[ARVADOS-DEV] created: ed9e8d8616e919f81703134a7d5cbac62f151877

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Nov 20 17:05:05 EST 2014

        at  ed9e8d8616e919f81703134a7d5cbac62f151877 (commit)

commit ed9e8d8616e919f81703134a7d5cbac62f151877
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 20 16:55:41 2014 -0500

    4400: Dry up test recipes for python bits. Tweak "extra test args for suite X" feature.

diff --git a/jenkins/run-tests.sh b/jenkins/run-tests.sh
index 40a6daa..816fe83 100755
--- a/jenkins/run-tests.sh
+++ b/jenkins/run-tests.sh
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ CONFIGSRC=path Dir with api server config files to copy into source tree.
                (If none given, leave config files alone in source tree.)
                Restrict apiserver tests to the given file
-python_sdk_test="--test-suite test.test_keep_locator"
+sdk/python_test="--test-suite test.test_keep_locator"
                Restrict Python SDK tests to the given class
                Restrict Workbench tests to the given file
@@ -59,12 +59,6 @@ GEMHOME=
@@ -118,6 +112,7 @@ report_outcomes() {
 declare -a failures
 declare -A skip
+declare -A testargs
 # Always skip CLI tests. They don't know how to use run_test_server.py.
@@ -146,6 +141,11 @@ do
+        *_test=*)
+            suite="${arg%%_test=*}"
+            args="${arg#*=}"
+            testargs["$suite"]="$args"
+            ;;
             eval export $(echo $arg | cut -d= -f1)=\"$(echo $arg | cut -d= -f2-)\"
@@ -212,6 +212,18 @@ do_test() {
         if [[ "$2" == "go" ]]
             go test "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$1"
+        elif [[ "$2" == "pip" ]]
+        then
+           # Other test suites can depend on tests_require
+           # dependencies of this package. For example, keepproxy runs
+           # run_test_server.py, which depends on the yaml package,
+           # which is in sdk/python's tests_require but not
+           # install_requires, and therefore does not get installed by
+           # setuptools until we run "setup.py test" *and* install the
+           # .egg files that setup.py downloads.
+           cd "$WORKSPACE/$1" \
+                && HOME="$GEMHOME" python setup.py test ${testargs[$1]} \
+                && easy_install *.egg
@@ -230,6 +242,11 @@ do_install() {
         if [[ "$2" == "go" ]]
             go get -t "git.curoverse.com/arvados.git/$1"
+        elif [[ "$2" == "pip" ]]
+        then
+            cd "$WORKSPACE/$1" \
+                && python setup.py sdist rotate --keep=1 --match .tar.gz \
+                && pip install --upgrade dist/*.tar.gz
@@ -271,25 +288,21 @@ install_cli() {
 do_install cli
-install_python_sdk() {
-    # Install the Python SDK early. Various other test suites (like
-    # keepproxy) bring up run_test_server.py, which imports the arvados
-    # module. We can't actually *test* the Python SDK yet though, because
-    # its own test suite brings up some of those other programs (like
-    # keepproxy).
-    cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" \
-        && python setup.py sdist rotate --keep=1 --match .tar.gz \
-        && pip install dist/arvados-python-client-0.1.*.tar.gz
-do_install python_sdk
-install_fuse() {
-    cd "$WORKSPACE/services/fuse" \
-        && python setup.py sdist rotate --keep=1 --match .tar.gz \
-        && pip install dist/arvados_fuse-0.1.*.tar.gz
-do_install fuse
+# Install the Python SDK early. Various other test suites (like
+# keepproxy) bring up run_test_server.py, which imports the arvados
+# module. We can't actually *test* the Python SDK yet though, because
+# its own test suite brings up some of those other programs (like
+# keepproxy).
+declare -a pythonstuff
+    sdk/python
+    services/fuse
+    services/nodemanager
+    )
+for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"
+    do_install "$p" pip
 install_apiserver() {
     cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api"
@@ -362,7 +375,7 @@ do_test doclinkchecker
 test_ruby_sdk() {
     cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/ruby" \
         && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle install --no-deployment \
-        && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test
+        && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test ${testargs[sdk/ruby]}
 do_test ruby_sdk
@@ -371,45 +384,22 @@ test_cli() {
     cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cli" \
         && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle install --no-deployment \
         && mkdir -p /tmp/keep \
-        && KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test $cli_test
+        && KEEP_LOCAL_STORE=/tmp/keep HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test ${testargs[sdk/cli]}
 do_test cli
 test_apiserver() {
     cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api"
-    HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test $apiserver_test
+    HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test $testargs[apiserver]
 do_test apiserver
-test_python_sdk() {
-    # Python SDK. We test this before testing keepproxy: keepproxy runs
-    # run_test_server.py, which depends on the yaml package, which is in
-    # tests_require but not install_requires, and therefore does not get
-    # installed by setuptools until we run "setup.py test" *and* install
-    # the .egg files that setup.py downloads.
-    cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/python" \
-        && python setup.py test $python_sdk_test
-    r=$?
-    easy_install *.egg
-    return $r
-do_test python_sdk
-test_fuse() {
-    # Install test dependencies here too, in case run_test_server needs them.
-    cd "$WORKSPACE/services/fuse" \
-        && python setup.py test $fuse_test
-    r=$?
-    easy_install *.egg
-    return $r
-do_test fuse
-test_nodemanager() {
-    cd "$WORKSPACE/services/nodemanager" && python setup.py test
-do_test nodemanager
+# We must test sdk/python before testing services/keepproxy, because
+# keepproxy depends on sdk/python's test dependencies.
+for p in "${pythonstuff[@]}"
+    do_test "$p" pip
 for g in "${gostuff[@]}"
@@ -419,7 +409,7 @@ done
 test_workbench() {
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
         && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle install --no-deployment \
-        && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test $workbench_test
+        && HOME="$GEMHOME" bundle exec rake test $testargs[workbench]
 do_test workbench



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