_fuse/__init__.py | 172 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
 services/fuse/bin/arv-mount            |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

       via  6b4405e36bb59ebd4714690eeb8518c4a2fa019b (commit)
       via  0abff82784887a0d8d8f6f4b67972296a2aa7728 (commit)
      from  b366f855557333cd99fce42ab56af1c66388b18e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 6b4405e36bb59ebd4714690eeb8518c4a2fa019b
Author: Peter Amstutz <peter.amstutz at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 4 10:59:03 2014 -0400

    3644: Add threadsafe arvados api access.  arv-mount now releases llfuse global
    lock when performing network requests.

diff --git a/services/fuse/arvados_fuse/__init__.py b/services/fuse/arvados_fuse/__init__.py
index 6d55b34..adf6186 100644
--- a/services/fuse/arvados_fuse/__init__.py
+++ b/services/fuse/arvados_fuse/__init__.py
@@ -18,13 +18,45 @@ import json
 import logging
 import time
 import calendar
+import threading
 _logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.arvados_fuse')
+class SafeApi(object):
+    '''Threadsafe wrapper for API object.  This stores and returns a different api
+    object per thread, because httplib2 which underlies apiclient is not
+    threadsafe.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, config):
+        self.host = config.get('ARVADOS_API_HOST')
+        self.token = config.get('ARVADOS_API_TOKEN')
+        self.insecure = config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE')
+        self.local = threading.local()
+    def localapi(self):
+        if 'api' not in self.local.__dict__:
+            self.local.api = arvados.api('v1', False, self.host, self.token, self.insecure)
+        return self.local.api
+    def collections(self):
+        return self.localapi().collections()
+    def links(self):
+        return self.localapi().links()
+    def groups(self):
+        return self.localapi().groups()
+    def users(self):
+        return self.localapi().users()
 def convertTime(t):
+    '''Parse Arvados timestamp to unix time.'''
     return calendar.timegm(time.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
 def sanitize_filename(dirty):
+    '''Remove troublesome characters from filenames.'''
     # http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames.html
     if dirty is None:
         return None
@@ -259,10 +291,12 @@ class CollectionDirectory(Directory):
             if self.collection_object is not None and re.match(r'^[a-f0-9]{32}', self.collection_locator):
                 return True
-            #with llfuse.lock_released:
-            new_collection_object = self.api.collections().get(uuid=self.collection_locator).execute()
-            if "portable_data_hash" not in new_collection_object:
-                new_collection_object["portable_data_hash"] = new_collection_object["uuid"]
+            with llfuse.lock_released:
+                new_collection_object = self.api.collections().get(uuid=self.collection_locator).execute()
+                if "portable_data_hash" not in new_collection_object:
+                    new_collection_object["portable_data_hash"] = new_collection_object["uuid"]
+            # end with llfuse.lock_released, re-acquire lock
             if self.collection_object is None or self.collection_object["portable_data_hash"] != new_collection_object["portable_data_hash"]:
                 self.collection_object = new_collection_object
@@ -290,19 +324,30 @@ class CollectionDirectory(Directory):
                         cwd._entries[sanitize_filename(k)] = self.inodes.add_entry(StreamReaderFile(cwd.inode, v, self.ctime(), self.mtime()))
             return True
+        except apiclient.errors.HttpError as e:
+            import pprint
+            pprint.pprint(self.resp.status)
+            if self.resp.status == 404:
+                _logger.warn("arv-mount %s: not found", self.collection_locator)
+            else:
+                _logger.error("arv-mount %s: error", self.collection_locator)
+                _logger.exception(detail)
+            return False                
         except Exception as detail:
             _logger.error("arv-mount %s: error", self.collection_locator)
-            _logger.exception(detail)
+            if "manifest_text" in self.collection_object:
+                _logger.error("arv-mount manifest_text is: %s", self.collection_object["manifest_text"])
+            _logger.exception(detail)                
             return False
     def __getitem__(self, item):
-        if item == '.manifest_text':
+        if item == '.arvados#collection.manifest_text':
             if self.manifest_text_file is None:
                 self.manifest_text_file = StringFile(self.inode, self.collection_object["manifest_text"], self.ctime(), self.mtime())
             return self.manifest_text_file
-        elif item == '.portable_data_hash':
+        elif item == '.arvados#collection.portable_data_hash':
             if self.pdh_file is None:
                 self.pdh_file = StringFile(self.inode, self.collection_object["portable_data_hash"], self.ctime(), self.mtime())
@@ -311,7 +356,7 @@ class CollectionDirectory(Directory):
             return super(CollectionDirectory, self).__getitem__(item)
     def __contains__(self, k):
-        if k in ('.manifest_text', '.portable_data_hash'):
+        if k in ('.arvados#collection.manifest_text', '.arvados#collection.portable_data_hash'):
             return True
             return super(CollectionDirectory, self).__contains__(k)
@@ -387,7 +432,8 @@ class TagsDirectory(RecursiveInvalidateDirectory):
         self._poll_time = poll_time
     def update(self):
-        tags = self.api.links().list(filters=[['link_class', '=', 'tag']], select=['name'], distinct = True).execute()
+        with llfuse.lock_released:
+            tags = self.api.links().list(filters=[['link_class', '=', 'tag']], select=['name'], distinct = True).execute()
         if "items" in tags:
                        lambda i: i['name'] if 'name' in i else i['uuid'],
@@ -408,10 +454,11 @@ class TagDirectory(Directory):
         self._poll_time = poll_time
     def update(self):
-        taggedcollections = self.api.links().list(filters=[['link_class', '=', 'tag'],
-                                               ['name', '=', self.tag],
-                                               ['head_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#collection']],
-                                      select=['head_uuid']).execute()
+        with llfuse.lock_released:
+            taggedcollections = self.api.links().list(filters=[['link_class', '=', 'tag'],
+                                                   ['name', '=', self.tag],
+                                                   ['head_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#collection']],
+                                          select=['head_uuid']).execute()
                    lambda i: i['head_uuid'],
                    lambda a, i: a.collection_locator == i['head_uuid'],
@@ -468,17 +515,17 @@ class ProjectDirectory(RecursiveInvalidateDirectory):
                 return a.uuid == i['uuid'] and not a.stale()
             return False
-        #with llfuse.lock_released:
-        if re.match(r'[a-z0-9]{5}-j7d0g-[a-z0-9]{15}', self.uuid):
-            self.project_object = self.api.groups().get(uuid=self.uuid).execute()
-        elif re.match(r'[a-z0-9]{5}-tpzed-[a-z0-9]{15}', self.uuid):
-            self.project_object = self.api.users().get(uuid=self.uuid).execute()
+        with llfuse.lock_released:
+            if re.match(r'[a-z0-9]{5}-j7d0g-[a-z0-9]{15}', self.uuid):
+                self.project_object = self.api.groups().get(uuid=self.uuid).execute()
+            elif re.match(r'[a-z0-9]{5}-tpzed-[a-z0-9]{15}', self.uuid):
+                self.project_object = self.api.users().get(uuid=self.uuid).execute()
-        contents = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().contents, uuid=self.uuid)
-        # Name links will be obsolete soon, take this out when there are no more pre-#3036 in use.
-        contents += arvados.util.list_all(self.api.links().list, filters=[['tail_uuid', '=', self.uuid], ['link_class', '=', 'name']])
-        #print contents
+            contents = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().contents, uuid=self.uuid)
+            # Name links will be obsolete soon, take this out when there are no more pre-#3036 in use.
+            contents += arvados.util.list_all(self.api.links().list, filters=[['tail_uuid', '=', self.uuid], ['link_class', '=', 'name']])
+        # end with llfuse.lock_released, re-acquire lock
@@ -509,44 +556,45 @@ class SharedDirectory(RecursiveInvalidateDirectory):
         self._poll_time = poll_time
     def update(self):
-        #with llfuse.lock_released:
-        all_projects = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().list, filters=[['group_class','=','project']])
-        objects = {}
-        for ob in all_projects:
-            objects[ob['uuid']] = ob
-        roots = []
-        root_owners = {}
-        for ob in all_projects:
-            if ob['owner_uuid'] != self.current_user['uuid'] and ob['owner_uuid'] not in objects:
-                roots.append(ob)
-                root_owners[ob['owner_uuid']] = True
-        #with llfuse.lock_released:
-        lusers = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.users().list, filters=[['uuid','in', list(root_owners)]])
-        lgroups = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().list, filters=[['uuid','in', list(root_owners)]])
-        users = {}
-        groups = {}
-        for l in lusers:
-            objects[l["uuid"]] = l
-        for l in lgroups:
-            objects[l["uuid"]] = l
-        contents = {}
-        for r in root_owners:
-            if r in objects:
-                obr = objects[r]
-                if "name" in obr:
-                    contents[obr["name"]] = obr
-                if "first_name" in obr:
-                    contents[u"{} {}".format(obr["first_name"], obr["last_name"])] = obr
-        for r in roots:
-            if r['owner_uuid'] not in objects:
-                contents[r['name']] = r
+        with llfuse.lock_released:
+            all_projects = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().list, filters=[['group_class','=','project']])
+            objects = {}
+            for ob in all_projects:
+                objects[ob['uuid']] = ob
+            roots = []
+            root_owners = {}
+            for ob in all_projects:
+                if ob['owner_uuid'] != self.current_user['uuid'] and ob['owner_uuid'] not in objects:
+                    roots.append(ob)
+                    root_owners[ob['owner_uuid']] = True
+            lusers = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.users().list, filters=[['uuid','in', list(root_owners)]])
+            lgroups = arvados.util.list_all(self.api.groups().list, filters=[['uuid','in', list(root_owners)]])
+            users = {}
+            groups = {}
+            for l in lusers:
+                objects[l["uuid"]] = l
+            for l in lgroups:
+                objects[l["uuid"]] = l
+            contents = {}
+            for r in root_owners:
+                if r in objects:
+                    obr = objects[r]
+                    if "name" in obr:
+                        contents[obr["name"]] = obr
+                    if "first_name" in obr:
+                        contents[u"{} {}".format(obr["first_name"], obr["last_name"])] = obr
+            for r in roots:
+                if r['owner_uuid'] not in objects:
+                    contents[r['name']] = r
+        # end with llfuse.lock_released, re-acquire lock
                        lambda i: i[0],
@@ -605,7 +653,7 @@ class Operations(llfuse.Operations):
     llfuse has its own global lock which is acquired before calling a request handler,
     so request handlers do not run concurrently unless the lock is explicitly released
-    with llfuse.lock_released.'''
+    using "with llfuse.lock_released:"'''
     def __init__(self, uid, gid):
         super(Operations, self).__init__()
diff --git a/services/fuse/bin/arv-mount b/services/fuse/bin/arv-mount
index 89acdd6..8fbb45e 100755
--- a/services/fuse/bin/arv-mount
+++ b/services/fuse/bin/arv-mount
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ with "--".
         # Create the request handler
         operations = Operations(os.getuid(), os.getgid())
-        api = arvados.api('v1')
+        api = SafeApi(arvados.config)
         usr = api.users().current().execute()
         if args.by_hash:

commit 0abff82784887a0d8d8f6f4b67972296a2aa7728
Author: Peter Amstutz <peter.amstutz at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 4 10:51:04 2014 -0400

    3644: Tweak CollectionReader manifest text regular expression to use multiline

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py b/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py
index a86a1f5..a06a17f 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/collection.py
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class CollectionReader(object):
         elif re.match(r'[a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{5}-[a-z0-9]{15}$', manifest_locator_or_text):
             self._manifest_locator = manifest_locator_or_text
             self._manifest_text = None
-        elif re.match(r'(\S+)( [a-f0-9]{32}(\+\d+)(\+\S+)*)+( \d+:\d+:\S+)+\n', manifest_locator_or_text):
+        elif re.match(r'((\S+)( [a-f0-9]{32}(\+\d+)(\+\S+)*)+( \d+:\d+:\S+)+$)+', manifest_locator_or_text, re.MULTILINE):
             self._manifest_text = manifest_locator_or_text
             self._manifest_locator = None



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