Hello! <br><br>Could someone help me with a pointer to PGP-10 raw data files, that is more than list of SNPs.<br>I am interested to get a pretty short (few thousand nucleotide) chunks to compare across individuals, <br>but it might contain deletetions in some.<br>
Sasha mentioned that data is available from <a href="http://evidence.personalgenomes.org/genomes">http://evidence.personalgenomes.org/genomes</a><br>but I do not see any mention of "coverage and indels" at the page. <br>
There is a link to <a href="http://evidence.personalgenomes.org/download">http://evidence.personalgenomes.org/download</a><br> which is linked to the SQL dump and flat tsv file, but not BAM or SAM, so I am somewhat confused. <br>