Leon Peshkin & Carlos Cano have a tool which could make it easier for editors to help evaluate variants: BioNotate. This tool lets a user highlight parts of an abstract are classify them -- e.g. highlight the gene name and classify as "gene", or highlight a dbSNP ID and classify it as "variant". Leon got in touch with us and, after some discussion and suggestions on my part, Carlos put together some mock-ups of what it could look like:<br>
<br><div class="im"><a href="http://genome2.ugr.es/bionotate_SNP4/" target="_blank">http://genome2.ugr.es/bionotate_SNP4/</a><br>(Simpler, only allows you to pick one type of evidence for an abstract)<br><br>
</div><a href="http://genome2.ugr.es/bionotate_SNP5/" target="_blank">http://genome2.ugr.es/bionotate_SNP5/</a><br>
(More buttons, allows you to pick more than one type of evidence)<br><br>If you reload the page it will randomly show another abstract, so you can see a variety of abstracts this might be used for.<br><br>We really want to hear some feedback -- from people who haven't edited much especially, because we hope that this tool will help you contribute! Let us know what you think about these. Is this clear or confusing? What do you think could be done to make this easier to do? Is there a feature that would be good or a correction to the tool that would improve it?<br>
<br> Thanks!<br> Madeleine<br>