[ARVADOS-DEV] updated: 874f78e7f17a15da00e4aad0c9bc14620330dded

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Jun 5 14:27:19 EDT 2014

Summary of changes:
 git/hooks/coding-standards.sh | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 jenkins/run-build-packages.sh |  6 ++++++
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

       via  874f78e7f17a15da00e4aad0c9bc14620330dded (commit)
       via  e688effcdc8513fe5acc24116857c71edb306267 (commit)
       via  be1ff42eb4380029fa7118b9fb822fa88dfb1594 (commit)
      from  2147a538d2b64392a2c86e90a123c47e7efaac24 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit 874f78e7f17a15da00e4aad0c9bc14620330dded
Author: Ward Vandewege <ward at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 5 14:25:47 2014 -0400

    A few fixes:
    a) clarify error message when doing a fast-forward merge rejection
    b) reduce number of gratuitous newlines
    c) do not test for issue numbers when a fast-forward merge is being
    attempted, because that test will complain about every commit, obscuring
    the real problem (the fast-forward merge)

diff --git a/git/hooks/coding-standards.sh b/git/hooks/coding-standards.sh
index d1b03dc..bc75a58 100755
--- a/git/hooks/coding-standards.sh
+++ b/git/hooks/coding-standards.sh
@@ -32,37 +32,42 @@ def check_message_format
   merge_revs  = `git rev-list --first-parent --min-parents=2 #{$oldrev}..#{$newrev}`.split("\n")
   # single_revs = `git rev-list --first-parent --max-parents=1 #{$oldrev}..#{$newrev}`.split("\n")
   broken = false
+  no_ff = false
   merge_revs.each do |rev|
     message = `git cat-file commit #{rev} | sed '1,/^$/d'`
     if $wrong_way_merge_master.match(message)
-      puts "\n[POLICY] This appears to be a merge from master into a feature\n"
-      puts "\nbranch.  Commits to master must merge from the feature\n"
-      puts "\nbranch into master.\n\n"
+      puts "\n[POLICY] Only non-fast-forward merges into master are allowed. Please"
+      puts "reset your master branch:"
+      puts "  git reset --hard origin/master"
+      puts "and then merge your branch with the --no-ff option:"
+      puts "  git merge your-branch --no-ff\n"
+      puts "Remember to add a reference to an issue number in the merge commit!\n"
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
-      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n\n"
-      puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n"
+      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n"
+      puts "\nOffending commit message:\n"
       puts message
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
       puts "\n\n"
       broken = true
+      no_ff = true
     elsif $pull_merge.match(message)
-      puts "\n[POLICY] This appears to be a git pull merge of remote master into local\n"
-      puts "\nmaster.  In order to maintain a linear first-parent history of master,\n"
-      puts "\nplease reset your branch and remerge or rebase using the latest master.\n"
+      puts "\n[POLICY] This appears to be a git pull merge of remote master into local"
+      puts "master.  In order to maintain a linear first-parent history of master,"
+      puts "please reset your branch and remerge or rebase using the latest master.\n"
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
-      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n\n"
+      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n"
       puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n"
       puts message
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
       puts "\n\n"
       broken = true
     elsif not $merge_master.match(message) and not
-      puts "\n[POLICY] This does not appear to be a merge of a feature\n"
-      puts "\nbranch into master.  Merges must follow the format\n"
-      puts "\n\"Merge branch 'feature-branch'\".\n"
+      puts "\n[POLICY] This does not appear to be a merge of a feature"
+      puts "branch into master.  Merges must follow the format"
+      puts "\"Merge branch 'feature-branch'\".\n"
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
-      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n\n"
+      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n"
       puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n"
       puts message
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
@@ -74,10 +79,10 @@ def check_message_format
   all_revs.each do |rev|
     message = `git cat-file commit #{rev} | sed '1,/^$/d'`
     if $broken_commit_message.match(message)
-      puts "\n[POLICY] Rejected broken commit message for including boilerplate\n"
-      puts "\ninstruction text.\n\n"
+      puts "\n[POLICY] Rejected broken commit message for including boilerplate"
+      puts "instruction text.\n"
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
-      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n\n"
+      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n"
       puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n"
       puts message
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
@@ -85,11 +90,14 @@ def check_message_format
       broken = true
-    if not $refs_or_closes_or_no_issue.match(message)
-      puts "\n[POLICY] All commits to master must include an issue using \"refs #\" or\n"
-      puts "\n\"closes #\", or specify \"no issue #\"\n\n"
+    # Do not test when the commit is a no_ff merge (which will be rejected), because
+    # this test will complain about *every* commit in the merge otherwise, obscuring
+    # the real reason for the rejection (the no_ff merge)
+    if not no_ff and not $refs_or_closes_or_no_issue.match(message)
+      puts "\n[POLICY] All commits to master must include an issue using \"refs #\" or"
+      puts "\"closes #\", or specify \"no issue #\"\n"
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"
-      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n\n"
+      puts "\nOffending commit: #{rev}\n"
       puts "\nOffending commit message:\n\n"
       puts message
       puts "\n******************************************************************\n"

commit e688effcdc8513fe5acc24116857c71edb306267
Merge: be1ff42 2147a53
Author: Ward Vandewege <ward at curoverse.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 5 13:52:39 2014 -0400

    Merge branch 'new-git-hooks' of git.curoverse.com:arvados-dev into new-git-hooks



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