[arvados-dev] Arvados update, December 2014

Tim Pierce twp at curoverse.com
Mon Dec 15 14:19:39 EST 2014

As we start to wind down the year, we have some of our most exciting
features yet to offer. Our Thanksgiving sprint was a very productive one:
we found and fixed 29 bugs
and implemented 7 new features

One of our most exciting new features is a browser-based collection upload
tool. If you have data sets already on your workstation to upload into
Arvados, you can do so right from your browser:

Being able to upload collections directly from your desktop makes it a snap
to get started using Arvados. Try it out yourself!

In addition to nifty web tools for making Arvados easier, we've been
working hard on other projects.

   - Curoverse has been an active participant in the *Common Workflow
   Language working group.
   Our senior engineer Peter Amstutz contributed substantially to drafting the
   reference implementation. A tool for expressing bioinformatics workflows in
   a consistent, portable way across different systems is an important link in
   promoting collaboration between researchers on different projects. We see
   the Common Workflow Language as a critical component of modern
   bioinformatics platforms.
   - Pipeline authors can now *specify a particular SDK version* in their
   pipeline computations, offering better control over reproducibility.

On top of that, we've fixed a bunch of niggling little bugs that have made
Arvados much smoother to use: improved SSH key upload, more consistent
handling of file selections in collections, pipeline rendering, Firefox SSL
certificate bugs and much, much more!

Tim Pierce
Senior Software Engineer, Curoverse
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