[arvados] Arvados 2.2.1 released

peter.amstutz at curii.com peter.amstutz at curii.com
Mon Jul 12 21:12:11 UTC 2021

Hello ,

The Arvados team is pleased to announce Arvados 2.2.1. This release adds
new features for auditing and restricting file upload and download on
Arvados, as well as several bug fixes. We recommend that new and existing
installations of 2.2.0 <https://arvados.org/release-notes/2.2.0> or earlier
upgrade to 2.2.1. See Upgrading Arvados
<https://doc.arvados.org/v2.2/admin/upgrading.html> for upgrade
Major Features Auditing and restricting uploads and downloads

Arvados now features options to limit the ability of users to upload or
download data from outside the cluster (i.e. networks other than the
cluster’s own private network). This makes it possible to share restricted
data sets with users so that they may run their own data analysis on the
cluster, while preventing them from easily downloading the data set to
their local workstation. Arvados also features additional logging and
auditing of uploads and downloads. For more information, visit the Restricting
upload or download
<https://doc.arvados.org/v2.2/admin/restricting-upload-download.html> page
in the admin section of the Arvados documentation.
Documentation improvements

There is new documentation about the behavior of
arvados-dispatch-cloud: Dispatching
containers to cloud VMs
Bug fixes

#16971 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/16971>

Workbench 2 “Edit Project” dialogs now correctly load the name and
description for editing.

#17305 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17305>

Fix misleading display in Workbench 2 of projects having a file size of 0.

#17879 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17879>

   - Workaround a deadlock when running workflows by setting the default
   background thread count to 0.
   - Fix schema_salad.exceptions.ValidationException: union[str, int, bool,
   schema_salad.avro.schema.Schema, list, list, dict, list, None] object
   expected; got ruamel.yaml.scalarfloat.ScalarFloat error when attempting
   to run a CWL workflow that has custom fields which contain floating-point

#17858 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17858>

Fix KeyError: None crash in arvados-cwl-runner when using a default File
input value on an ExpressionTool.

#17774 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17774>

Fixed bug where the error message “Mounts cannot be modified in state
‘Committed’” would be returned when attempting to cancel a workflow.

#17803 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17803>

Now issues a warning when a configuration key is unrecognized because it
does not match the correct case of the actual key.

#17800 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17800>

The behavior of arv-put --no-follow-links is now more consistent, it will
never follow symbolic links, even for paths that are given explicitly on
the command line. Now prints warning when symlinks are skipped.

#17810 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17810>

Bug fix for the signature computation in Keep S3 compatible API. Names with
a comma “,” now work.

#17776 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17776> #17777
<https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17777> #17783

Arvados-dispatch-cloud now recognizes several additional errors from AWS
EC2 as quota errors (InsufficientInstanceCapacity,
MaxSpotInstanceCountExceeded, VcpuLimitExceeded) and stops trying to create
new nodes until an existing node has been shut down.

#17801 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17801>

Fix regression in arvados-cwl-runner, using $(runtime.outdir) to capture
the entire output directory works as intended and no longer results in an

#17333 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17333>

arvados-cwl-runner now checks --project-uuid and gives an error if it is
not valid.

#17757 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17757>

The compute image setup script does not start Docker until the setup is
completed. This fixes a problem where containers would sometimes be started
while the node was still starting up, but then be killed by the Docker
daemon restarting.

#17799 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17799>

Upgraded API server and Workbench to use Ruby on Rails to 5.2.6 due to
security advisories.

#17653 <https://dev.arvados.org/issues/17653>

Upgrade Workbench 2 packages due to security advisories.


The Arvados team
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