[arvados-workbench2] created: 2.6.3-35-gd76aa6ba

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Fri Jul 28 16:23:28 UTC 2023

        at  d76aa6ba31074f3d41cef48628b235aab4906ce5 (commit)

commit d76aa6ba31074f3d41cef48628b235aab4906ce5
Author: Stephen Smith <stephen at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 28 11:18:20 2023 -0400

    20219: Replace API & websocket log loading with webdav polling
    * Add apiWebdavClient to log service for making webdav requests to the API and
      differentiate from keepWebdavClient
    * Add listLogFiles and getLogFileContents methods to log service, contents can
      be fetched with range request
    * Add loadContainerLogFileContents to load logs using webdav range requests
      * Files larger than the chunk limit (128k) are loaded as beginning and end
        in 2 64k fragments, snipline is appended to the last line of the first
      * The chunks are all requested in parallel
    * Add sorting of timestamped log types in combined log views (Main/All)
      * Lines without timestamps are merged with previous lines with timestamps
        * If no preceding lines of a sortable type exist, the leading lines are
          removed from combined log views - they can still be seen in the single
          log type filter
      * Non-timestamped log types (node-info/contaner) are pushed to the bottom
        with original ordering in All view
      * Merging & sorting is not applied to single log type view
    * Remove snipline LogEventType as all sniplines now belong to specific log
      event types
    * Update logs panel store and reducer to remember the last log byte requested
    * Add polling useAsyncInterval utility function to poll log file sizes
      * Polling awaits for callback to finish to prevent race conditions
    * Update process log code snippet style to remove gap between array of loglines
    * Remove websocket handling of log events
    * Replaced cypress log manipulation commands with webdav log helpers
    * Add tests for polling, line sorting, correctly sized/positioned chunks, and
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Stephen Smith <stephen at curii.com>

diff --git a/cypress/integration/process.spec.js b/cypress/integration/process.spec.js
index bdb4fae6..2be9c5c3 100644
--- a/cypress/integration/process.spec.js
+++ b/cypress/integration/process.spec.js
@@ -84,882 +84,1332 @@ describe('Process tests', function() {
-    it('shows process logs', function() {
-        const crName = 'test_container_request';
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            crName,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crName);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
-                .should('contain', 'No logs yet')
-                .and('not.contain', 'hello world');
-            cy.createLog(activeUser.token, {
-                object_uuid: containerRequest.container_uuid,
-                properties: {
-                    text: 'hello world'
-                },
-                event_type: 'stdout'
-            }).then(function(log) {
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]', {timeout: 7000})
-                    .should('not.contain', 'No logs yet')
-                    .and('contain', 'hello world');
-            })
+    describe('Details panel', function() {
+        it('shows process details', function() {
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                `test_container_request ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', containerRequest.name);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-modifiedby-user]').contains(`Active User (${activeUser.user.uuid})`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-runtime-user]').should('not.exist');
+            });
+            // Fake submitted by another user
+            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
+                req.reply((res) => {
+                    res.body.modified_by_user_uuid = 'zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000';
+                });
+            });
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                `test_container_request ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', containerRequest.name);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-modifiedby-user]').contains(`zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-runtime-user]').contains(`Active User (${activeUser.user.uuid})`);
+            });
-    });
-    it('shows process details', function() {
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            `test_container_request ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', containerRequest.name);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-modifiedby-user]').contains(`Active User (${activeUser.user.uuid})`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-runtime-user]').should('not.exist');
+        it('should show runtime status indicators', function() {
+            // Setup running container with runtime_status error & warning messages
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                'test_container_request',
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .as('containerRequest')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                expect(containerRequest.state).to.equal('Committed');
+                expect(containerRequest.container_uuid).not.to.be.equal('');
+                cy.getContainer(activeUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid)
+                .then(function(queuedContainer) {
+                    expect(queuedContainer.state).to.be.equal('Queued');
+                });
+                cy.updateContainer(adminUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid, {
+                    state: 'Locked'
+                }).then(function(lockedContainer) {
+                    expect(lockedContainer.state).to.be.equal('Locked');
+                    cy.updateContainer(adminUser.token, lockedContainer.uuid, {
+                        state: 'Running',
+                        runtime_status: {
+                            error: 'Something went wrong',
+                            errorDetail: 'Process exited with status 1',
+                            warning: 'Free disk space is low',
+                        }
+                    })
+                    .as('runningContainer')
+                    .then(function(runningContainer) {
+                        expect(runningContainer.state).to.be.equal('Running');
+                        expect(runningContainer.runtime_status).to.be.deep.equal({
+                            'error': 'Something went wrong',
+                            'errorDetail': 'Process exited with status 1',
+                            'warning': 'Free disk space is low',
+                        });
+                    });
+                })
+            });
+            // Test that the UI shows the error and warning messages
+            cy.getAll('@containerRequest', '@runningContainer').then(function([containerRequest]) {
+                cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-error]')
+                    .should('contain', 'Something went wrong')
+                    .and('contain', 'Process exited with status 1');
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-warning]')
+                    .should('contain', 'Free disk space is low')
+                    .and('contain', 'No additional warning details available');
+            });
+            // Force container_count for testing
+            let containerCount = 2;
+            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
+                req.reply((res) => {
+                    res.body.container_count = containerCount;
+                });
+            });
+            cy.getAll('@containerRequest').then(function([containerRequest]) {
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-retry-warning]', {timeout: 7000})
+                    .should('contain', 'Process retried 1 time');
+            });
+            cy.getAll('@containerRequest').then(function([containerRequest]) {
+                containerCount = 3;
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-retry-warning]', {timeout: 7000})
+                    .should('contain', 'Process retried 2 times');
+            });
-        // Fake submitted by another user
-        cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
-            req.reply((res) => {
-                res.body.modified_by_user_uuid = 'zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000';
+        it('allows copying processes', function() {
+            const crName = 'first_container_request';
+            const copiedCrName = 'copied_container_request';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crName,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crName);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').find('button[title="More options"]').click();
+                cy.get('ul[data-cy=context-menu]').contains("Copy and re-run process").click();
+            });
+            cy.get('[data-cy=form-dialog]').within(() => {
+                cy.get('input[name=name]').clear().type(copiedCrName);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=projects-tree-home-tree-picker]').click();
+                cy.get('[data-cy=form-submit-btn]').click();
+            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', copiedCrName);
+            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').find('button').contains('Run');
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            `test_container_request ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', containerRequest.name);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-modifiedby-user]').contains(`zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details-attributes-runtime-user]').contains(`Active User (${activeUser.user.uuid})`);
+        const getFakeContainer = (fakeContainerUuid) => ({
+            href: `/containers/${fakeContainerUuid}`,
+            kind: "arvados#container",
+            etag: "ecfosljpnxfari9a8m7e4yv06",
+            uuid: fakeContainerUuid,
+            owner_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000",
+            created_at: "2023-02-13T15:55:47.308915000Z",
+            modified_by_client_uuid: "zzzzz-ozdt8-q6dzdi1lcc03155",
+            modified_by_user_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000",
+            modified_at: "2023-02-15T19:12:45.987086000Z",
+            command: [
+            "arvados-cwl-runner",
+            "--api=containers",
+            "--local",
+            "--project-uuid=zzzzz-j7d0g-yr18k784zplfeza",
+            "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json#main",
+            "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json",
+            ],
+            container_image: "4ad7d11381df349e464694762db14e04+303",
+            cwd: "/var/spool/cwl",
+            environment: {},
+            exit_code: null,
+            finished_at: null,
+            locked_by_uuid: null,
+            log: null,
+            output: null,
+            output_path: "/var/spool/cwl",
+            progress: null,
+            runtime_constraints: {
+            API: true,
+            cuda: {
+                device_count: 0,
+                driver_version: "",
+                hardware_capability: "",
+            },
+            keep_cache_disk: 2147483648,
+            keep_cache_ram: 0,
+            ram: 1342177280,
+            vcpus: 1,
+            },
+            runtime_status: {},
+            started_at: null,
+            auth_uuid: null,
+            scheduling_parameters: {
+            max_run_time: 0,
+            partitions: [],
+            preemptible: false,
+            },
+            runtime_user_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-vllbpebicy84rd5",
+            runtime_auth_scopes: ["all"],
+            lock_count: 2,
+            gateway_address: null,
+            interactive_session_started: false,
+            output_storage_classes: ["default"],
+            output_properties: {},
+            cost: 0.0,
+            subrequests_cost: 0.0,
+        it('shows cancel button when appropriate', function() {
+            // Ignore collection requests
+            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/collections/*`}, {
+                statusCode: 200,
+                body: {}
+            });
+            // Uncommitted container
+            const crUncommitted = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crUncommitted,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Uncommitted')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                // Navigate to process and verify run / cancel button
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.waitForDom();
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crUncommitted);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-run-button]').should('exist');
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').should('not.exist');
+            });
+            // Queued container
+            const crQueued = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
+            const fakeCrUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-000000000000001';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crQueued,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                // Fake container uuid
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerRequest.uuid}`}, (req) => {
+                    req.reply((res) => {
+                        res.body.output_uuid = fakeCrUuid;
+                        res.body.priority = 500;
+                        res.body.state = "Committed";
+                    });
+                });
+                // Fake container
+                const container = getFakeContainer(fakeCrUuid);
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container/${fakeCrUuid}`}, {
+                    statusCode: 200,
+                    body: {...container, state: "Queued", priority: 500}
+                });
+                // Navigate to process and verify cancel button
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.waitForDom();
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crQueued);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').contains('Cancel');
+            });
+            // Locked container
+            const crLocked = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
+            const fakeCrLockedUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-000000000000002';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crLocked,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                // Fake container uuid
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerRequest.uuid}`}, (req) => {
+                    req.reply((res) => {
+                        res.body.output_uuid = fakeCrLockedUuid;
+                        res.body.priority = 500;
+                        res.body.state = "Committed";
+                    });
+                });
+                // Fake container
+                const container = getFakeContainer(fakeCrLockedUuid);
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container/${fakeCrLockedUuid}`}, {
+                    statusCode: 200,
+                    body: {...container, state: "Locked", priority: 500}
+                });
+                // Navigate to process and verify cancel button
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.waitForDom();
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crLocked);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').contains('Cancel');
+            });
+            // On Hold container
+            const crOnHold = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
+            const fakeCrOnHoldUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-000000000000003';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crOnHold,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                // Fake container uuid
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerRequest.uuid}`}, (req) => {
+                    req.reply((res) => {
+                        res.body.output_uuid = fakeCrOnHoldUuid;
+                        res.body.priority = 0;
+                        res.body.state = "Committed";
+                    });
+                });
+                // Fake container
+                const container = getFakeContainer(fakeCrOnHoldUuid);
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container/${fakeCrOnHoldUuid}`}, {
+                    statusCode: 200,
+                    body: {...container, state: "Queued", priority: 0}
+                });
+                // Navigate to process and verify cancel button
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.waitForDom();
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crOnHold);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-run-button]').should('exist');
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').should('not.exist');
+            });
+        });
-    it('filters process logs by event type', function() {
-        const nodeInfoLogs = [
-            'Host Information',
-            'Linux compute-99cb150b26149780de44b929577e1aed-19rgca8vobuvc4p 5.4.0-1059-azure #62~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 14 17:53:18 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux',
-            'CPU Information',
-            'processor  : 0',
-            'vendor_id  : GenuineIntel',
-            'cpu family : 6',
-            'model      : 79',
-            'model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz'
-        ];
-        const crunchRunLogs = [
-            '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542417997Z using local keepstore process (pid 3733) at http://localhost:46837, writing logs to keepstore.txt in log collection',
-            '2022-03-22T13:56:26.237571754Z crunch-run 2.4.0~dev20220321141729 (go1.17.1) started',
-            '2022-03-22T13:56:26.244704134Z crunch-run process has uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)',
-            '2022-03-22T13:56:26.244862836Z Executing container \'zzzzz-dz642-1wokwvcct9s9du3\' using docker runtime',
-            '2022-03-22T13:56:26.245037738Z Executing on host \'compute-99cb150b26149780de44b929577e1aed-19rgca8vobuvc4p\'',
-        ];
-        const stdoutLogs = [
-            'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dui nisi, hendrerit porta sapien a, pretium dignissim purus.',
-            'Integer viverra, mauris finibus aliquet ultricies, dui mauris cursus justo, ut venenatis nibh ex eget neque.',
-            'In hac habitasse platea dictumst.',
-            'Fusce fringilla turpis id accumsan faucibus. Donec congue congue ex non posuere. In semper mi quis tristique rhoncus.',
-            'Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.',
-            'Quisque fermentum tortor ex, ut suscipit velit feugiat faucibus.',
-            'Donec vitae porta risus, at luctus nulla. Mauris gravida iaculis ipsum, id sagittis tortor egestas ac.',
-            'Maecenas condimentum volutpat nulla. Integer lacinia maximus risus eu posuere.',
-            'Donec vitae leo id augue gravida bibendum.',
-            'Nam libero libero, pretium ac faucibus elementum, mattis nec ex.',
-            'Nullam id laoreet nibh. Vivamus tellus metus, pretium quis justo ut, bibendum varius metus. Pellentesque vitae accumsan lorem, quis tincidunt augue.',
-            'Aliquam viverra nisi nulla, et efficitur dolor mattis in.',
-            'Sed at enim sit amet nulla tincidunt mattis. Aenean eget aliquet ex, non ultrices ex. Nulla ex tortor, vestibulum aliquam tempor ac, aliquam vel est.',
-            'Fusce auctor faucibus libero id venenatis. Etiam sodales, odio eu cursus efficitur, quam sem blandit ex, quis porttitor enim dui quis lectus. In id tincidunt felis.',
-            'Phasellus non ex quis arcu tempus faucibus molestie in sapien.',
-            'Duis tristique semper dolor, vitae pulvinar risus.',
-            'Aliquam tortor elit, luctus nec tortor eget, porta tristique nulla.',
-            'Nulla eget mollis ipsum.',
-        ];
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            'test_container_request',
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            cy.logsForContainer(activeUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid,
-                'node-info', nodeInfoLogs).as('nodeInfoLogs');
-            cy.logsForContainer(activeUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid,
-                'crunch-run', crunchRunLogs).as('crunchRunLogs');
-            cy.logsForContainer(activeUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid,
-                'stdout', stdoutLogs).as('stdoutLogs');
-            cy.getAll('@stdoutLogs', '@nodeInfoLogs', '@crunchRunLogs').then(function() {
+    describe('Logs panel', function() {
+        it('shows live process logs', function() {
+            const crName = 'test_container_request';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crName,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
-                // Should show main logs by default
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]', {timeout: 7000}).should('contain', 'Main logs');
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crName);
-                    .should('contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
-                    .and('not.contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
-                    .and('contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
-                // Select 'All logs'
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
-                cy.get('body').contains('li', 'All logs').click();
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
-                    .should('contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
-                    .and('contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
-                    .and('contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
-                // Select 'node-info' logs
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
-                cy.get('body').contains('li', 'node-info').click();
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
-                    .should('not.contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
-                    .and('contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
-                    .and('not.contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
-                // Select 'stdout' logs
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
-                cy.get('body').contains('li', 'stdout').click();
-                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
-                    .should('contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
-                    .and('not.contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
-                    .and('not.contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
+                    .should('contain', 'No logs yet')
+                    .and('not.contain', 'hello world');
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "stdout.txt", [
+                    "2023-07-18T20:14:48.128642814Z hello world"
+                ]).then(() => {
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]', {timeout: 7000})
+                        .should('not.contain', 'No logs yet')
+                        .and('contain', 'hello world');
+                });
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "stderr.txt", [
+                    "2023-07-18T20:14:49.128642814Z hello new line"
+                ]).then(() => {
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]', {timeout: 7000})
+                        .should('not.contain', 'No logs yet')
+                        .and('contain', 'hello new line');
+                });
-    });
-    it('should show runtime status indicators', function() {
-        // Setup running container with runtime_status error & warning messages
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            'test_container_request',
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .as('containerRequest')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            expect(containerRequest.state).to.equal('Committed');
-            expect(containerRequest.container_uuid).not.to.be.equal('');
-            cy.getContainer(activeUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid)
-            .then(function(queuedContainer) {
-                expect(queuedContainer.state).to.be.equal('Queued');
-            });
-            cy.updateContainer(adminUser.token, containerRequest.container_uuid, {
-                state: 'Locked'
-            }).then(function(lockedContainer) {
-                expect(lockedContainer.state).to.be.equal('Locked');
-                cy.updateContainer(adminUser.token, lockedContainer.uuid, {
-                    state: 'Running',
-                    runtime_status: {
-                        error: 'Something went wrong',
-                        errorDetail: 'Process exited with status 1',
-                        warning: 'Free disk space is low',
-                    }
-                })
-                .as('runningContainer')
-                .then(function(runningContainer) {
-                    expect(runningContainer.state).to.be.equal('Running');
-                    expect(runningContainer.runtime_status).to.be.deep.equal({
-                        'error': 'Something went wrong',
-                        'errorDetail': 'Process exited with status 1',
-                        'warning': 'Free disk space is low',
-                    });
+        it('filters process logs by event type', function() {
+            const nodeInfoLogs = [
+                'Host Information',
+                'Linux compute-99cb150b26149780de44b929577e1aed-19rgca8vobuvc4p 5.4.0-1059-azure #62~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 14 17:53:18 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux',
+                'CPU Information',
+                'processor  : 0',
+                'vendor_id  : GenuineIntel',
+                'cpu family : 6',
+                'model      : 79',
+                'model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2673 v4 @ 2.30GHz'
+            ];
+            const crunchRunLogs = [
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542417997Z using local keepstore process (pid 3733) at http://localhost:46837, writing logs to keepstore.txt in log collection',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:26.237571754Z crunch-run 2.4.0~dev20220321141729 (go1.17.1) started',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:26.244704134Z crunch-run process has uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:26.244862836Z Executing container \'zzzzz-dz642-1wokwvcct9s9du3\' using docker runtime',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:26.245037738Z Executing on host \'compute-99cb150b26149780de44b929577e1aed-19rgca8vobuvc4p\'',
+            ];
+            const stdoutLogs = [
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542417987Z Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dui nisi, hendrerit porta sapien a, pretium dignissim purus.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542417997Z Integer viverra, mauris finibus aliquet ultricies, dui mauris cursus justo, ut venenatis nibh ex eget neque.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418007Z In hac habitasse platea dictumst.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418027Z Fusce fringilla turpis id accumsan faucibus. Donec congue congue ex non posuere. In semper mi quis tristique rhoncus.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418037Z Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418047Z Quisque fermentum tortor ex, ut suscipit velit feugiat faucibus.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418057Z Donec vitae porta risus, at luctus nulla. Mauris gravida iaculis ipsum, id sagittis tortor egestas ac.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418067Z Maecenas condimentum volutpat nulla. Integer lacinia maximus risus eu posuere.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418077Z Donec vitae leo id augue gravida bibendum.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418087Z Nam libero libero, pretium ac faucibus elementum, mattis nec ex.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418097Z Nullam id laoreet nibh. Vivamus tellus metus, pretium quis justo ut, bibendum varius metus. Pellentesque vitae accumsan lorem, quis tincidunt augue.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418107Z Aliquam viverra nisi nulla, et efficitur dolor mattis in.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418117Z Sed at enim sit amet nulla tincidunt mattis. Aenean eget aliquet ex, non ultrices ex. Nulla ex tortor, vestibulum aliquam tempor ac, aliquam vel est.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418127Z Fusce auctor faucibus libero id venenatis. Etiam sodales, odio eu cursus efficitur, quam sem blandit ex, quis porttitor enim dui quis lectus. In id tincidunt felis.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418137Z Phasellus non ex quis arcu tempus faucibus molestie in sapien.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418147Z Duis tristique semper dolor, vitae pulvinar risus.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418157Z Aliquam tortor elit, luctus nec tortor eget, porta tristique nulla.',
+                '2022-03-22T13:56:22.542418167Z Nulla eget mollis ipsum.',
+            ];
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                'test_container_request',
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "node-info.txt", nodeInfoLogs).as('nodeInfoLogs');
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "crunch-run.txt", crunchRunLogs).as('crunchRunLogs');
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "stdout.txt", stdoutLogs).as('stdoutLogs');
+                cy.getAll('@stdoutLogs', '@nodeInfoLogs', '@crunchRunLogs').then(function() {
+                    cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                    cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                    // Should show main logs by default
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]', {timeout: 7000}).should('contain', 'Main logs');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
+                        .should('contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
+                        .and('not.contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
+                        .and('contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
+                    // Select 'All logs'
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
+                    cy.get('body').contains('li', 'All logs').click();
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
+                        .should('contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
+                        .and('contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
+                        .and('contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
+                    // Select 'node-info' logs
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
+                    cy.get('body').contains('li', 'node-info').click();
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
+                        .should('not.contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
+                        .and('contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
+                        .and('not.contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
+                    // Select 'stdout' logs
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
+                    cy.get('body').contains('li', 'stdout').click();
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
+                        .should('contain', stdoutLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * stdoutLogs.length)])
+                        .and('not.contain', nodeInfoLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeInfoLogs.length)])
+                        .and('not.contain', crunchRunLogs[Math.floor(Math.random() * crunchRunLogs.length)]);
-            })
-        });
-        // Test that the UI shows the error and warning messages
-        cy.getAll('@containerRequest', '@runningContainer').then(function([containerRequest]) {
-            cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-error]')
-                .should('contain', 'Something went wrong')
-                .and('contain', 'Process exited with status 1');
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-warning]')
-                .should('contain', 'Free disk space is low')
-                .and('contain', 'No additional warning details available');
+            });
+        it('sorts combined logs', function() {
+            const crName = 'test_container_request';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crName,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "node-info.txt", [
+                    "3: nodeinfo 1",
+                    "2: nodeinfo 2",
+                    "1: nodeinfo 3",
+                    "2: nodeinfo 4",
+                    "3: nodeinfo 5",
+                ]).as('node-info');
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "stdout.txt", [
+                    "2023-07-18T20:14:48.128642814Z first",
+                    "2023-07-18T20:14:49.128642814Z third"
+                ]).as('stdout');
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "stderr.txt", [
+                    "2023-07-18T20:14:48.528642814Z second"
+                ]).as('stderr');
-        // Force container_count for testing
-        let containerCount = 2;
-        cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
-            req.reply((res) => {
-                res.body.container_count = containerCount;
+                cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crName);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
+                    .should('contain', 'No logs yet');
+                cy.getAll('@node-info', '@stdout', '@stderr').then(() => {
+                    // Verify sorted main logs
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre', {timeout: 7000})
+                        .eq(0).should('contain', '2023-07-18T20:14:48.128642814Z first');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(1).should('contain', '2023-07-18T20:14:48.528642814Z second');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(2).should('contain', '2023-07-18T20:14:49.128642814Z third');
+                    // Switch to All logs
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
+                    cy.get('body').contains('li', 'All logs').click();
+                    // Verify sorted logs
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(0).should('contain', '2023-07-18T20:14:48.128642814Z first');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(1).should('contain', '2023-07-18T20:14:48.528642814Z second');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(2).should('contain', '2023-07-18T20:14:49.128642814Z third');
+                    // Verify non-sorted lines were preserved
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(3).should('contain', '3: nodeinfo 1');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(4).should('contain', '2: nodeinfo 2');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(5).should('contain', '1: nodeinfo 3');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(6).should('contain', '2: nodeinfo 4');
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(7).should('contain', '3: nodeinfo 5');
+                });
-        cy.getAll('@containerRequest').then(function([containerRequest]) {
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-retry-warning]', {timeout: 7000})
-                .should('contain', 'Process retried 1 time');
-        });
+        it('correctly generates sniplines', function() {
+            const SNIPLINE = `================ ✀ ================ ✀ ========= Some log(s) were skipped ========= ✀ ================ ✀ ================`;
+            const crName = 'test_container_request';
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                crName,
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .then(function(containerRequest) {
+                cy.appendLog(adminUser.token, containerRequest.uuid, "stdout.txt", [
+                    'X'.repeat(63999) + '_' +
+                    'O'.repeat(100) +
+                    '_' + 'X'.repeat(63999)
+                ]).as('stdout');
-        cy.getAll('@containerRequest').then(function([containerRequest]) {
-            containerCount = 3;
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-runtime-status-retry-warning]', {timeout: 7000})
-                .should('contain', 'Process retried 2 times');
+                cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crName);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs]')
+                    .should('contain', 'No logs yet');
+                // Switch to stdout since lines are unsortable (no timestamp)
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs-filter]').click();
+                cy.get('body').contains('li', 'stdout').click();
+                cy.getAll('@stdout').then(() => {
+                    // Verify first 64KB and snipline
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre', {timeout: 7000})
+                        .eq(0).should('contain', 'X'.repeat(63999) + '_\n' + SNIPLINE);
+                    // Verify last 64KB
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .eq(1).should('contain', '_' + 'X'.repeat(63999));
+                    // Verify none of the Os got through
+                    cy.get('[data-cy=process-logs] pre')
+                        .should('not.contain', 'O');
+                });
+            });
-    });
+    });
-    const testInputs = [
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_file",
-                "label": "Label Description",
-                "type": "File"
+    describe('I/O panel', function() {
+        const testInputs = [
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_file",
+                    "label": "Label Description",
+                    "type": "File"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_file": {
+                        "basename": "input1.tar",
+                        "class": "File",
+                        "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1.tar",
+                        "secondaryFiles": [
+                            {
+                                "basename": "input1-2.txt",
+                                "class": "File",
+                                "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1-2.txt"
+                            },
+                            {
+                                "basename": "input1-3.txt",
+                                "class": "File",
+                                "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1-3.txt"
+                            },
+                            {
+                                "basename": "input1-4.txt",
+                                "class": "File",
+                                "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1-4.txt"
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_dir",
+                    "doc": "Doc Description",
+                    "type": "Directory"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_dir": {
+                        "basename": "11111111111111111111111111111111+01",
+                        "class": "Directory",
+                        "location": "keep:11111111111111111111111111111111+01"
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_bool",
+                    "doc": ["Doc desc 1", "Doc desc 2"],
+                    "type": "boolean"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_bool": true,
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_int",
+                    "type": "int"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_int": 1,
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_long",
+                    "type": "long"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_long" : 1,
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_float",
+                    "type": "float"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_float": 1.5,
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_double",
+                    "type": "double"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_double": 1.3,
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_string",
+                    "type": "string"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_string": "Hello World",
+                }
-            input: {
-                "input_file": {
-                    "basename": "input1.tar",
-                    "class": "File",
-                    "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1.tar",
-                    "secondaryFiles": [
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_file_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "File",
+                      "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_file_array": [
-                            "basename": "input1-2.txt",
+                            "basename": "input2.tar",
                             "class": "File",
-                            "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1-2.txt"
+                            "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+02/input2.tar"
-                            "basename": "input1-3.txt",
+                            "basename": "input3.tar",
                             "class": "File",
-                            "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1-3.txt"
+                            "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+03/input3.tar",
+                            "secondaryFiles": [
+                                {
+                                    "basename": "input3-2.txt",
+                                    "class": "File",
+                                    "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+03/input3-2.txt"
+                                }
+                            ]
-                            "basename": "input1-4.txt",
-                            "class": "File",
-                            "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+01/input1-4.txt"
+                            "$import": "import_path"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_dir",
-                "doc": "Doc Description",
-                "type": "Directory"
-            input: {
-                "input_dir": {
-                    "basename": "11111111111111111111111111111111+01",
-                    "class": "Directory",
-                    "location": "keep:11111111111111111111111111111111+01"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_dir_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "Directory",
+                      "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_dir_array": [
+                        {
+                            "basename": "11111111111111111111111111111111+02",
+                            "class": "Directory",
+                            "location": "keep:11111111111111111111111111111111+02"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "basename": "11111111111111111111111111111111+03",
+                            "class": "Directory",
+                            "location": "keep:11111111111111111111111111111111+03"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "$import": "import_path"
+                        }
+                    ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_bool",
-                "doc": ["Doc desc 1", "Doc desc 2"],
-                "type": "boolean"
-            },
-            input: {
-                "input_bool": true,
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_int",
-                "type": "int"
-            input: {
-                "input_int": 1,
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_long",
-                "type": "long"
-            },
-            input: {
-                "input_long" : 1,
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_float",
-                "type": "float"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_int_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "int",
+                      "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_int_array": [
+                        1,
+                        3,
+                        5,
+                        {
+                            "$import": "import_path"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                }
-            input: {
-                "input_float": 1.5,
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_double",
-                "type": "double"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_long_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "long",
+                      "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_long_array": [
+                        10,
+                        20,
+                        {
+                            "$import": "import_path"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                }
-            input: {
-                "input_double": 1.3,
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_string",
-                "type": "string"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_float_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "float",
+                      "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_float_array": [
+                        10.2,
+                        10.4,
+                        10.6,
+                        {
+                            "$import": "import_path"
+                        }
+                    ]
+                }
-            input: {
-                "input_string": "Hello World",
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_file_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "File",
-                  "type": "array"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_double_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "double",
+                      "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_double_array": [
+                        20.1,
+                        20.2,
+                        20.3,
+                        {
+                            "$import": "import_path"
+                        }
+                    ]
-            input: {
-                "input_file_array": [
-                    {
-                        "basename": "input2.tar",
-                        "class": "File",
-                        "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+02/input2.tar"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "basename": "input3.tar",
-                        "class": "File",
-                        "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+03/input3.tar",
-                        "secondaryFiles": [
-                            {
-                                "basename": "input3-2.txt",
-                                "class": "File",
-                                "location": "keep:00000000000000000000000000000000+03/input3-2.txt"
-                            }
-                        ]
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_string_array",
+                    "type": {
+                      "items": "string",
+                      "type": "array"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_dir_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "Directory",
-                  "type": "array"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_string_array": [
+                        "Hello",
+                        "World",
+                        "!",
+                        {
+                            "$import": "import_path"
+                        }
+                    ]
-            input: {
-                "input_dir_array": [
-                    {
-                        "basename": "11111111111111111111111111111111+02",
-                        "class": "Directory",
-                        "location": "keep:11111111111111111111111111111111+02"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "basename": "11111111111111111111111111111111+03",
-                        "class": "Directory",
-                        "location": "keep:11111111111111111111111111111111+03"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_bool_include",
+                    "type": "boolean"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_bool_include": {
+                        "$include": "include_path"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_int_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "int",
-                  "type": "array"
-            input: {
-                "input_int_array": [
-                    1,
-                    3,
-                    5,
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_int_include",
+                    "type": "int"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_int_include": {
+                        "$include": "include_path"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_long_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "long",
-                  "type": "array"
-            input: {
-                "input_long_array": [
-                    10,
-                    20,
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_float_include",
+                    "type": "float"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_float_include": {
+                        "$include": "include_path"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_float_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "float",
-                  "type": "array"
-            input: {
-                "input_float_array": [
-                    10.2,
-                    10.4,
-                    10.6,
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_string_include",
+                    "type": "string"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_string_include": {
+                        "$include": "include_path"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_double_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "double",
-                  "type": "array"
-            input: {
-                "input_double_array": [
-                    20.1,
-                    20.2,
-                    20.3,
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_file_include",
+                    "type": "File"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_file_include": {
+                        "$include": "include_path"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_string_array",
-                "type": {
-                  "items": "string",
-                  "type": "array"
-            input: {
-                "input_string_array": [
-                    "Hello",
-                    "World",
-                    "!",
-                    {
-                        "$import": "import_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_directory_include",
+                    "type": "Directory"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_directory_include": {
+                        "$include": "include_path"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_bool_include",
-                "type": "boolean"
+                }
-            input: {
-                "input_bool_include": {
-                    "$include": "include_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/input_file_url",
+                    "type": "File"
+                },
+                input: {
+                    "input_file_url": {
+                        "basename": "index.html",
+                        "class": "File",
+                        "location": "http://example.com/index.html"
+                      }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_int_include",
-                "type": "int"
+        ];
+        const testOutputs = [
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_file",
+                    "label": "Label Description",
+                    "type": "File"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_file": {
+                        "basename": "cat.png",
+                        "class": "File",
+                        "location": "cat.png"
+                    }
+                }
-            input: {
-                "input_int_include": {
-                    "$include": "include_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_file_with_secondary",
+                    "doc": "Doc Description",
+                    "type": "File"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_file_with_secondary": {
+                        "basename": "main.dat",
+                        "class": "File",
+                        "location": "main.dat",
+                        "secondaryFiles": [
+                            {
+                                "basename": "secondary.dat",
+                                "class": "File",
+                                "location": "secondary.dat"
+                            },
+                            {
+                                "basename": "secondary2.dat",
+                                "class": "File",
+                                "location": "secondary2.dat"
+                            }
+                        ]
+                    }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_float_include",
-                "type": "float"
-            input: {
-                "input_float_include": {
-                    "$include": "include_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_dir",
+                    "doc": ["Doc desc 1", "Doc desc 2"],
+                    "type": "Directory"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_dir": {
+                        "basename": "outdir1",
+                        "class": "Directory",
+                        "location": "outdir1"
+                    }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_string_include",
-                "type": "string"
-            input: {
-                "input_string_include": {
-                    "$include": "include_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_bool",
+                    "type": "boolean"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_bool": true
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_file_include",
-                "type": "File"
-            input: {
-                "input_file_include": {
-                    "$include": "include_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_int",
+                    "type": "int"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_int": 1
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_directory_include",
-                "type": "Directory"
-            input: {
-                "input_directory_include": {
-                    "$include": "include_path"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_long",
+                    "type": "long"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_long": 1
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/input_file_url",
-                "type": "File"
-            input: {
-                "input_file_url": {
-                    "basename": "index.html",
-                    "class": "File",
-                    "location": "http://example.com/index.html"
-                  }
-            }
-        }
-    ];
-    const testOutputs = [
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_file",
-                "label": "Label Description",
-                "type": "File"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_float",
+                    "type": "float"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_float": 100.5
+                }
-            output: {
-                "output_file": {
-                    "basename": "cat.png",
-                    "class": "File",
-                    "location": "cat.png"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_double",
+                    "type": "double"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_double": 100.3
+                }
+            },
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_string",
+                    "type": "string"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_string": "Hello output"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_file_with_secondary",
-                "doc": "Doc Description",
-                "type": "File"
-            output: {
-                "output_file_with_secondary": {
-                    "basename": "main.dat",
-                    "class": "File",
-                    "location": "main.dat",
-                    "secondaryFiles": [
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_file_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "File",
+                        "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_file_array": [
-                            "basename": "secondary.dat",
+                            "basename": "output2.tar",
                             "class": "File",
-                            "location": "secondary.dat"
+                            "location": "output2.tar"
-                            "basename": "secondary2.dat",
+                            "basename": "output3.tar",
                             "class": "File",
-                            "location": "secondary2.dat"
+                            "location": "output3.tar"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_dir",
-                "doc": ["Doc desc 1", "Doc desc 2"],
-                "type": "Directory"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_dir": {
-                    "basename": "outdir1",
-                    "class": "Directory",
-                    "location": "outdir1"
-                }
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_bool",
-                "type": "boolean"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_bool": true
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_int",
-                "type": "int"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_int": 1
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_long",
-                "type": "long"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_long": 1
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_float",
-                "type": "float"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_float": 100.5
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_double",
-                "type": "double"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_double": 100.3
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_string",
-                "type": "string"
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_string": "Hello output"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_file_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "File",
-                    "type": "array"
-                }
-            output: {
-                "output_file_array": [
-                    {
-                        "basename": "output2.tar",
-                        "class": "File",
-                        "location": "output2.tar"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "basename": "output3.tar",
-                        "class": "File",
-                        "location": "output3.tar"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_dir_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "Directory",
+                        "type": "array"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_dir_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "Directory",
-                    "type": "array"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_dir_array": [
+                        {
+                            "basename": "outdir2",
+                            "class": "Directory",
+                            "location": "outdir2"
+                        },
+                        {
+                            "basename": "outdir3",
+                            "class": "Directory",
+                            "location": "outdir3"
+                        }
+                    ]
-            output: {
-                "output_dir_array": [
-                    {
-                        "basename": "outdir2",
-                        "class": "Directory",
-                        "location": "outdir2"
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "basename": "outdir3",
-                        "class": "Directory",
-                        "location": "outdir3"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_int_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "int",
+                        "type": "array"
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_int_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "int",
-                    "type": "array"
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_int_array": [
+                        10,
+                        11,
+                        12
+                    ]
-            output: {
-                "output_int_array": [
-                    10,
-                    11,
-                    12
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_long_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "long",
-                    "type": "array"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_long_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "long",
+                        "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_long_array": [
+                        51,
+                        52
+                    ]
-            output: {
-                "output_long_array": [
-                    51,
-                    52
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_float_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "float",
-                    "type": "array"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_float_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "float",
+                        "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_float_array": [
+                        100.2,
+                        100.4,
+                        100.6
+                    ]
-            output: {
-                "output_float_array": [
-                    100.2,
-                    100.4,
-                    100.6
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_double_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "double",
-                    "type": "array"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_double_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "double",
+                        "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_double_array": [
+                        100.1,
+                        100.2,
+                        100.3
+                    ]
-            output: {
-                "output_double_array": [
-                    100.1,
-                    100.2,
-                    100.3
-                ]
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            definition: {
-                "id": "#main/output_string_array",
-                "type": {
-                    "items": "string",
-                    "type": "array"
+            {
+                definition: {
+                    "id": "#main/output_string_array",
+                    "type": {
+                        "items": "string",
+                        "type": "array"
+                    }
+                },
+                output: {
+                    "output_string_array": [
+                        "Hello",
+                        "Output",
+                        "!"
+                    ]
-            },
-            output: {
-                "output_string_array": [
-                    "Hello",
-                    "Output",
-                    "!"
-                ]
-        }
-    ];
-    const verifyIOParameter = (name, label, doc, val, collection, multipleRows) => {
-        cy.get('table tr').contains(name).parents('tr').within(($mainRow) => {
-            label && cy.contains(label);
-            if (multipleRows) {
-                cy.get($mainRow).nextUntil('[data-cy="process-io-param"]').as('secondaryRows');
-                if (val) {
-                    if (Array.isArray(val)) {
-                        val.forEach(v => cy.get('@secondaryRows').contains(v));
-                    } else {
-                        cy.get('@secondaryRows').contains(val);
+        ];
+        const verifyIOParameter = (name, label, doc, val, collection, multipleRows) => {
+            cy.get('table tr').contains(name).parents('tr').within(($mainRow) => {
+                label && cy.contains(label);
+                if (multipleRows) {
+                    cy.get($mainRow).nextUntil('[data-cy="process-io-param"]').as('secondaryRows');
+                    if (val) {
+                        if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+                            val.forEach(v => cy.get('@secondaryRows').contains(v));
+                        } else {
+                            cy.get('@secondaryRows').contains(val);
+                        }
-                }
-                if (collection) {
-                    cy.get('@secondaryRows').contains(collection);
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (val) {
-                    if (Array.isArray(val)) {
-                        val.forEach(v => cy.contains(v));
-                    } else {
-                        cy.contains(val);
+                    if (collection) {
+                        cy.get('@secondaryRows').contains(collection);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (val) {
+                        if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+                            val.forEach(v => cy.contains(v));
+                        } else {
+                            cy.contains(val);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (collection) {
+                        cy.contains(collection);
-                if (collection) {
-                    cy.contains(collection);
-                }
-            }
-        });
-    };
-    const verifyIOParameterImage = (name, url) => {
-        cy.get('table tr').contains(name).parents('tr').within(() => {
-            cy.get('[alt="Inline Preview"]')
-                .should('be.visible')
-                .and(($img) => {
-                    expect($img[0].naturalWidth).to.be.greaterThan(0);
-                    expect($img[0].src).contains(url);
-                })
-        });
-    };
+            });
+        };
+        const verifyIOParameterImage = (name, url) => {
+            cy.get('table tr').contains(name).parents('tr').within(() => {
+                cy.get('[alt="Inline Preview"]')
+                    .should('be.visible')
+                    .and(($img) => {
+                        expect($img[0].naturalWidth).to.be.greaterThan(0);
+                        expect($img[0].src).contains(url);
+                    })
+            });
+        };
+        it('displays IO parameters with keep links and previews', function() {
+            // Create output collection for real files
+            cy.createCollection(adminUser.token, {
+                name: `Test collection ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
+                owner_uuid: activeUser.user.uuid,
+            }).then((testOutputCollection) => {
+                        cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+                        cy.goToPath(`/collections/${testOutputCollection.uuid}`);
+                        cy.get('[data-cy=upload-button]').click();
+                        cy.fixture('files/cat.png', 'base64').then(content => {
+                            cy.get('[data-cy=drag-and-drop]').upload(content, 'cat.png');
+                            cy.get('[data-cy=form-submit-btn]').click();
+                            cy.waitForDom().get('[data-cy=form-submit-btn]').should('not.exist');
+                            // Confirm final collection state.
+                            cy.get('[data-cy=collection-files-panel]')
+                                .contains('cat.png').should('exist');
+                        });
+                        cy.getCollection(activeUser.token, testOutputCollection.uuid).as('testOutputCollection');
+                    });
-    it('displays IO parameters with keep links and previews', function() {
-        // Create output collection for real files
-        cy.createCollection(adminUser.token, {
-            name: `Test collection ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
-            owner_uuid: activeUser.user.uuid,
-        }).then((testOutputCollection) => {
-                    cy.loginAs(activeUser);
+            // Get updated collection pdh
+            cy.getAll('@testOutputCollection').then(([testOutputCollection]) => {
+                // Add output uuid and inputs to container request
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
+                    req.reply((res) => {
+                        res.body.output_uuid = testOutputCollection.uuid;
+                        res.body.mounts["/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"] = {
+                            content: testInputs.map((param) => (param.input)).reduce((acc, val) => (Object.assign(acc, val)), {})
+                        };
+                        res.body.mounts["/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json"] = {
+                            content: {
+                                $graph: [{
+                                    id: "#main",
+                                    inputs: testInputs.map((input) => (input.definition)),
+                                    outputs: testOutputs.map((output) => (output.definition))
+                                }]
+                            }
+                        };
+                    });
+                });
-                    cy.goToPath(`/collections/${testOutputCollection.uuid}`);
+                // Stub fake output collection
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/collections/${testOutputCollection.uuid}*`}, {
+                    statusCode: 200,
+                    body: {
+                        uuid: testOutputCollection.uuid,
+                        portable_data_hash: testOutputCollection.portable_data_hash,
+                    }
+                });
-                    cy.get('[data-cy=upload-button]').click();
+                // Stub fake output json
+                cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/c%3Dzzzzz-4zz18-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/cwl.output.json'}, {
+                    statusCode: 200,
+                    body: testOutputs.map((param) => (param.output)).reduce((acc, val) => (Object.assign(acc, val)), {})
+                });
+                // Stub webdav response, points to output json
+                cy.intercept({method: 'PROPFIND', url: '*'}, {
+                    fixture: 'webdav-propfind-outputs.xml',
+                });
+            });
-                    cy.fixture('files/cat.png', 'base64').then(content => {
-                        cy.get('[data-cy=drag-and-drop]').upload(content, 'cat.png');
-                        cy.get('[data-cy=form-submit-btn]').click();
-                        cy.waitForDom().get('[data-cy=form-submit-btn]').should('not.exist');
-                        // Confirm final collection state.
-                        cy.get('[data-cy=collection-files-panel]')
-                            .contains('cat.png').should('exist');
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                'test_container_request',
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .as('containerRequest');
+            cy.getAll('@containerRequest', '@testOutputCollection').then(function([containerRequest, testOutputCollection]) {
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Inputs')
+                    .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within(() => {
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1.tar', '00000000000000000000000000000000+01');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1-2.txt', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1-3.txt', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1-4.txt', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_dir', null, "Doc Description", '/', '11111111111111111111111111111111+01');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_bool', null, "Doc desc 1, Doc desc 2", 'true');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_int', null, null, '1');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_long', null, null, '1');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_float', null, null, '1.5');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_double', null, null, '1.3');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_string', null, null, 'Hello World');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'input2.tar', '00000000000000000000000000000000+02');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'input3.tar', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'input3-2.txt', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'Cannot display value', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_dir_array', null, null, '/', '11111111111111111111111111111111+02');
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_dir_array', null, null, '/', '11111111111111111111111111111111+03', true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_dir_array', null, null, 'Cannot display value', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_int_array', null, null, ["1", "3", "5", "Cannot display value"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_long_array', null, null, ["10", "20", "Cannot display value"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_float_array', null, null, ["10.2", "10.4", "10.6", "Cannot display value"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_double_array', null, null, ["20.1", "20.2", "20.3", "Cannot display value"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_string_array', null, null, ["Hello", "World", "!", "Cannot display value"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_bool_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_int_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_float_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_string_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_directory_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
+                        verifyIOParameter('input_file_url', null, null, "http://example.com/index.html");
+                    });
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Outputs')
+                    .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within((ctx) => {
+                        cy.get(ctx).scrollIntoView();
+                        cy.get('[data-cy="io-preview-image-toggle"]').click({waitForAnimations: false});
+                        const outPdh = testOutputCollection.portable_data_hash;
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_file', null, "Label Description", 'cat.png', `${outPdh}`);
+                        verifyIOParameterImage('output_file', `/c=${outPdh}/cat.png`);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_file_with_secondary', null, "Doc Description", 'main.dat', `${outPdh}`);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_file_with_secondary', null, "Doc Description", 'secondary.dat', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_file_with_secondary', null, "Doc Description", 'secondary2.dat', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_dir', null, "Doc desc 1, Doc desc 2", 'outdir1', `${outPdh}`);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_bool', null, null, 'true');
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_int', null, null, '1');
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_long', null, null, '1');
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_float', null, null, '100.5');
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_double', null, null, '100.3');
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_string', null, null, 'Hello output');
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_file_array', null, null, 'output2.tar', `${outPdh}`);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_file_array', null, null, 'output3.tar', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_dir_array', null, null, 'outdir2', `${outPdh}`);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_dir_array', null, null, 'outdir3', undefined, true);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_int_array', null, null, ["10", "11", "12"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_long_array', null, null, ["51", "52"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_float_array', null, null, ["100.2", "100.4", "100.6"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_double_array', null, null, ["100.1", "100.2", "100.3"]);
+                        verifyIOParameter('output_string_array', null, null, ["Hello", "Output", "!"]);
+            });
+        });
-                    cy.getCollection(activeUser.token, testOutputCollection.uuid).as('testOutputCollection');
-                });
+        it('displays IO parameters with no value', function() {
+            const fakeOutputUUID = 'zzzzz-4zz18-abcdefghijklmno';
+            const fakeOutputPDH = '11111111111111111111111111111111+99/';
+            cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-        // Get updated collection pdh
-        cy.getAll('@testOutputCollection').then(([testOutputCollection]) => {
             // Add output uuid and inputs to container request
             cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
                 req.reply((res) => {
-                    res.body.output_uuid = testOutputCollection.uuid;
+                    res.body.output_uuid = fakeOutputUUID;
                     res.body.mounts["/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"] = {
-                        content: testInputs.map((param) => (param.input)).reduce((acc, val) => (Object.assign(acc, val)), {})
+                        content: {}
                     res.body.mounts["/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json"] = {
                         content: {
@@ -974,386 +1424,53 @@ describe('Process tests', function() {
             // Stub fake output collection
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/collections/${testOutputCollection.uuid}*`}, {
+            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/collections/${fakeOutputUUID}*`}, {
                 statusCode: 200,
                 body: {
-                    uuid: testOutputCollection.uuid,
-                    portable_data_hash: testOutputCollection.portable_data_hash,
+                    uuid: fakeOutputUUID,
+                    portable_data_hash: fakeOutputPDH,
             // Stub fake output json
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/c%3Dzzzzz-4zz18-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/cwl.output.json'}, {
+            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/c%3D${fakeOutputUUID}/cwl.output.json`}, {
                 statusCode: 200,
-                body: testOutputs.map((param) => (param.output)).reduce((acc, val) => (Object.assign(acc, val)), {})
+                body: {}
-            // Stub webdav response, points to output json
-            cy.intercept({method: 'PROPFIND', url: '*'}, {
-                fixture: 'webdav-propfind-outputs.xml',
-            });
-        });
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            'test_container_request',
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .as('containerRequest');
-        cy.getAll('@containerRequest', '@testOutputCollection').then(function([containerRequest, testOutputCollection]) {
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Inputs')
-                .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within(() => {
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1.tar', '00000000000000000000000000000000+01');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1-2.txt', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1-3.txt', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file', null, "Label Description", 'input1-4.txt', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_dir', null, "Doc Description", '/', '11111111111111111111111111111111+01');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_bool', null, "Doc desc 1, Doc desc 2", 'true');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_int', null, null, '1');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_long', null, null, '1');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_float', null, null, '1.5');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_double', null, null, '1.3');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_string', null, null, 'Hello World');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'input2.tar', '00000000000000000000000000000000+02');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'input3.tar', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'input3-2.txt', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file_array', null, null, 'Cannot display value', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_dir_array', null, null, '/', '11111111111111111111111111111111+02');
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_dir_array', null, null, '/', '11111111111111111111111111111111+03', true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_dir_array', null, null, 'Cannot display value', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_int_array', null, null, ["1", "3", "5", "Cannot display value"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_long_array', null, null, ["10", "20", "Cannot display value"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_float_array', null, null, ["10.2", "10.4", "10.6", "Cannot display value"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_double_array', null, null, ["20.1", "20.2", "20.3", "Cannot display value"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_string_array', null, null, ["Hello", "World", "!", "Cannot display value"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_bool_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_int_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_float_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_string_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_directory_include', null, null, "Cannot display value");
-                    verifyIOParameter('input_file_url', null, null, "http://example.com/index.html");
+            cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/webdav-propfind-outputs.xml').then((data) => {
+                // Stub webdav response, points to output json
+                cy.intercept({method: 'PROPFIND', url: '*'}, {
+                    statusCode: 200,
+                    body: data.replace(/zzzzz-4zz18-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/g, fakeOutputUUID)
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Outputs')
-                .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within((ctx) => {
-                    cy.get(ctx).scrollIntoView();
-                    cy.get('[data-cy="io-preview-image-toggle"]').click({waitForAnimations: false});
-                    const outPdh = testOutputCollection.portable_data_hash;
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_file', null, "Label Description", 'cat.png', `${outPdh}`);
-                    verifyIOParameterImage('output_file', `/c=${outPdh}/cat.png`);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_file_with_secondary', null, "Doc Description", 'main.dat', `${outPdh}`);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_file_with_secondary', null, "Doc Description", 'secondary.dat', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_file_with_secondary', null, "Doc Description", 'secondary2.dat', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_dir', null, "Doc desc 1, Doc desc 2", 'outdir1', `${outPdh}`);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_bool', null, null, 'true');
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_int', null, null, '1');
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_long', null, null, '1');
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_float', null, null, '100.5');
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_double', null, null, '100.3');
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_string', null, null, 'Hello output');
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_file_array', null, null, 'output2.tar', `${outPdh}`);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_file_array', null, null, 'output3.tar', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_dir_array', null, null, 'outdir2', `${outPdh}`);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_dir_array', null, null, 'outdir3', undefined, true);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_int_array', null, null, ["10", "11", "12"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_long_array', null, null, ["51", "52"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_float_array', null, null, ["100.2", "100.4", "100.6"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_double_array', null, null, ["100.1", "100.2", "100.3"]);
-                    verifyIOParameter('output_string_array', null, null, ["Hello", "Output", "!"]);
-                });
-        });
-    });
-    it('displays IO parameters with no value', function() {
-        const fakeOutputUUID = 'zzzzz-4zz18-abcdefghijklmno';
-        const fakeOutputPDH = '11111111111111111111111111111111+99/';
-        cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-        // Add output uuid and inputs to container request
-        cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: '**/arvados/v1/container_requests/*'}, (req) => {
-            req.reply((res) => {
-                res.body.output_uuid = fakeOutputUUID;
-                res.body.mounts["/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json"] = {
-                    content: {}
-                };
-                res.body.mounts["/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json"] = {
-                    content: {
-                        $graph: [{
-                            id: "#main",
-                            inputs: testInputs.map((input) => (input.definition)),
-                            outputs: testOutputs.map((output) => (output.definition))
-                        }]
-                    }
-                };
-        });
-        // Stub fake output collection
-        cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/collections/${fakeOutputUUID}*`}, {
-            statusCode: 200,
-            body: {
-                uuid: fakeOutputUUID,
-                portable_data_hash: fakeOutputPDH,
-            }
-        });
-        // Stub fake output json
-        cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/c%3D${fakeOutputUUID}/cwl.output.json`}, {
-            statusCode: 200,
-            body: {}
-        });
+            createContainerRequest(
+                activeUser,
+                'test_container_request',
+                'arvados/jobs',
+                ['echo', 'hello world'],
+                false, 'Committed')
+            .as('containerRequest');
-        cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/webdav-propfind-outputs.xml').then((data) => {
-            // Stub webdav response, points to output json
-            cy.intercept({method: 'PROPFIND', url: '*'}, {
-                statusCode: 200,
-                body: data.replace(/zzzzz-4zz18-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/g, fakeOutputUUID)
-            });
-        });
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            'test_container_request',
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .as('containerRequest');
-        cy.getAll('@containerRequest').then(function([containerRequest]) {
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Inputs')
-                .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within(() => {
-                    cy.wait(2000);
-                    cy.waitForDom();
-                    cy.get('tbody tr').each((item) => {
-                        cy.wrap(item).contains('No value');
+            cy.getAll('@containerRequest').then(function([containerRequest]) {
+                cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Inputs')
+                    .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within(() => {
+                        cy.wait(2000);
+                        cy.waitForDom();
+                        cy.get('tbody tr').each((item) => {
+                            cy.wrap(item).contains('No value');
+                        });
-                });
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Outputs')
-                .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within(() => {
-                    cy.get('tbody tr').each((item) => {
-                        cy.wrap(item).contains('No value');
+                cy.get('[data-cy=process-io-card] h6').contains('Outputs')
+                    .parents('[data-cy=process-io-card]').within(() => {
+                        cy.get('tbody tr').each((item) => {
+                            cy.wrap(item).contains('No value');
+                        });
-                });
-        });
-    });
-    it('allows copying processes', function() {
-        const crName = 'first_container_request';
-        const copiedCrName = 'copied_container_request';
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            crName,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            cy.loginAs(activeUser);
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crName);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').find('button[title="More options"]').click();
-            cy.get('ul[data-cy=context-menu]').contains("Copy and re-run process").click();
-        });
-        cy.get('[data-cy=form-dialog]').within(() => {
-            cy.get('input[name=name]').clear().type(copiedCrName);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=projects-tree-home-tree-picker]').click();
-            cy.get('[data-cy=form-submit-btn]').click();
-        });
-        cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', copiedCrName);
-        cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').find('button').contains('Run');
-    });
-    const getFakeContainer = (fakeContainerUuid) => ({
-        href: `/containers/${fakeContainerUuid}`,
-        kind: "arvados#container",
-        etag: "ecfosljpnxfari9a8m7e4yv06",
-        uuid: fakeContainerUuid,
-        owner_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000",
-        created_at: "2023-02-13T15:55:47.308915000Z",
-        modified_by_client_uuid: "zzzzz-ozdt8-q6dzdi1lcc03155",
-        modified_by_user_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-000000000000000",
-        modified_at: "2023-02-15T19:12:45.987086000Z",
-        command: [
-          "arvados-cwl-runner",
-          "--api=containers",
-          "--local",
-          "--project-uuid=zzzzz-j7d0g-yr18k784zplfeza",
-          "/var/lib/cwl/workflow.json#main",
-          "/var/lib/cwl/cwl.input.json",
-        ],
-        container_image: "4ad7d11381df349e464694762db14e04+303",
-        cwd: "/var/spool/cwl",
-        environment: {},
-        exit_code: null,
-        finished_at: null,
-        locked_by_uuid: null,
-        log: null,
-        output: null,
-        output_path: "/var/spool/cwl",
-        progress: null,
-        runtime_constraints: {
-          API: true,
-          cuda: {
-            device_count: 0,
-            driver_version: "",
-            hardware_capability: "",
-          },
-          keep_cache_disk: 2147483648,
-          keep_cache_ram: 0,
-          ram: 1342177280,
-          vcpus: 1,
-        },
-        runtime_status: {},
-        started_at: null,
-        auth_uuid: null,
-        scheduling_parameters: {
-          max_run_time: 0,
-          partitions: [],
-          preemptible: false,
-        },
-        runtime_user_uuid: "zzzzz-tpzed-vllbpebicy84rd5",
-        runtime_auth_scopes: ["all"],
-        lock_count: 2,
-        gateway_address: null,
-        interactive_session_started: false,
-        output_storage_classes: ["default"],
-        output_properties: {},
-        cost: 0.0,
-        subrequests_cost: 0.0,
-      });
-    it('shows cancel button when appropriate', function() {
-        // Ignore collection requests
-        cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/collections/*`}, {
-            statusCode: 200,
-            body: {}
-        });
-        // Uncommitted container
-        const crUncommitted = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            crUncommitted,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Uncommitted')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            // Navigate to process and verify run / cancel button
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.waitForDom();
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crUncommitted);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-run-button]').should('exist');
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').should('not.exist');
-        });
-        // Queued container
-        const crQueued = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
-        const fakeCrUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-000000000000001';
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            crQueued,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            // Fake container uuid
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerRequest.uuid}`}, (req) => {
-                req.reply((res) => {
-                    res.body.output_uuid = fakeCrUuid;
-                    res.body.priority = 500;
-                    res.body.state = "Committed";
-                });
-            // Fake container
-            const container = getFakeContainer(fakeCrUuid);
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container/${fakeCrUuid}`}, {
-                statusCode: 200,
-                body: {...container, state: "Queued", priority: 500}
-            });
-            // Navigate to process and verify cancel button
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.waitForDom();
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crQueued);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').contains('Cancel');
-        });
-        // Locked container
-        const crLocked = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
-        const fakeCrLockedUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-000000000000002';
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            crLocked,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            // Fake container uuid
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerRequest.uuid}`}, (req) => {
-                req.reply((res) => {
-                    res.body.output_uuid = fakeCrLockedUuid;
-                    res.body.priority = 500;
-                    res.body.state = "Committed";
-                });
-            });
-            // Fake container
-            const container = getFakeContainer(fakeCrLockedUuid);
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container/${fakeCrLockedUuid}`}, {
-                statusCode: 200,
-                body: {...container, state: "Locked", priority: 500}
-            });
-            // Navigate to process and verify cancel button
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.waitForDom();
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crLocked);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').contains('Cancel');
-        });
-        // On Hold container
-        const crOnHold = `Test process ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`;
-        const fakeCrOnHoldUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-000000000000003';
-        createContainerRequest(
-            activeUser,
-            crOnHold,
-            'arvados/jobs',
-            ['echo', 'hello world'],
-            false, 'Committed')
-        .then(function(containerRequest) {
-            // Fake container uuid
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerRequest.uuid}`}, (req) => {
-                req.reply((res) => {
-                    res.body.output_uuid = fakeCrOnHoldUuid;
-                    res.body.priority = 0;
-                    res.body.state = "Committed";
-                });
-            });
-            // Fake container
-            const container = getFakeContainer(fakeCrOnHoldUuid);
-            cy.intercept({method: 'GET', url: `**/arvados/v1/container/${fakeCrOnHoldUuid}`}, {
-                statusCode: 200,
-                body: {...container, state: "Queued", priority: 0}
-            });
-            // Navigate to process and verify cancel button
-            cy.goToPath(`/processes/${containerRequest.uuid}`);
-            cy.waitForDom();
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-details]').should('contain', crOnHold);
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-run-button]').should('exist');
-            cy.get('[data-cy=process-cancel-button]').should('not.exist');
diff --git a/cypress/support/commands.js b/cypress/support/commands.js
index f09d959b..e4f6fd60 100644
--- a/cypress/support/commands.js
+++ b/cypress/support/commands.js
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 // -- This will overwrite an existing command --
 // Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
+import { extractFilesData } from "services/collection-service/collection-service-files-response";
 const controllerURL = Cypress.env('controller_url');
 const systemToken = Cypress.env('system_token');
 let createdResources = [];
@@ -60,6 +62,22 @@ Cypress.Commands.add(
+    "doKeepRequest", (method = 'GET', path = '', data = null, qs = null,
+        token = systemToken, auth = false, followRedirect = true, failOnStatusCode = true) => {
+    return cy.doRequest('GET', '/arvados/v1/config', null, null).then(({body: config}) => {
+        return cy.request({
+            method: method,
+            url: `${config.Services.WebDAVDownload.ExternalURL.replace(/\/+$/, '')}/${path.replace(/^\/+/, '')}`,
+            body: data,
+            qs: auth ? qs : Object.assign({ api_token: token }, qs),
+            auth: auth ? { bearer: `${token}` } : undefined,
+            followRedirect: followRedirect,
+            failOnStatusCode: failOnStatusCode
+        });
+    });
     "getUser", (username, first_name = '', last_name = '', is_admin = false, is_active = true) => {
         // Create user if not already created
@@ -151,12 +169,6 @@ Cypress.Commands.add(
-    "getCollection", (token, uuid) => {
-        return cy.getResource(token, 'collections', uuid)
-    }
     "createCollection", (token, data) => {
         return cy.createResource(token, 'collections', {
@@ -166,6 +178,12 @@ Cypress.Commands.add(
+    "getCollection", (token, uuid) => {
+        return cy.getResource(token, 'collections', uuid)
+    }
     "updateCollection", (token, uuid, data) => {
         return cy.updateResource(token, 'collections', uuid, {
@@ -188,6 +206,12 @@ Cypress.Commands.add(
+    "getContainerRequest", (token, uuid) => {
+        return cy.getResource(token, 'container_requests', uuid)
+    }
     'createContainerRequest', (token, data) => {
         return cy.createResource(token, 'container_requests', {
@@ -205,31 +229,80 @@ Cypress.Commands.add(
+ * Requires an admin token for log_uuid modification to succeed
+ */
-    "createLog", (token, data) => {
-        return cy.createResource(token, 'logs', {
-            log: JSON.stringify(data)
+    "appendLog", (token, crUuid, fileName, lines = []) => (
+        cy.getContainerRequest(token, crUuid).then((containerRequest) => {
+            if (containerRequest.log_uuid) {
+                cy.listContainerRequestLogs(token, crUuid).then((logFiles) => {
+                    if (logFiles.find((file) => (file.name === fileName))) {
+                        // File exists, fetch and append
+                        return cy.doKeepRequest(
+                                "GET",
+                                `c=${containerRequest.log_uuid}/${fileName}`,
+                                null,
+                                null,
+                                token
+                            )
+                            .then(({ body: contents }) => cy.doKeepRequest(
+                                "PUT",
+                                `c=${containerRequest.log_uuid}/${fileName}`,
+                                contents.split("\n").concat(lines).join("\n"),
+                                null,
+                                token
+                            ));
+                    } else {
+                        // File not exists, put new file
+                        cy.doKeepRequest(
+                            "PUT",
+                            `c=${containerRequest.log_uuid}/${fileName}`,
+                            lines.join("\n"),
+                            null,
+                            token
+                        )
+                    }
+                });
+                // Fetch current log contents and append new line
+                // let newLines = [...lines];
+                // return cy.doKeepRequest('GET', `c=${containerRequest.log_uuid}/${fileName}`, null, null, token)
+                //     .then(({body: contents}) => {
+                //         newLines = [contents.split('\n'), ...newLines];
+                //     })
+                //     .then(() => (
+                //         cy.doKeepRequest('PUT', `c=${containerRequest.log_uuid}/${fileName}`, newLines.join('\n'), null, token)
+                //     ));
+            } else {
+                // Create log collection
+                return cy.createCollection(token, {
+                    name: `Test log collection ${Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)}`,
+                    owner_uuid: containerRequest.owner_uuid,
+                    manifest_text: ""
+                }).then((collection) => (
+                    // Update CR log_uuid to fake log collection
+                    cy.updateContainerRequest(token, containerRequest.uuid, {
+                        log_uuid: collection.uuid,
+                    }).then(() => (
+                        // Put new log file with contents into fake log collection
+                        cy.doKeepRequest('PUT', `c=${collection.uuid}/${fileName}`, lines.join('\n'), null, token)
+                    ))
+                ));
+            }
-    }
+    )
-    "logsForContainer", (token, uuid, logType, logTextArray = []) => {
-        let logs = [];
-        for (const logText of logTextArray) {
-            logs.push(cy.createLog(token, {
-                object_uuid: uuid,
-                event_type: logType,
-                properties: {
-                    text: logText
-                }
-            }).as('lastLogRecord'))
-        }
-        cy.getAll('@lastLogRecord').then(function () {
-            return logs;
-        })
-    }
+    "listContainerRequestLogs", (token, crUuid) => (
+        cy.getContainerRequest(token, crUuid).then((containerRequest) => (
+            cy.doKeepRequest('PROPFIND', `c=${containerRequest.log_uuid}`, null, null, token)
+                .then(({body: data}) => {
+                    return extractFilesData(new DOMParser().parseFromString(data, "text/xml"));
+                })
+        ))
+    )
     "createVirtualMachine", (token, data) => {
diff --git a/src/common/use-async-interval.ts b/src/common/use-async-interval.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8951a9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/common/use-async-interval.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
+var react = require("react");
+export const useAsyncInterval = function (callback, delay) {
+    const savedCallback = react.useRef();
+    const active = react.useRef(false);
+    // Remember the latest callback.
+    react.useEffect(() => {
+        savedCallback.current = callback;
+    }, [callback]);
+    // Set up the interval.
+    react.useEffect(() => {
+        // useEffect doesn't like async callbacks (https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/14326) so create nested async callback
+        (async () => {
+            // Make tick() async
+            async function tick() {
+                if (active.current) {
+                    // If savedCallback is not set yet, no-op until it is
+                    savedCallback.current && await savedCallback.current();
+                    setTimeout(tick, delay);
+                }
+            }
+            if (delay !== null) {
+                active.current = true;
+                setTimeout(tick, delay);
+            }
+        })(); // Call nested async function
+        // We return the teardown function here since we can't from inside the nested async callback
+        return () => {active.current = false;};
+    }, [delay]);
diff --git a/src/models/log.ts b/src/models/log.ts
index 0109ad61..f5d351ac 100644
--- a/src/models/log.ts
+++ b/src/models/log.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ export enum LogEventType {
     STDERR = 'stderr',
     CONTAINER = 'container',
     KEEPSTORE = 'keepstore',
-    SNIP = 'snip-line', // This type is for internal use only. See #19851
 export interface LogResource extends Resource, ResourceWithProperties {
diff --git a/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.test.ts b/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.test.ts
index c8e907d3..3b4f423a 100644
--- a/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.test.ts
+++ b/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.test.ts
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ describe('collection-service', () => {
     let collectionService: CollectionService;
     let serverApi: AxiosInstance;
     let axiosMock: MockAdapter;
-    let webdavClient: any;
+    let keepWebdavClient: any;
     let authService;
     let actions;
     beforeEach(() => {
         serverApi = axios.create();
         axiosMock = new MockAdapter(serverApi);
-        webdavClient = {
+        keepWebdavClient = {
             delete: jest.fn(),
             upload: jest.fn(),
             mkdir: jest.fn(),
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ describe('collection-service', () => {
             progressFn: jest.fn(),
             errorFn: jest.fn(),
         } as any;
-        collectionService = new CollectionService(serverApi, webdavClient, authService, actions);
+        collectionService = new CollectionService(serverApi, keepWebdavClient, authService, actions);
         collectionService.update = jest.fn();
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ describe('collection-service', () => {
                 select: ['uuid', 'name', 'version', 'modified_at'],
-            collectionService = new CollectionService(serverApi, webdavClient, authService, actions);
+            collectionService = new CollectionService(serverApi, keepWebdavClient, authService, actions);
             await collectionService.update('uuid', data);
             expect(serverApi.put).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/collections/uuid', expected);
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ describe('collection-service', () => {
             await collectionService.uploadFiles(collectionUUID, files);
             // then
-            expect(webdavClient.upload).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+            expect(keepWebdavClient.upload).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
         it('should upload files', async () => {
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ describe('collection-service', () => {
             await collectionService.uploadFiles(collectionUUID, files);
             // then
-            expect(webdavClient.upload).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
-            expect(webdavClient.upload.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual("c=zzzzz-4zz18-0123456789abcde/test-file1");
+            expect(keepWebdavClient.upload).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+            expect(keepWebdavClient.upload.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual("c=zzzzz-4zz18-0123456789abcde/test-file1");
         it('should upload files with custom uplaod target', async () => {
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ describe('collection-service', () => {
             await collectionService.uploadFiles(collectionUUID, files, undefined, customTarget);
             // then
-            expect(webdavClient.upload).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
-            expect(webdavClient.upload.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual("c=zzzzz-4zz18-0123456789adddd/test-path/test-file1");
+            expect(keepWebdavClient.upload).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+            expect(keepWebdavClient.upload.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual("c=zzzzz-4zz18-0123456789adddd/test-path/test-file1");
diff --git a/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.ts b/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.ts
index b6687985..7e28c37b 100644
--- a/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.ts
+++ b/src/services/collection-service/collection-service.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export const emptyCollectionPdh = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0';
 export const SOURCE_DESTINATION_EQUAL_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Source and destination cannot be the same';
 export class CollectionService extends TrashableResourceService<CollectionResource> {
-    constructor(serverApi: AxiosInstance, private webdavClient: WebDAV, private authService: AuthService, actions: ApiActions) {
+    constructor(serverApi: AxiosInstance, private keepWebdavClient: WebDAV, private authService: AuthService, actions: ApiActions) {
         super(serverApi, "collections", actions, [
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export class CollectionService extends TrashableResourceService<CollectionResour
     async files(uuid: string) {
-        const request = await this.webdavClient.propfind(`c=${uuid}`);
+        const request = await this.keepWebdavClient.propfind(`c=${uuid}`);
         if (request.responseXML != null) {
             return extractFilesData(request.responseXML);
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ export class CollectionService extends TrashableResourceService<CollectionResour
     extendFileURL = (file: CollectionDirectory | CollectionFile) => {
-        const baseUrl = this.webdavClient.getBaseUrl().endsWith('/')
-            ? this.webdavClient.getBaseUrl().slice(0, -1)
-            : this.webdavClient.getBaseUrl();
+        const baseUrl = this.keepWebdavClient.getBaseUrl().endsWith('/')
+            ? this.keepWebdavClient.getBaseUrl().slice(0, -1)
+            : this.keepWebdavClient.getBaseUrl();
         const apiToken = this.authService.getApiToken();
         const encodedApiToken = apiToken ? encodeURI(apiToken) : '';
         const userApiToken = `/t=${encodedApiToken}/`;
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ export class CollectionService extends TrashableResourceService<CollectionResour
     async getFileContents(file: CollectionFile) {
-        return (await this.webdavClient.get(`c=${file.id}`)).response;
+        return (await this.keepWebdavClient.get(`c=${file.id}`)).response;
     private async uploadFile(collectionUuid: string, file: File, fileId: number, onProgress: UploadProgress = () => { return; }, targetLocation: string = '') {
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ export class CollectionService extends TrashableResourceService<CollectionResour
                 onProgress(fileId, e.loaded, e.total, Date.now());
-        return this.webdavClient.upload(fileURL, [file], requestConfig);
+        return this.keepWebdavClient.upload(fileURL, [file], requestConfig);
     deleteFiles(collectionUuid: string, files: string[], showErrors?: boolean) {
diff --git a/src/services/log-service/log-service.ts b/src/services/log-service/log-service.ts
index 9772e0b6..b96d8223 100644
--- a/src/services/log-service/log-service.ts
+++ b/src/services/log-service/log-service.ts
@@ -3,12 +3,51 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
 import { AxiosInstance } from "axios";
-import { LogResource } from 'models/log';
+import { LogEventType, LogResource } from 'models/log';
 import { CommonResourceService } from "services/common-service/common-resource-service";
 import { ApiActions } from "services/api/api-actions";
+import { WebDAV } from "common/webdav";
+import { extractFilesData } from "services/collection-service/collection-service-files-response";
+import { CollectionDirectory, CollectionFile } from "models/collection-file";
+export type LogFragment = {
+    logType: LogEventType;
+    contents: string[];
 export class LogService extends CommonResourceService<LogResource> {
-    constructor(serverApi: AxiosInstance, actions: ApiActions) {
+    constructor(serverApi: AxiosInstance, private apiWebdavClient: WebDAV, actions: ApiActions) {
         super(serverApi, "logs", actions);
+    async listLogFiles(containerRequestUuid: string) {
+        const request = await this.apiWebdavClient.propfind(`container_requests/${containerRequestUuid}/log`);
+        if (request.responseXML != null) {
+            return extractFilesData(request.responseXML);
+        }
+        return Promise.reject();
+    }
+    async getLogFileContents(containerRequestUuid: string, fileRecord: CollectionFile, startByte: number, endByte: number): Promise<LogFragment | undefined> {
+        try {
+            const request = await this.apiWebdavClient.get(
+                `container_requests/${containerRequestUuid}/log/${fileRecord.name}`,
+                {headers: {Range: `bytes=${startByte}-${endByte}`}}
+            );
+            const logFileType = logFileToLogType(fileRecord);
+            if (request.responseText && logFileType) {
+                return {
+                    logType: logFileType,
+                    contents: request.responseText.split(/\r?\n/),
+                };
+            } else {
+                return undefined;
+            }
+        } catch(e) {
+            return undefined;
+        }
+    }
+export const logFileToLogType = (file: CollectionFile | CollectionDirectory) => (file.name.replace(/\.(txt|json)$/, '') as LogEventType);
diff --git a/src/services/services.ts b/src/services/services.ts
index be6f16b6..cd04a65f 100644
--- a/src/services/services.ts
+++ b/src/services/services.ts
@@ -39,12 +39,14 @@ export function setAuthorizationHeader(services: ServiceRepository, token: strin
     services.apiClient.defaults.headers.common = {
         Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
-    services.webdavClient.setAuthorization(`Bearer ${token}`);
+    services.keepWebdavClient.setAuthorization(`Bearer ${token}`);
+    services.apiWebdavClient.setAuthorization(`Bearer ${token}`);
 export function removeAuthorizationHeader(services: ServiceRepository) {
     delete services.apiClient.defaults.headers.common;
-    services.webdavClient.setAuthorization(undefined);
+    services.keepWebdavClient.setAuthorization(undefined);
+    services.apiWebdavClient.setAuthorization(undefined);
 export const createServices = (config: Config, actions: ApiActions, useApiClient?: AxiosInstance) => {
@@ -55,10 +57,14 @@ export const createServices = (config: Config, actions: ApiActions, useApiClient
     const apiClient = useApiClient || Axios.create({ headers: {} });
     apiClient.defaults.baseURL = config.baseUrl;
-    const webdavClient = new WebDAV({
+    const keepWebdavClient = new WebDAV({
         baseURL: config.keepWebServiceUrl
+    const apiWebdavClient = new WebDAV({
+        baseURL: config.baseUrl
+    });
     const apiClientAuthorizationService = new ApiClientAuthorizationService(apiClient, actions);
     const authorizedKeysService = new AuthorizedKeysService(apiClient, actions);
     const containerRequestService = new ContainerRequestService(apiClient, actions);
@@ -66,7 +72,7 @@ export const createServices = (config: Config, actions: ApiActions, useApiClient
     const groupsService = new GroupsService(apiClient, actions);
     const keepService = new KeepService(apiClient, actions);
     const linkService = new LinkService(apiClient, actions);
-    const logService = new LogService(apiClient, actions);
+    const logService = new LogService(apiClient, apiWebdavClient, actions);
     const permissionService = new PermissionService(apiClient, actions);
     const projectService = new ProjectService(apiClient, actions);
     const repositoriesService = new RepositoriesService(apiClient, actions);
@@ -79,7 +85,7 @@ export const createServices = (config: Config, actions: ApiActions, useApiClient
     const authService = new AuthService(apiClient, config.rootUrl, actions,
         (parse(idleTimeout, 's') || 0) > 0);
-    const collectionService = new CollectionService(apiClient, webdavClient, authService, actions);
+    const collectionService = new CollectionService(apiClient, keepWebdavClient, authService, actions);
     const ancestorsService = new AncestorService(groupsService, userService, collectionService);
     const favoriteService = new FavoriteService(linkService, groupsService);
     const tagService = new TagService(linkService);
@@ -109,7 +115,8 @@ export const createServices = (config: Config, actions: ApiActions, useApiClient
-        webdavClient,
+        keepWebdavClient,
+        apiWebdavClient,
diff --git a/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions.ts b/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions.ts
index 16177f18..a0d071fd 100644
--- a/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions.ts
+++ b/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions.ts
@@ -3,28 +3,35 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
 import { unionize, ofType, UnionOf } from "common/unionize";
-import { ProcessLogs, getProcessLogsPanelCurrentUuid } from './process-logs-panel';
+import { ProcessLogs } from './process-logs-panel';
 import { LogEventType } from 'models/log';
 import { RootState } from 'store/store';
 import { ServiceRepository } from 'services/services';
 import { Dispatch } from 'redux';
-import { groupBy, min, reverse } from 'lodash';
-import { LogResource } from 'models/log';
-import { LogService } from 'services/log-service/log-service';
-import { ResourceEventMessage } from 'websocket/resource-event-message';
-import { getProcess } from 'store/processes/process';
-import { FilterBuilder } from "services/api/filter-builder";
-import { OrderBuilder } from "services/api/order-builder";
+import { LogFragment, LogService, logFileToLogType } from 'services/log-service/log-service';
+import { Process, getProcess } from 'store/processes/process';
 import { navigateTo } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action';
 import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from 'store/snackbar/snackbar-actions';
+import { CollectionFile, CollectionFileType } from "models/collection-file";
+const SNIPLINE = `================ ✀ ================ ✀ ========= Some log(s) were skipped ========= ✀ ================ ✀ ================`;
+const LOG_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN = /^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{9}Z/;
 export const processLogsPanelActions = unionize({
     RESET_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL: ofType<{}>(),
     INIT_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL: ofType<{ filters: string[], logs: ProcessLogs }>(),
     SET_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_FILTER: ofType<string>(),
-    ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM: ofType<{ logType: string, log: string }>(),
+    ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM: ofType<ProcessLogs>(),
+// Max size of logs to fetch in bytes
+const maxLogFetchSize: number = 128 * 1000;
+type FileWithProgress = {
+    file: CollectionFile;
+    lastByte: number;
 export type ProcessLogsPanelAction = UnionOf<typeof processLogsPanelActions>;
 export const setProcessLogsPanelFilter = (filter: string) =>
@@ -34,110 +41,218 @@ export const initProcessLogsPanel = (processUuid: string) =>
     async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, { logService }: ServiceRepository) => {
         const process = getProcess(processUuid)(getState().resources);
-        const maxPageSize = getState().auth.config.clusterConfig.API.MaxItemsPerResponse;
-        if (process && process.container) {
-            const logResources = await loadContainerLogs(process.container.uuid, logService, maxPageSize);
-            const initialState = createInitialLogPanelState(logResources);
+        if (process?.containerRequest?.uuid) {
+            // Get log file size info
+            const logFiles = await loadContainerLogFileList(process.containerRequest.uuid, logService);
+            // Populate lastbyte 0 for each file
+            const filesWithProgress = logFiles.map((file) => ({file, lastByte: 0}));
+            // Fetch array of LogFragments
+            const logLines = await loadContainerLogFileContents(filesWithProgress, logService, process);
+            // Populate initial state with filters
+            const initialState = createInitialLogPanelState(logFiles, logLines);
-export const addProcessLogsPanelItem = (message: ResourceEventMessage<{ text: string }>) =>
+export const pollProcessLogs = (processUuid: string) =>
     async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, { logService }: ServiceRepository) => {
-        if (PROCESS_PANEL_LOG_EVENT_TYPES.indexOf(message.eventType) > -1) {
-            const uuid = getProcessLogsPanelCurrentUuid(getState().router);
-            if (!uuid) { return }
-            const process = getProcess(uuid)(getState().resources);
-            if (!process) { return }
-            const { containerRequest, container } = process;
-            if (message.objectUuid === containerRequest.uuid
-                || (container && message.objectUuid === container.uuid)) {
-                dispatch(processLogsPanelActions.ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM({
-                    logType: ALL_FILTER_TYPE,
-                    log: message.properties.text
-                }));
-                dispatch(processLogsPanelActions.ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM({
-                    logType: message.eventType,
-                    log: message.properties.text
-                }));
-                if (MAIN_EVENT_TYPES.indexOf(message.eventType) > -1) {
-                    dispatch(processLogsPanelActions.ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM({
-                        logType: MAIN_FILTER_TYPE,
-                        log: message.properties.text
-                    }));
+        try {
+            // Get log panel state and process from store
+            const currentState = getState().processLogsPanel;
+            const process = getProcess(processUuid)(getState().resources);
+            // Check if container request is present and initial logs state loaded
+            if (process?.containerRequest?.uuid && Object.keys(currentState.logs).length > 0) {
+                const logFiles = await loadContainerLogFileList(process.containerRequest.uuid, logService);
+                // Determine byte to fetch from while filtering unchanged files
+                const filesToUpdateWithProgress = logFiles.reduce((acc, updatedFile) => {
+                    // Fetch last byte or 0 for new log files
+                    const currentStateLogLastByte = currentState.logs[logFileToLogType(updatedFile)]?.lastByte || 0;
+                    const isNew = !Object.keys(currentState.logs).find((currentStateLogName) => (updatedFile.name.startsWith(currentStateLogName)));
+                    const isChanged = !isNew && currentStateLogLastByte < updatedFile.size;
+                    if (isNew || isChanged) {
+                        return acc.concat({file: updatedFile, lastByte: currentStateLogLastByte});
+                    } else {
+                        return acc;
+                    }
+                }, [] as FileWithProgress[]);
+                // Perform range request(s) for each file
+                const logFragments = await loadContainerLogFileContents(filesToUpdateWithProgress, logService, process);
+                if (logFragments.length) {
+                    // Convert LogFragments to ProcessLogs with All/Main sorting & line-merging
+                    const groupedLogs = groupLogs(logFiles, logFragments);
+                    await dispatch(processLogsPanelActions.ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM(groupedLogs));
+        } catch (e) {
+            // Failed to poll, ignore error
-const loadContainerLogs = async (containerUuid: string, logService: LogService, maxPageSize: number) => {
-    const requestFilters = new FilterBuilder()
-        .addEqual('object_uuid', containerUuid)
-        .addIn('event_type', PROCESS_PANEL_LOG_EVENT_TYPES)
-        .getFilters();
-    const requestOrderAsc = new OrderBuilder<LogResource>()
-        .addAsc('eventAt')
-        .getOrder();
-    const requestOrderDesc = new OrderBuilder<LogResource>()
-        .addDesc('eventAt')
-        .getOrder();
-    const { items, itemsAvailable } = await logService.list({
-        limit: maxPageSize,
-        filters: requestFilters,
-        order: requestOrderAsc,
-    });
-    // Request additional logs if necessary
-    const remainingLogs = itemsAvailable - items.length;
-    if (remainingLogs > 0) {
-        const { items: itemsLast } = await logService.list({
-            limit: min([maxPageSize, remainingLogs]),
-            filters: requestFilters,
-            order: requestOrderDesc,
-            count: 'none',
-        })
-        if (remainingLogs - itemsLast.length > 0) {
-            const snipLine = {
-                ...items[items.length - 1],
-                eventType: LogEventType.SNIP,
-                properties: {
-                    text: `================ 8< ================ 8< ========= Some log(s) were skipped ========= 8< ================ 8< ================`
-                },
-            }
-            return [...items, snipLine, ...reverse(itemsLast)];
+const loadContainerLogFileList = async (containerUuid: string, logService: LogService) => {
+    const logCollectionContents = await logService.listLogFiles(containerUuid);
+    // Filter only root directory files matching log event types which have bytes
+    return logCollectionContents.filter((file) => (
+        file.path === `/arvados/v1/container_requests/${containerUuid}/log` &&
+        PROCESS_PANEL_LOG_EVENT_TYPES.indexOf(logFileToLogType(file)) > -1 &&
+        file.type === CollectionFileType.FILE &&
+        file.size > 0
+    )) as CollectionFile[];
+ * Loads the contents of each file from each file's lastByte simultaneously
+ *   while respecting the maxLogFetchSize by requesting the start and end
+ *   of the desired block and inserting a snipline.
+ * @param logFilesWithProgress CollectionFiles with the last byte previously loaded
+ * @param logService
+ * @param process
+ * @returns LogFragment[] containing a single LogFragment corresponding to each input file
+ */
+const loadContainerLogFileContents = async (logFilesWithProgress: FileWithProgress[], logService: LogService, process: Process) => (
+    (await Promise.all(logFilesWithProgress.filter(({file}) => file.size > 0).map(({file, lastByte}) => {
+        const requestSize = file.size - lastByte;
+        if (requestSize > maxLogFetchSize) {
+            const chunkSize = Math.floor(maxLogFetchSize / 2);
+            const firstChunkEnd = lastByte+chunkSize-1;
+            return Promise.all([
+                logService.getLogFileContents(process.containerRequest.uuid, file, lastByte, firstChunkEnd),
+                logService.getLogFileContents(process.containerRequest.uuid, file, file.size-chunkSize, file.size-1)
+            ] as Promise<(LogFragment | undefined)>[]);
+        } else {
+            return Promise.all([logService.getLogFileContents(process.containerRequest.uuid, file, lastByte, file.size-1)]);
-        return [...items, ...reverse(itemsLast)];
+    }))).filter((logResponseSet) => ( // Top level filter ensures array of LogFragments is not empty and contains 1 or more fragments containing log lines
+        logResponseSet.length && logResponseSet.some(logFragment => logFragment && logFragment.contents.length)
+    )).map((logResponseSet)=> {
+        // Remove fragments from subarrays that are undefined or have no lines
+        const responseSet = logResponseSet.filter((logFragment): logFragment is LogFragment => (
+            !!logFragment && logFragment.contents.length > 0
+        ));
+        // For any multi fragment response set, modify the last line of non-final chunks to include a line break and snip line
+        //   Don't add snip line as a separate line so that sorting won't reorder it
+        for (let i = 1; i < responseSet.length; i++) {
+            const fragment = responseSet[i-1];
+            const lastLineIndex = fragment.contents.length-1;
+            const lastLineContents = fragment.contents[lastLineIndex];
+            const newLastLine = `${lastLineContents}\n${SNIPLINE}`;
+            responseSet[i-1].contents[lastLineIndex] = newLastLine;
+        }
+        // Merge LogFragment Array (representing multiple log line arrays) into single LogLine[] / LogFragment
+        return responseSet.reduce((acc, curr: LogFragment) => ({
+            logType: curr.logType,
+            contents: [...(acc.contents || []), ...curr.contents]
+        }), {} as LogFragment);
+    })
+const createInitialLogPanelState = (logFiles: CollectionFile[], logFragments: LogFragment[]): {filters: string[], logs: ProcessLogs} => {
+    const logs = groupLogs(logFiles, logFragments);
+    const filters = Object.keys(logs);
+    return { filters, logs };
+ * Converts LogFragments into ProcessLogs, grouping and sorting All/Main logs
+ * @param logFiles
+ * @param logFragments
+ * @returns ProcessLogs for the store
+ */
+const groupLogs = (logFiles: CollectionFile[], logFragments: LogFragment[]): ProcessLogs => {
+    const sortableLogFragments = mergeMultilineLoglines(logFragments);
+    const allLogs = mergeSortLogFragments(sortableLogFragments);
+    const mainLogs = mergeSortLogFragments(sortableLogFragments.filter((fragment) => (MAIN_EVENT_TYPES.includes(fragment.logType))));
+    const groupedLogs = logFragments.reduce((grouped, fragment) => ({
+        ...grouped,
+        [fragment.logType as string]: {lastByte: fetchLastByteNumber(logFiles, fragment.logType), contents: fragment.contents}
+    }), {});
+    return {
+        [MAIN_FILTER_TYPE]: {lastByte: undefined, contents: mainLogs},
+        [ALL_FILTER_TYPE]: {lastByte: undefined, contents: allLogs},
+        ...groupedLogs,
-    return items;
-const createInitialLogPanelState = (logResources: LogResource[]) => {
-    const allLogs = logsToLines(logResources);
-    const mainLogs = logsToLines(logResources.filter(
-        e => MAIN_EVENT_TYPES.indexOf(e.eventType) > -1
-    ));
-    const groupedLogResources = groupBy(logResources, log => log.eventType);
-    const groupedLogs = Object
-        .keys(groupedLogResources)
-        .reduce((grouped, key) => ({
-            ...grouped,
-            [key]: logsToLines(groupedLogResources[key])
-        }), {});
-    const filters = [
-        ...Object.keys(groupedLogs)
-    ].filter(e => e !== LogEventType.SNIP);
-    const logs = {
-        [MAIN_FILTER_TYPE]: mainLogs,
-        [ALL_FILTER_TYPE]: allLogs,
-        ...groupedLogs
-    };
-    return { filters, logs };
+ * Checks for non-timestamped log lines and merges them with the previous line, assumes they are multi-line logs
+ *   If there is no previous line (first line has no timestamp), the line is deleted.
+ *   Only used for combined logs that need sorting by timestamp after merging
+ * @param logFragments
+ * @returns Modified LogFragment[]
+ */
+const mergeMultilineLoglines = (logFragments: LogFragment[]) => (
+    logFragments.map((fragment) => {
+        // Avoid altering the original fragment copy
+        let fragmentCopy: LogFragment = {
+            logType: fragment.logType,
+            contents: [...fragment.contents],
+        }
+        // Merge any non-timestamped lines in sortable log types with previous line
+        if (fragmentCopy.contents.length && !NON_SORTED_LOG_TYPES.includes(fragmentCopy.logType)) {
+            for (let i = 0; i < fragmentCopy.contents.length; i++) {
+                const lineContents = fragmentCopy.contents[i];
+                if (!lineContents.match(LOG_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN)) {
+                    // Partial line without timestamp detected
+                    if (i > 0) {
+                        // If not first line, copy line to previous line
+                        const previousLineContents = fragmentCopy.contents[i-1];
+                        const newPreviousLineContents = `${previousLineContents}\n${lineContents}`;
+                        fragmentCopy.contents[i-1] = newPreviousLineContents;
+                    }
+                    // Delete the current line and prevent iterating
+                    fragmentCopy.contents.splice(i, 1);
+                    i--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return fragmentCopy;
+    })
+ * Merges log lines of different types and sorts types that contain timestamps (are sortable)
+ * @param logFragments
+ * @returns string[] of merged and sorted log lines
+ */
+const mergeSortLogFragments = (logFragments: LogFragment[]): string[] => {
+    const sortableLines = fragmentsToLines(logFragments
+        .filter((fragment) => (!NON_SORTED_LOG_TYPES.includes(fragment.logType))));
+    const nonSortableLines = fragmentsToLines(logFragments
+        .filter((fragment) => (NON_SORTED_LOG_TYPES.includes(fragment.logType)))
+        .sort((a, b) => (a.logType.localeCompare(b.logType))));
+    return [...sortableLines.sort(sortLogLines), ...nonSortableLines]
-const logsToLines = (logs: LogResource[]) =>
-    logs.map(({ properties }) => properties.text);
+const sortLogLines = (a: string, b: string) => {
+    return a.localeCompare(b);
+const fragmentsToLines = (fragments: LogFragment[]): string[] => (
+    fragments.reduce((acc, fragment: LogFragment) => (
+        acc.concat(...fragment.contents)
+    ), [] as string[])
+const fetchLastByteNumber = (logFiles: CollectionFile[], key: string) => {
+    return logFiles.find((file) => (file.name.startsWith(key)))?.size
 export const navigateToLogCollection = (uuid: string) =>
     async (dispatch: Dispatch<any>, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => {
@@ -156,7 +271,6 @@ const MAIN_EVENT_TYPES = [
-    LogEventType.SNIP,
@@ -170,5 +284,9 @@ const PROCESS_PANEL_LOG_EVENT_TYPES = [
-    LogEventType.SNIP,
+    LogEventType.NODE_INFO,
+    LogEventType.CONTAINER,
diff --git a/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-reducer.ts b/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-reducer.ts
index c502f1b1..e7dd3562 100644
--- a/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-reducer.ts
+++ b/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-reducer.ts
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
-import { ProcessLogsPanel } from './process-logs-panel';
+import { ProcessLogs, ProcessLogsPanel } from './process-logs-panel';
 import { ProcessLogsPanelAction, processLogsPanelActions } from './process-logs-panel-actions';
 const initialState: ProcessLogsPanel = {
     filters: [],
     selectedFilter: '',
-    logs: { '': [] },
+    logs: {},
 export const processLogsPanelReducer = (state = initialState, action: ProcessLogsPanelAction): ProcessLogsPanel =>
@@ -23,13 +23,24 @@ export const processLogsPanelReducer = (state = initialState, action: ProcessLog
-        ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM: ({ logType, log }) => {
-            const filters = state.filters.indexOf(logType) > -1
-                ? state.filters
-                : [...state.filters, logType];
-            const currentLogs = state.logs[logType] || [];
-            const logsOfType = [...currentLogs, log];
-            const logs = { ...state.logs, [logType]: logsOfType };
+        ADD_PROCESS_LOGS_PANEL_ITEM: (groupedLogs: ProcessLogs) => {
+            // Update filters
+            const newFilters = Object.keys(groupedLogs).filter((logType) => (!state.filters.includes(logType)));
+            const filters = [...state.filters, ...newFilters];
+            // Append new log lines
+            const logs = Object.keys(groupedLogs).reduce((acc, logType) => {
+                if (Object.keys(acc).includes(logType)) {
+                    // If log type exists, append lines and update lastByte
+                    return {...acc, [logType]: {
+                        lastByte: groupedLogs[logType].lastByte,
+                        contents: [...acc[logType].contents, ...groupedLogs[logType].contents]
+                    }};
+                } else {
+                    return {...acc, [logType]: groupedLogs[logType]};
+                }
+            }, state.logs);
             return { ...state, logs, filters };
         default: () => state,
diff --git a/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel.ts b/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel.ts
index 0ca5d679..531d3723 100644
--- a/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel.ts
+++ b/src/store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel.ts
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ export interface ProcessLogsPanel {
 export interface ProcessLogs {
-    [logType: string]: string[];
+    [logType: string]: {lastByte: number | undefined, contents: string[]};
-export const getProcessPanelLogs = ({ selectedFilter, logs }: ProcessLogsPanel) => {
-    return logs[selectedFilter];
+export const getProcessPanelLogs = ({ selectedFilter, logs }: ProcessLogsPanel): string[] => {
+    return logs[selectedFilter]?.contents || [];
 export const getProcessLogsPanelCurrentUuid = (router: RouterState) => {
diff --git a/src/views/process-panel/process-log-card.tsx b/src/views/process-panel/process-log-card.tsx
index e14f98f9..bcd4b240 100644
--- a/src/views/process-panel/process-log-card.tsx
+++ b/src/views/process-panel/process-log-card.tsx
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
 } from '@material-ui/core';
+import { useAsyncInterval } from 'common/use-async-interval';
 import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme';
 import {
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ export interface ProcessLogsCardActionProps {
     onLogFilterChange: (filter: FilterOption) => void;
     navigateToLog: (uuid: string) => void;
     onCopy: (text: string) => void;
+    pollProcessLogs: (processUuid: string) => Promise<void>;
 type ProcessLogsCardProps = ProcessLogsCardDataProps
@@ -94,13 +96,17 @@ type ProcessLogsCardProps = ProcessLogsCardDataProps
 export const ProcessLogsCard = withStyles(styles)(
     ({ classes, process, filters, selectedFilter, lines,
-        onLogFilterChange, navigateToLog, onCopy,
+        onLogFilterChange, navigateToLog, onCopy, pollProcessLogs,
         doHidePanel, doMaximizePanel, doUnMaximizePanel, panelMaximized, panelName }: ProcessLogsCardProps) => {
         const [wordWrap, setWordWrap] = useState<boolean>(true);
         const [fontSize, setFontSize] = useState<number>(3);
         const fontBaseSize = 10;
         const fontStepSize = 1;
+        useAsyncInterval(() => (
+            pollProcessLogs(process.containerRequest.uuid)
+        ), 2000);
         return <Grid item className={classes.root} xs={12}>
             <Card className={classes.card}>
                 <CardHeader className={classes.header}
@@ -184,4 +190,3 @@ export const ProcessLogsCard = withStyles(styles)(
         </Grid >
diff --git a/src/views/process-panel/process-log-code-snippet.tsx b/src/views/process-panel/process-log-code-snippet.tsx
index 2b7391c2..50d343d6 100644
--- a/src/views/process-panel/process-log-code-snippet.tsx
+++ b/src/views/process-panel/process-log-code-snippet.tsx
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const styles: StyleRulesCallback<CssRules> = (theme: ArvadosTheme) => ({
     logText: {
-        padding: theme.spacing.unit * 0.5,
+        padding: `0 ${theme.spacing.unit*0.5}px`,
     wordWrap: {
         whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
@@ -126,4 +126,4 @@ export const ProcessLogCodeSnippet = withStyles(styles)(connect(mapStateToProps)
                 ) }
-    }));
\ No newline at end of file
+    }));
diff --git a/src/views/process-panel/process-panel-root.tsx b/src/views/process-panel/process-panel-root.tsx
index d99c62ec..c04cf62a 100644
--- a/src/views/process-panel/process-panel-root.tsx
+++ b/src/views/process-panel/process-panel-root.tsx
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ export interface ProcessPanelRootActionProps {
     loadNodeJson: (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource) => void;
     loadOutputDefinitions: (containerRequest: ContainerRequestResource) => void;
     updateOutputParams: () => void;
+    pollProcessLogs: (processUuid: string) => Promise<void>;
 export type ProcessPanelRootProps = ProcessPanelRootDataProps & ProcessPanelRootActionProps & WithStyles<CssRules>;
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ export const ProcessPanelRoot = withStyles(styles)(
+                        pollProcessLogs={props.pollProcessLogs}
                 <MPVPanelContent forwardProps xs maxHeight='50%' data-cy="process-inputs">
diff --git a/src/views/process-panel/process-panel.tsx b/src/views/process-panel/process-panel.tsx
index 9dcb72cf..575c6591 100644
--- a/src/views/process-panel/process-panel.tsx
+++ b/src/views/process-panel/process-panel.tsx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import {
 } from 'store/process-panel/process-panel-actions';
 import { cancelRunningWorkflow, resumeOnHoldWorkflow, startWorkflow } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
-import { navigateToLogCollection, setProcessLogsPanelFilter } from 'store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions';
+import { navigateToLogCollection, pollProcessLogs, setProcessLogsPanelFilter } from 'store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions';
 import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from 'store/snackbar/snackbar-actions';
 const mapStateToProps = ({ router, auth, resources, processPanel, processLogsPanel }: RootState): ProcessPanelRootDataProps => {
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch): ProcessPanelRootActionProps =>
     loadOutputDefinitions: (containerRequest) => dispatch<any>(loadOutputDefinitions(containerRequest)),
     updateOutputParams: () => dispatch<any>(updateOutputParams()),
     loadNodeJson: (containerRequest) => dispatch<any>(loadNodeJson(containerRequest)),
+    pollProcessLogs: (processUuid) => dispatch<any>(pollProcessLogs(processUuid)),
 const getFilters = (processPanel: ProcessPanelState, processes: Process[]) => {
diff --git a/src/websocket/websocket.ts b/src/websocket/websocket.ts
index 6bb505b3..39940ce5 100644
--- a/src/websocket/websocket.ts
+++ b/src/websocket/websocket.ts
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import { ResourceKind } from 'models/resource';
 import { loadProcess } from 'store/processes/processes-actions';
 import { getProcess, getSubprocesses } from 'store/processes/process';
 import { LogEventType } from 'models/log';
-import { addProcessLogsPanelItem } from 'store/process-logs-panel/process-logs-panel-actions';
 import { subprocessPanelActions } from "store/subprocess-panel/subprocess-panel-actions";
 import { projectPanelActions } from "store/project-panel/project-panel-action";
 import { getProjectPanelCurrentUuid } from 'store/project-panel/project-panel-action';
@@ -73,7 +72,5 @@ const messageListener = (store: RootStore) => (message: ResourceEventMessage) =>
-    } else {
-        return store.dispatch(addProcessLogsPanelItem(message as ResourceEventMessage<{ text: string }>));



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