[ARVADOS] updated: 12af96fba8ef1c218cb3cfb04c41c5507b394717

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Fri Mar 7 18:56:41 EST 2014

Summary of changes:
 docker/config.rb  |    5 +-
 docker/install.rb |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 docker/install.rb

       via  12af96fba8ef1c218cb3cfb04c41c5507b394717 (commit)
      from  6263b4bdab2869ffc52c49ab283dd39c93f25a32 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 12af96fba8ef1c218cb3cfb04c41c5507b394717
Author: Tim Pierce <twp at curoverse.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 7 18:57:30 2014 -0500

    install.rb: generate config.yml file on demand if necessary. Refs #2221.

diff --git a/docker/config.rb b/docker/config.rb
index 5e7242b..ae69fe2 100755
--- a/docker/config.rb
+++ b/docker/config.rb
@@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ end
 # Copy the ssh public key file to base/generated (if a path is given)
 generated_dir = File.join('base/generated')
 Dir.mkdir(generated_dir) unless Dir.exists? generated_dir
-if config.key?('PUBLIC_KEY_PATH') &&
-    ! (config['PUBLIC_KEY_PATH'] == '') &&
-    File.readable?(config['PUBLIC_KEY_PATH'])
+if (config['PUBLIC_KEY_PATH'] != nil and
+    File.readable? config['PUBLIC_KEY_PATH'])
                File.join(generated_dir, 'id_rsa.pub'))
diff --git a/docker/install.rb b/docker/install.rb
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 6ae31af..906178c
--- a/docker/install.rb
+++ b/docker/install.rb
@@ -1,56 +1,130 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env ruby
 require 'tempfile'
-docker_path = ""
+require 'yaml'
 def sudo(*cmd)
   # user can pass a single list in as an argument
   # to allow usage like: sudo %w(apt-get install foo)
-  if cmd.length = 1 and cmd[0].class == Array
+  if cmd.length == 1 and cmd[0].class == Array
     cmd = cmd[0]
   system '/usr/bin/sudo', *cmd
-# Check that:
-#   * LXC is installed.
-def lxc_installed?
-  lxc_path = %x(which lxc)
-  not lxc_path.empty?
+def is_valid_email? str
+  str.match /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/
-if not lxc_installed?
-  warn "Installing LXC (you may need to enter your password)."
-  sudo %w(apt-get install lxc)
+def generate_api_hostname
+  rand(2**256).to_s(36)[0...5]
-# Check that:
-#   * IP forwarding is enabled in the kernel.
+# ip_forwarding_enabled?
+#   Returns 'true' if IP forwarding is enabled in the kernel
 def ip_forwarding_enabled?
   %x(/sbin/sysctl --values net.ipv4.ip_forward) == "1\n"
+def find_ssh_key key_name
+  # If the user already has a key loaded in their agent, use one of those
+  agent_keys = `ssh-add -l`
+  if agent_keys.empty?
+    # Use a key named arvados_{key_name}_id_rsa, generating
+    # a passphraseless key if necessary.
+    ssh_key_file = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/arvados_#{key_name}_id_rsa"
+    unless File.exists? ssh_key_file
+      system 'ssh_keygen', '-f', ssh_key_file, '-P', ''
+    end
+  else
+    # choose an agent key at random
+    ssh_key_file = agent_keys.split("\n").first.split[2]
+  end
+  return File.exists?("#{ssh_key_file}.pub") ? "#{ssh_key_file}.pub" : nil
 if not ip_forwarding_enabled?
   warn "NOTE: IP forwarding must be enabled in the kernel."
   warn "Turning IP forwarding on. You may be asked to enter your password."
   sudo %w(/sbin/sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1)
 # Check that:
-#   * Docker is installed
-#   * Docker can be found in the user's path
-#   * The user is in the docker group
-#   * cgroup is mounted
-#   * the docker daemon is running
+#   * Docker is installed and can be found in the user's path
+#   * Docker can be run as a non-root user
+#      - TODO: put the user is in the docker group if necessary
+#      - TODO: mount cgroup automatically
+#      - TODO: start the docker service if not started
+docker_path = %x(which docker).chomp
+if docker_path.empty?
+  warn "Docker not found."
+  warn ""
+  warn "Please make sure that Docker has been installed and"
+  warn "can be found in your PATH."
+  warn ""
+  warn "Installation instructions for a variety of platforms can be found at"
+  warn "http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/installation/"
+  exit
+elsif not system 'docker images > /dev/null 2>&1'
+  warn "WARNING: docker could not be run."
+  warn "Please make sure that:"
+  warn "  * You have permission to read and write /var/run/docker.sock"
+  warn "  * a 'cgroup' volume is mounted on your machine"
+  warn "  * the docker daemon is running"
+# Generate a config.yml if it does not exist
+if not File.exists? 'config.yml'
+  print "Generating config.yml.\n"
+  print "Arvados needs to know the email address of the administrative user,\n"
+  print "so that when that user logs in they are automatically made an admin.\n"
+  print "This should be the email address you use to log in to Google.\n"
+  print "\n"
+  admin_email_address = ""
+  until is_valid_email? admin_email_address
+    print "Enter your Google ID email address here: "
+    admin_email_address = gets.strip
+    if not is_valid_email? admin_email_address
+      print "That doesn't look like a valid email address. Please try again.\n"
+    end
+  end
+  File.open 'config.yml', 'w' do |config_out|
+    config = YAML.load_file 'config.yml.example'
+    config['API_AUTO_ADMIN_USER'] = admin_email_address
+    config['API_HOSTNAME'] = generate_api_hostname
+    config['PUBLIC_KEY_PATH'] = find_ssh_key(config['API_HOSTNAME'])
+    config.each_key do |var|
+      if var.end_with?('_PW') or var.end_with?('_SECRET')
+        config[var] = rand(2**256).to_s(36)
+      end
+      config_out.write "#{var}: #{config[var]}\n"
+    end
+  end
+# If all prerequisites are met, go ahead and build.
+if ip_forwarding_enabled? and
+    not docker_path.empty? and
+    File.exists? 'config.yml'
+  warn "Building Arvados."
+  system '/usr/bin/make', *ARGV
+# install_docker
+#   Determine which Docker package is suitable for this Linux distro
+#   and install, resolving any dependencies.
+#   NOTE: not in use yet.
 def install_docker
   linux_distro = %x(lsb_release --id).split.last
   linux_release = %x(lsb_release --release).split.last
   linux_version = linux_distro + " " + linux_release
   kernel_release = `uname -r`
   case linux_distro
   when 'Ubuntu'
     if not linux_release.match '^1[234]\.'
@@ -88,11 +162,9 @@ def install_docker
     sudo '/usr/bin/gpasswd', '-a', ENV['USER'], 'docker'
     sudo %w(/usr/sbin/service docker restart)
   when 'Debian'
-  when 'Debian 7.4'
+  else
+    warn "Must be running a Debian or Ubuntu release in order to run Docker."
+    exit
-docker_path = %x(which docker).chomp
-if docker_path.empty?
-  warn "Docker not found."



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