[ARVADOS] updated: b3f3c28f67519f23a4b734b2a75eaf4f32c0049f

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Mon Oct 6 19:54:55 EDT 2014

Summary of changes:
 .../controllers/pipeline_instances_controller.rb   |   2 +-
 .../test/integration/pipeline_instances_test.rb    |  52 +--
 apps/workbench/test/integration/users_test.rb      |   7 +-
 sdk/cli/bin/crunch-job                             | 382 ++++++++++++---------
 services/keepproxy/keepproxy.go                    |  25 +-
 services/keepproxy/keepproxy_test.go               |  31 +-
 6 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)

       via  b3f3c28f67519f23a4b734b2a75eaf4f32c0049f (commit)
       via  7a4fc415ac5f4032c30ee7469b6a9eb02135e008 (commit)
       via  792b42b0f28f1b2595be071d0683c4872af0a6db (commit)
       via  a151775ef143f280f7ea2a3729b0b33c7b1b5944 (commit)
       via  38cc5c0a51657c6b60f3d3f32c566845988dfb6b (commit)
       via  6343835f8579a129cfd8cfbaa52836a7cd9a8329 (commit)
       via  81f6ebc139c29723b62fc0f5e6d0588dfb85897b (commit)
       via  d9166dfa6e46321e654f13fac59e8d10362ad169 (commit)
       via  aa07ac47cff1ae6428b1a7b7a993f2530afab5a3 (commit)
       via  5c1dafae8f4bb4aefac935337537c5e104e61278 (commit)
       via  dd2a958d4731695144bb7add675fa14bf590d72a (commit)
       via  5c1f03ef1ae45d3ac222542d33b3125ce8678d65 (commit)
       via  e5c3609b5ef99cde98e277881fc5b1c53d33df45 (commit)
       via  a8bc91af9fa285665c1e2304bff956bf12a56ec2 (commit)
       via  e8376cfb9deac7a50651061e2be99a4bc0c46338 (commit)
       via  c1a82be63ffc3b8aa853025672d486758ffc86e6 (commit)
       via  256ceb11e3b67dbe68b955ed09ac0df9f6cda2ba (commit)
       via  2198f66d230634ab4e7e511e176bfbc4af632f0a (commit)
       via  7d9cfb6e0716239f996bae054bc9345a663e0b7e (commit)
       via  75be7487c2bbd83aa5116aa5f8ade5ddf31501da (commit)
      from  4578ee9a75a326eea77d0f2e84737ebcfda3fdcc (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit b3f3c28f67519f23a4b734b2a75eaf4f32c0049f
Merge: 7a4fc41 792b42b
Author: radhika <radhika at curoverse.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 6 19:54:15 2014 -0400

    Merge branch 'master' into 3990-owner-when-rerunning-pipeline

commit 7a4fc415ac5f4032c30ee7469b6a9eb02135e008
Author: radhika <radhika at curoverse.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 6 19:50:19 2014 -0400

    3990: refactor pipeline instances integration test to reuse logic that creates and runs a pipeline.

diff --git a/apps/workbench/app/controllers/pipeline_instances_controller.rb b/apps/workbench/app/controllers/pipeline_instances_controller.rb
index ce3befa..a618d43 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/app/controllers/pipeline_instances_controller.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/app/controllers/pipeline_instances_controller.rb
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class PipelineInstancesController < ApplicationController
     @object.state = 'New'
-    # set owner_uuid to that of source, provided it is wriable by current user
+    # set owner_uuid to that of source, provided it is a project and wriable by current user
     current_project = Group.find(source.owner_uuid) rescue nil
     if (current_project && current_project.writable_by.andand.include?(current_user.uuid))
       @object.owner_uuid = source.owner_uuid
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration/pipeline_instances_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration/pipeline_instances_test.rb
index 3e8663d..386d6b0 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/integration/pipeline_instances_test.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration/pipeline_instances_test.rb
@@ -113,43 +113,17 @@ class PipelineInstancesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
-    # create a pipeline instance
-    find('.btn', text: 'Run a pipeline').click
-    within('.modal-dialog') do
-      find('.selectable', text: 'Two Part Pipeline Template').click
-      find('.btn', text: 'Next: choose inputs').click
-    end
-    assert find('p', text: 'Provide a value')
-    find('div.form-group', text: 'Foo/bar pair').
-      find('.btn', text: 'Choose').
-      click
-    within('.modal-dialog') do
-      assert_selector 'button.dropdown-toggle', text: 'A Project'
-      wait_for_ajax
-      first('span', text: 'foo_tag').click
-      find('button', text: 'OK').click
-    end
-    wait_for_ajax
-    # "Run" button present and enabled
-    page.assert_no_selector 'a.disabled,button.disabled', text: 'Run'
-    first('a,button', text: 'Run').click
-    # Pipeline is running. We have a "Pause" button instead now.
-    page.assert_no_selector 'a,button', text: 'Run'
-    page.assert_selector 'a,button', text: 'Pause'
-    # Since it is test env, no jobs are created to run. So, graph not visible
-    assert_not page.has_text? 'Graph'
+    create_and_run_pipeline_in_aproject false
   # Create a pipeline instance from within a project and run
   test 'Run a pipeline from dashboard' do
     visit page_with_token('active_trustedclient')
+    create_and_run_pipeline_in_aproject true
+  end
+  # Create and run a pipeline for 'Two Part Pipeline Template' in 'A Project'
+  def create_and_run_pipeline_in_aproject choose_project
     # create a pipeline instance
     find('.btn', text: 'Run a pipeline').click
     within('.modal-dialog') do
@@ -164,11 +138,16 @@ class PipelineInstancesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
     within('.modal-dialog') do
-      assert_selector 'button.dropdown-toggle', text: 'Home'
-      wait_for_ajax
-      click_button "Home"
-      click_link "A Project"
-      wait_for_ajax
+      if choose_project
+        assert_selector 'button.dropdown-toggle', text: 'Home'
+        wait_for_ajax
+        click_button "Home"
+        click_link "A Project"
+        wait_for_ajax
+      else
+        assert_selector 'button.dropdown-toggle', text: 'A Project'
+        wait_for_ajax
+      end
       first('span', text: 'foo_tag').click
       find('button', text: 'OK').click
@@ -186,7 +165,6 @@ class PipelineInstancesTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
     assert_not page.has_text? 'Graph'
   test 'view pipeline with job and see graph' do
     visit page_with_token('active_trustedclient')



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