[ARVADOS] updated: 8e34082da3e9952c18e8bd9c0afac2516dea1287
git at public.curoverse.com
git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Mar 26 15:05:14 EDT 2014
Summary of changes:
doc/_config.yml | 6 ++
doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid | 61 ++++++++++++++++
doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid | 10 +++-
doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
doc/sdk/ruby/index.html.textile.liquid | 125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
5 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
create mode 100644 doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
create mode 100644 doc/sdk/ruby/index.html.textile.liquid
via 8e34082da3e9952c18e8bd9c0afac2516dea1287 (commit)
via 04e3622dad1430dfae82c8e7130b2fb9f4610cf7 (commit)
via 2a3f8231a1682e7bac956e4079ff19ccc8b133ec (commit)
via 10184eeb601e432f8e81aea00cbc2375f79bcf45 (commit)
via 73b1451ebad641dec4617292e98de61425b4c285 (commit)
from 52cbd3bc6d8b7b2fe0735cb8ccd6e57c89c8d797 (commit)
Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.
commit 8e34082da3e9952c18e8bd9c0afac2516dea1287
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Tue Mar 25 18:50:31 2014 -0400
Add list of in-progress/planned SDKs.
diff --git a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
index 10423fe..061e964 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -10,3 +10,8 @@ This section documents how to access the Arvados API and Keep using various prog
* "Perl SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/perl/index.html
* "Ruby SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/ruby/index.html
* "Command line SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/cli/index.html ("arv")
+SDKs not yet implemented:
+* Rails SDK: Workbench uses an ActiveRecord-like interface to Arvados. This hasn't yet been extracted from Workbench and packaged as a gem.
+* R and Java: We plan to support these, but they have not been implemented yet.
commit 04e3622dad1430dfae82c8e7130b2fb9f4610cf7
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Tue Mar 25 18:36:17 2014 -0400
Add Ruby SDK page.
diff --git a/doc/_config.yml b/doc/_config.yml
index c75b0a4..167188a 100644
--- a/doc/_config.yml
+++ b/doc/_config.yml
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ navbar:
- sdk/python/crunch-utility-libraries.html.textile.liquid
- Perl:
- sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
+ - Ruby:
+ - sdk/ruby/index.html.textile.liquid
- CLI:
- sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
diff --git a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
index cea3ab0..10423fe 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ This section documents how to access the Arvados API and Keep using various prog
* "Python SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/python/sdk-python.html
* "Perl SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/perl/index.html
+* "Ruby SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/ruby/index.html
* "Command line SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/cli/index.html ("arv")
diff --git a/doc/sdk/ruby/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/ruby/index.html.textile.liquid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a455b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sdk/ruby/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+layout: default
+navsection: sdk
+navmenu: Ruby
+title: "Ruby SDK"
+The Ruby SDK provides a generic set of wrappers so you can make API calls easily.
+h3. Installation
+If you are logged in to an Arvados VM, the Ruby SDK should be installed.
+To use it elsewhere, you can either install the @arvados@ gem via RubyGems or build and install the package using the arvados source tree.
+h4. Prerequisites: Ruby >= 2.0.0
+You can use "RVM":http://rvm.io/rvm/install to install and manage Ruby versions.
+h4. Option 1: install with RubyGems
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo gem install arvados</code>
+h4. Option 2: build and install from source
+$ <code class="userinput">git clone https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">cd arvados/sdk/cli</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">gem build arvados.gemspec</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo gem install arvados-*.gem</code>
+h4. Test installation
+If the SDK is installed, @ruby -r arvados -e 'puts "OK!"'@ should produce no errors.
+If your @ARVADOS_API_HOST@ and @ARVADOS_API_TOKEN@ environment variables are set up correctly (see "api-tokens":{{site.baseurl}}/user/reference/api-tokens.html for details), the following test script should work:
+<pre>$ <code class="userinput">ruby -r arvados <<'EOF'
+arv = Arvados.new api_version: 'v1'
+my_full_name = arv.user.current[:full_name]
+puts "arvados.v1.users.current.full_name = '#{my_full_name}'"
+arvados.v1.users.current.full_name = 'Your Name'
+h3. Examples
+Import the module (we skipped this step above by using "ruby -r arvados"):
+<pre><code class="userinput">require 'arvados'
+Set up an API client user agent:
+<pre><code class="userinput">arv = Arvados.new(apiVersion: 'v1')
+Get the User object for the current user:
+<pre><code class="userinput">current_user = arv.user.current
+Get the UUID of an object that was retrieved using the SDK:
+<pre><code class="userinput">current_user_uuid = current_user[:uuid]
+Retrieve an object by ID:
+<pre><code class="userinput">some_user = arv.user.get(uuid: current_user_uuid)
+Create an object:
+<pre><code class="userinput">new_link = arv.link.create(link: {link_class: 'test', name: 'test'})
+Update an object:
+<pre><code class="userinput">updated_link = arv.link.update(uuid: new_link[:uuid],
+ link: {properties: {foo: 'bar'}})
+Delete an object:
+<pre><code class="userinput">arv.link.delete(uuid: new_link[:uuid])
+Get a list of objects:
+<pre><code class="userinput">repos = arv.repository.list
+first_repo = repos[:items][0]
+puts "UUID of first repo returned is #{first_repo[:uuid]}"</code>
+UUID of first repo returned is qr1hi-s0uqq-b1bnybpx3u5temz
+The SDK retrieves the list of API methods from the server at run time. Therefore, the set of available methods is determined by the server version rather than the SDK version.
commit 2a3f8231a1682e7bac956e4079ff19ccc8b133ec
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Tue Mar 25 17:38:02 2014 -0400
Fix broken links and duplicate titles.
diff --git a/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
index ab5a41d..3b63079 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ title: "Command line SDK"
-h1. Command line SDK
The @arv@ CLI tool provides a generic set of wrappers so you can make API calls easily. It performs some validation before connecting to the API server: for example, it refuses to do an API call if a required parameter is missing.
It also provides access to Keep storage services with the @arv keep@ subcommand.
diff --git a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
index 7a81f1d..cea3ab0 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ title: "Arvados SDK Reference"
This section documents how to access the Arvados API and Keep using various programming languages.
-* "Python SDK":python/sdk-python.html
-* "Perl SDK":perl/index.html
-* "Command line SDK":cli/index.html ("arv")
+* "Python SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/python/sdk-python.html
+* "Perl SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/perl/index.html
+* "Command line SDK":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/cli/index.html ("arv")
diff --git a/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
index c164d60..288bc31 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ title: "Perl SDK"
-h1. Perl SDK
The Perl SDK provides a generic set of wrappers so you can make API calls easily.
It should be treated as alpha/experimental. Currently, limitations include:
commit 10184eeb601e432f8e81aea00cbc2375f79bcf45
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Mon Mar 10 19:00:38 2014 -0400
Add command line SDK page.
diff --git a/doc/_config.yml b/doc/_config.yml
index b600dda..c75b0a4 100644
--- a/doc/_config.yml
+++ b/doc/_config.yml
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ navbar:
- sdk/python/crunch-utility-libraries.html.textile.liquid
- Perl:
- sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
+ - CLI:
+ - sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
- Concepts:
- api/index.html.textile.liquid
diff --git a/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab5a41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sdk/cli/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+layout: default
+navsection: sdk
+navmenu: CLI
+title: "Command line SDK"
+h1. Command line SDK
+The @arv@ CLI tool provides a generic set of wrappers so you can make API calls easily. It performs some validation before connecting to the API server: for example, it refuses to do an API call if a required parameter is missing.
+It also provides access to Keep storage services with the @arv keep@ subcommand.
+h3. Usage
+See the "command line interface":{{site.baseurl}}/user/reference/sdk-cli.html page in the user guide.
+h3. Installation
+If you are logged in to an Arvados VM, the @arv@ should be installed.
+To use @arv@ elsewhere, you can either install the @arvados-cli@ gem via RubyGems or build and install the package using the arvados source tree.
+h4. Prerequisites: Ruby >= 2.0.0 and curl libraries
+You can use "RVM":http://rvm.io/rvm/install to install and manage Ruby versions.
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo apt-get install curl</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo sh -c 'curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable'</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh</code>
+Install curl libraries with your system's package manager. For example, with Debian or Ubuntu:
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo apt-get install libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4-openssl-dev</code>
+h4. Option 1: install with RubyGems
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo gem install arvados-cli</code>
+h4. Option 2: build and install from source
+$ <code class="userinput">git clone https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">cd arvados/sdk/cli</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">gem build arvados-cli.gemspec</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo gem install arvados-cli-*.gem</code>
diff --git a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
index eba8e98..7a81f1d 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ This section documents how to access the Arvados API and Keep using various prog
* "Python SDK":python/sdk-python.html
* "Perl SDK":perl/index.html
+* "Command line SDK":cli/index.html ("arv")
commit 73b1451ebad641dec4617292e98de61425b4c285
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Mon Mar 10 18:33:17 2014 -0400
Add Perl SDK page.
diff --git a/doc/_config.yml b/doc/_config.yml
index 8d4fd5e..b600dda 100644
--- a/doc/_config.yml
+++ b/doc/_config.yml
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ navbar:
- sdk/python/sdk-python.html.textile.liquid
- sdk/python/python.html.textile.liquid
- sdk/python/crunch-utility-libraries.html.textile.liquid
+ - Perl:
+ - sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
- Concepts:
- api/index.html.textile.liquid
diff --git a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
index b7a4ecd..eba8e98 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ title: "Arvados SDK Reference"
This section documents how to access the Arvados API and Keep using various programming languages.
* "Python SDK":python/sdk-python.html
+* "Perl SDK":perl/index.html
diff --git a/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c164d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sdk/perl/index.html.textile.liquid
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+layout: default
+navsection: sdk
+navmenu: Perl
+title: "Perl SDK"
+h1. Perl SDK
+The Perl SDK provides a generic set of wrappers so you can make API calls easily.
+It should be treated as alpha/experimental. Currently, limitations include:
+* Verbose syntax.
+* No native Keep client.
+* No CPAN package.
+h3. Installation
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo apt-get install libjson-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libwww-perl</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">git clone https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">cd arvados/sdk/perl</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">perl Makefile.PL</code>
+$ <code class="userinput">sudo make install</code>
+h4. Test installation
+If the SDK is installed, @perl -MArvados -e ''@ should produce no errors.
+If your @ARVADOS_API_HOST@ and @ARVADOS_API_TOKEN@ environment variables are set up correctly (see "api-tokens":{{site.baseurl}}/user/reference/api-tokens.html for details), the following test script should work:
+<pre>$ <code class="userinput">perl <<'EOF'
+use Arvados;
+my $arv = Arvados->new('apiVersion' => 'v1');
+my $me = $arv->{'users'}->{'current'}->execute;
+print ("arvados.v1.users.current.full_name = '", $me->{'full_name'}, "'\n");
+arvados.v1.users.current.full_name = 'Your Name'
+h3. Examples
+Set up an API client user agent:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $arv = Arvados->new('apiVersion' => 'v1');
+Get the User object for the current user:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $current_user = $arv->{'users'}->{'current'}->execute;
+Get the UUID of an object that was retrieved using the SDK:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $current_user_uuid = $current_user->{'uuid'}
+Retrieve an object by ID:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $some_user = $arv->{'users'}->{'get'}->execute('uuid' => $current_user_uuid);
+Create an object:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $test_link = $arv->{'links'}->{'create'}->execute('link' => { 'link_class' => 'test', 'name' => 'test' });
+Update an object:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $test_link = $arv->{'links'}->{'update'}->execute(
+ 'uuid' => $test_link->{'uuid'},
+ 'link' => { 'properties' => { 'foo' => 'bar' } });
+Get a list of objects:
+<pre><code class="userinput">my $repos = $arv->{'repositories'}->{'list'}->execute;
+print ("UUID of first repo returned is ", $repos->{'items'}->[0], "\n");
+The SDK retrieves the list of API methods from the server at run time. Therefore, the set of available methods is determined by the server version rather than the SDK version.
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