[ARVADOS] created: 9f3211fd8de463cb68febb4e3333721e026605b8
git at public.curoverse.com
git at public.curoverse.com
Sun Apr 13 01:41:35 EDT 2014
at 9f3211fd8de463cb68febb4e3333721e026605b8 (commit)
commit 9f3211fd8de463cb68febb4e3333721e026605b8
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Sun Apr 13 01:39:35 2014 -0400
Add tests to expose some token handling bugs.
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/functional/users_controller_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
index c67c56b..ae395ae 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/functional/users_controller_test.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,21 @@
require 'test_helper'
class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ test "valid token for deleted user ignored instead of crashing" do
+ skip
+ get :welcome, {}, session_for(:valid_token_deleted_user)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_nil assigns(:my_jobs)
+ assert_nil assigns(:my_ssh_keys)
+ end
+ test "expired token redirects to api server login" do
+ get :show, {
+ id: api_fixture('users')['active']['uuid']
+ }, session_for(:expired_trustedclient)
+ assert_response :redirect
+ assert_match /^#{Rails.configuration.arvados_login_base}/, @response.redirect_url
+ assert_nil assigns(:my_jobs)
+ assert_nil assigns(:my_ssh_keys)
+ end
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration/logins_test.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration/logins_test.rb
index 185d9cb..6e5389e 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/integration/logins_test.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration/logins_test.rb
@@ -11,4 +11,12 @@ class LoginsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
visit page_with_token('expired_trustedclient')
assert page.has_text? 'Log in'
+ test "expired token yields login page, not error page" do
+ skip
+ visit page_with_token('expired_trustedclient')
+ # Even the error page has a "Log in" link. We should look for
+ # something that only appears the real login page.
+ assert page.has_text? 'Please log in'
+ end
commit c2ccba382871ecad4f9336f250a90a95d8f5b987
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Sun Apr 13 01:33:33 2014 -0400
Move test-api-server framework so it works in functional and unit tests too.
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb b/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb
index 30643bc..88aec2c 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/integration_helper.rb
@@ -4,20 +4,12 @@ require 'capybara/poltergeist'
require 'uri'
require 'yaml'
-$ARV_API_SERVER_DIR = File.expand_path('../../../../services/api', __FILE__)
-SERVER_PID_PATH = 'tmp/pids/server.pid'
class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
# Make the Capybara DSL available in all integration tests
include Capybara::DSL
+ include ApiFixtureLoader
- def self.api_fixture(name)
- # Returns the data structure from the named API server test fixture.
- path = File.join($ARV_API_SERVER_DIR, 'test', 'fixtures', "#{name}.yml")
- YAML.load(IO.read(path))
- end
- @@API_AUTHS = api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')
+ @@API_AUTHS = self.api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')
def page_with_token(token, path='/')
# Generate a page path with an embedded API token.
@@ -31,48 +23,3 @@ class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
-class IntegrationTestRunner < MiniTest::Unit
- # Make a hash that unsets Bundle's environment variables.
- # We'll use this environment when we launch Bundle commands in the API
- # server. Otherwise, those commands will try to use Workbench's gems, etc.
- @@APIENV = Hash[ENV.map { |key, val|
- (key =~ /^BUNDLE_/) ? [key, nil] : nil
- }.compact]
- def _system(*cmd)
- if not system(@@APIENV, *cmd)
- raise RuntimeError, "#{cmd[0]} returned exit code #{$?.exitstatus}"
- end
- end
- def _run(args=[])
- Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
- server_pid = Dir.chdir($ARV_API_SERVER_DIR) do |apidir|
- _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'db:test:load')
- _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'db:fixtures:load')
- _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rails', 'server', '-d')
- timeout = Time.now.tv_sec + 10
- begin
- sleep 0.2
- begin
- server_pid = IO.read(SERVER_PID_PATH).to_i
- good_pid = (server_pid > 0) and (Process.kill(0, pid) rescue false)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- good_pid = false
- end
- end while (not good_pid) and (Time.now.tv_sec < timeout)
- if not good_pid
- raise RuntimeError, "could not find API server Rails pid"
- end
- server_pid
- end
- begin
- super(args)
- ensure
- Process.kill('TERM', server_pid)
- end
- end
-MiniTest::Unit.runner = IntegrationTestRunner.new
diff --git a/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb b/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb
index 8bf1192..145914f 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
require 'rails/test_help'
+$ARV_API_SERVER_DIR = File.expand_path('../../../../services/api', __FILE__)
+SERVER_PID_PATH = 'tmp/pids/server.pid'
class ActiveSupport::TestCase
# Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.(yml|csv) for all tests in alphabetical order.
@@ -11,3 +14,78 @@ class ActiveSupport::TestCase
# Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here...
+module ApiFixtureLoader
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ @@api_fixtures = {}
+ def api_fixture(name)
+ # Returns the data structure from the named API server test fixture.
+ @@api_fixtures[name] ||= \
+ begin
+ path = File.join($ARV_API_SERVER_DIR, 'test', 'fixtures', "#{name}.yml")
+ YAML.load(IO.read(path))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def api_fixture name
+ self.class.api_fixture name
+ end
+class ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ApiFixtureLoader
+ def session_for api_client_auth_name
+ {
+ arvados_api_token: api_fixture('api_client_authorizations')[api_client_auth_name.to_s]['api_token']
+ }
+ end
+class ApiServerBackedTestRunner < MiniTest::Unit
+ # Make a hash that unsets Bundle's environment variables.
+ # We'll use this environment when we launch Bundle commands in the API
+ # server. Otherwise, those commands will try to use Workbench's gems, etc.
+ @@APIENV = Hash[ENV.map { |key, val|
+ (key =~ /^BUNDLE_/) ? [key, nil] : nil
+ }.compact]
+ def _system(*cmd)
+ if not system(@@APIENV, *cmd)
+ raise RuntimeError, "#{cmd[0]} returned exit code #{$?.exitstatus}"
+ end
+ end
+ def _run(args=[])
+ Capybara.javascript_driver = :poltergeist
+ server_pid = Dir.chdir($ARV_API_SERVER_DIR) do |apidir|
+ _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'db:test:load')
+ _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rake', 'db:fixtures:load')
+ _system('bundle', 'exec', 'rails', 'server', '-d')
+ timeout = Time.now.tv_sec + 10
+ begin
+ sleep 0.2
+ begin
+ server_pid = IO.read(SERVER_PID_PATH).to_i
+ good_pid = (server_pid > 0) and (Process.kill(0, pid) rescue false)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ good_pid = false
+ end
+ end while (not good_pid) and (Time.now.tv_sec < timeout)
+ if not good_pid
+ raise RuntimeError, "could not find API server Rails pid"
+ end
+ server_pid
+ end
+ begin
+ super(args)
+ ensure
+ Process.kill('TERM', server_pid)
+ end
+ end
+MiniTest::Unit.runner = ApiServerBackedTestRunner.new
commit 658465e22d198a453646f0d845a9ccd50fb0a689
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Sun Apr 13 01:15:23 2014 -0400
Add token that is valid except that it points to a missing user.
diff --git a/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml b/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml
index f60ba01..5cada90 100644
--- a/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml
+++ b/services/api/test/fixtures/api_client_authorizations.yml
@@ -71,3 +71,9 @@ expired_trustedclient:
user: active
api_token: 5hpni7izokzcatku2896xxwqdbt5ptomn04r6auc7fohnli82v
expires_at: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
+ api_client: trusted_workbench
+ user_id: 1234567
+ api_token: tewfa58099sndckyqhlgd37za6e47o6h03r9l1vpll23hudm8b
+ expires_at: 2038-01-01 00:00:00
commit ee7753f7095f175c095f94794dd3e33f68d3fcc6
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date: Sun Apr 13 01:14:05 2014 -0400
Send HTTP 500 if we end up in render_error without a more specific status.
diff --git a/apps/workbench/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/apps/workbench/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
index c169be2..1e4094d 100644
--- a/apps/workbench/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ b/apps/workbench/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def render_error(opts)
+ opts = {status: 500}.merge opts
respond_to do |f|
# json must come before html here, so it gets used as the
# default format when js is requested by the client. This lets
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