[arvados] created: 2.7.0-5502-g187f790d8b

git repository hosting git at public.arvados.org
Fri Dec 1 15:39:06 UTC 2023

        at  187f790d8b71c5c7b54a599bec6e58950d7116dc (commit)

commit 187f790d8b71c5c7b54a599bec6e58950d7116dc
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 1 10:18:13 2023 -0500

    21146: Add last_log_id argument to PollClient.subscribe
    This helps avoid a crash if `subscribe` returns a `PollClient` and then
    the user calls `subscribe` with two arguments. I don't know whether
    ignoring `last_log_id` is *correct*, but that's the current behavior,
    and anything else is out of scope for the current ticket.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
index 56650558e8..917c876706 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
@@ -468,12 +468,15 @@ class PollClient(threading.Thread):
             # to do so raises the same exception."
-    def subscribe(self, f: Filter) -> None:
+    def subscribe(self, f: Filter, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None) -> None:
         """Subscribe to another set of events from the server
         * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One filter to subscribe to.
+        * last_log_id: Optional[int] --- Ignored; this argument exists for
+          API compatibility with `EventClient.subscribe`.
         self.on_event({'status': 200})

commit d768d69e85e12e8f300687ea27b995fc419a0eea
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 1 10:16:56 2023 -0500

    19825: Document arvados.events module
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
index 8b81bf3939..56650558e8 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+"""Follow events on an Arvados cluster
+This module provides different ways to get notified about events that happen
+on an Arvados cluster. You indicate which events you want updates about, and
+provide a function that is called any time one of those events is received
+from the server.
+`subscribe` is the main entry point. It helps you construct one of the two
+API-compatible client classes: `EventClient` (which uses WebSockets) or
+`PollClient` (which periodically queries the logs list methods).
 import enum
 import json
@@ -269,7 +280,43 @@ class EventClient(threading.Thread):
 class PollClient(threading.Thread):
-    def __init__(self, api, filters, on_event, poll_time, last_log_id):
+    """Follow Arvados events via polling logs
+    PollClient follows events on Arvados cluster by periodically running
+    logs list API calls. Users can select the events they want to follow and
+    run their own callback function on each.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            api: 'arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient',
+            filters: Optional[Filter],
+            on_event: EventCallback,
+            poll_time: float=15,
+            last_log_id: Optional[int]=None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize a polling client
+        Constructor arguments:
+        * api: arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient --- The Arvados API
+          client used to query logs. It will be used in a separate thread,
+          so if it is not an instance of `arvados.safeapi.ThreadSafeApiCache`
+          it should not be reused after the thread is started.
+        * filters: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to
+          subscribe to after connecting to the WebSocket server. If not
+          specified, the client will subscribe to all events.
+        * on_event: arvados.events.EventCallback --- When the client
+          receives an event from the WebSocket server, it calls this
+          function with the event object.
+        * poll_time: float --- The number of seconds to wait between querying
+          logs. Default 15.
+        * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, queries will include a
+          filter for logs with an `id` at least this value.
+        """
         super(PollClient, self).__init__()
         self.api = api
         if filters:
@@ -294,6 +341,11 @@ class PollClient(threading.Thread):
             self._skip_old_events = False
     def run(self):
+        """Run the client loop
+        This method runs in a separate thread to poll and process events
+        from the server.
+        """
         self.on_event({'status': 200})
         while not self._closing.is_set():
@@ -382,23 +434,29 @@ class PollClient(threading.Thread):
     def run_forever(self):
+        """Run the polling client indefinitely
+        This method blocks until the `close` method is called (e.g., from
+        another thread) or the client permanently loses its connection.
+        """
         # Have to poll here, otherwise KeyboardInterrupt will never get processed.
         while not self._closing.is_set():
-    def close(self, code=None, reason=None, timeout=0):
-        """Close poll client and optionally wait for it to finish.
+    def close(self, code: Optional[int]=None, reason: Optional[str]=None, timeout: float=0) -> None:
+        """Stop polling and processing events
-        If an :on_event: handler is running in a different thread,
-        first wait (indefinitely) for it to return.
+        Arguments:
-        After closing, wait up to :timeout: seconds for the thread to
-        finish the poll request in progress (if any).
+        * code: Optional[int] --- Ignored; this argument exists for API
+          compatibility with `EventClient.close`.
-        :code: and :reason: are ignored. They are present for
-        interface compatibility with EventClient.
-        """
+        * reason: Optional[str] --- Ignored; this argument exists for API
+          compatibility with `EventClient.close`.
+        * timeout: float --- How long to wait for the client thread to finish
+          processing events. Default 0, which means no timeout.
+        """
         with self._closing_lock:
@@ -410,11 +468,24 @@ class PollClient(threading.Thread):
             # to do so raises the same exception."
-    def subscribe(self, f):
+    def subscribe(self, f: Filter) -> None:
+        """Subscribe to another set of events from the server
+        Arguments:
+        * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One filter to subscribe to.
+        """
         self.on_event({'status': 200})
     def unsubscribe(self, f):
+        """Unsubscribe from an event stream
+        Arguments:
+        * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to stop
+        receiving events for.
+        """
         del self.filters[self.filters.index(f)]
@@ -432,21 +503,42 @@ def _subscribe_websocket(api, filters, on_event, last_log_id=None):
         return client
-def subscribe(api, filters, on_event, poll_fallback=15, last_log_id=None):
-    """
-    :api:
-      a client object retrieved from arvados.api(). The caller should not use this client object for anything else after calling subscribe().
-    :filters:
-      Initial subscription filters.
-    :on_event:
-      The callback when a message is received.
-    :poll_fallback:
-      If websockets are not available, fall back to polling every N seconds.  If poll_fallback=False, this will return None if websockets are not available.
-    :last_log_id:
-      Log rows that are newer than the log id
+def subscribe(
+        api: 'arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient',
+        filters: Optional[Filter],
+        on_event: EventCallback,
+        poll_fallback: float=15,
+        last_log_id: Optional[int]=None,
+) -> Union[EventClient, PollClient]:
+    """Start a thread to monitor events
+    This method tries to construct an `EventClient` to process Arvados
+    events via WebSockets. If that fails, or the
+    `ARVADOS_DISABLE_WEBSOCKETS` flag is set in user configuration, it falls
+    back to constructing a `PollClient` to process the events via API
+    polling.
+    Arguments:
+    * api: arvados.api_resources.ArvadosAPIClient --- The Arvados API
+      client used to query logs. It may be used in a separate thread,
+      so if it is not an instance of `arvados.safeapi.ThreadSafeApiCache`
+      it should not be reused after this method returns.
+    * filters: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to
+      subscribe to after initializing the client. If not specified, the
+      client will subscribe to all events.
+    * on_event: arvados.events.EventCallback --- When the client receives an
+      event, it calls this function with the event object.
+    * poll_time: float --- The number of seconds to wait between querying
+      logs. If 0, this function will refuse to construct a `PollClient`.
+      Default 15.
+    * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, start processing events with
+      at least this `id` value.
     if not poll_fallback:
         return _subscribe_websocket(api, filters, on_event, last_log_id)

commit eb2aed26a98fddbe6efc6b10464fd188b890f273
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 24 16:38:32 2023 -0500

    21146: Migrate PySDK to websockets library
    This library is more mature than ws4py. This commit introduces a new
    EventClient implementation based on it while remaining API-compatible.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
index 2c5e33c2e5..8b81bf3939 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
@@ -2,145 +2,270 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import enum
 import json
 import logging
 import os
 import re
 import ssl
+import sys
 import _thread
 import threading
 import time
+import websockets.exceptions as ws_exc
+import websockets.sync.client as ws_client
 from . import config
 from . import errors
 from . import util
 from .retry import RetryLoop
-from ws4py.client.threadedclient import WebSocketClient
+from ._version import __version__
+from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Callable,
+    Dict,
+    Iterable,
+    List,
+    Optional,
+    Union,
+EventCallback = Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], object]
+"""Type signature for an event handler callback"""
+FilterCondition = List[Union[None, str, 'Filter']]
+"""Type signature for a single filter condition"""
+Filter = List[FilterCondition]
+"""Type signature for an entire filter"""
 _logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.events')
-class _EventClient(WebSocketClient):
-    def __init__(self, url, filters, on_event, last_log_id, on_closed):
-        ssl_options = {'ca_certs': util.ca_certs_path()}
-        if config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE'):
-            ssl_options['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_NONE
-        else:
-            ssl_options['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
+class WSMethod(enum.Enum):
+    """Arvados WebSocket methods
-        # Warning: If the host part of url resolves to both IPv6 and
-        # IPv4 addresses (common with "localhost"), only one of them
-        # will be attempted -- and it might not be the right one. See
-        # ws4py's WebSocketBaseClient.__init__.
-        super(_EventClient, self).__init__(url, ssl_options=ssl_options)
+    This enum represents valid values for the `method` field in messages
+    sent to an Arvados WebSocket server.
+    """
+    SUBSCRIBE = 'subscribe'
+    UNSUBSCRIBE = 'unsubscribe'
-        self.filters = filters
-        self.on_event = on_event
+class EventClient(threading.Thread):
+    """Follow Arvados events via WebSocket
+    EventClient follows events on Arvados cluster published by the WebSocket
+    server. Users can select the events they want to follow and run their own
+    callback function on each.
+    """
+    _USER_AGENT = 'Python/{}.{}.{} arvados.events/{}'.format(
+        *sys.version_info[:3],
+        __version__,
+    )
+    def __init__(
+            self,
+            url: str,
+            filters: Optional[Filter],
+            on_event_cb: EventCallback,
+            last_log_id: Optional[int]=None,
+            *,
+            insecure: Optional[bool]=None,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize a WebSocket client
+        Constructor arguments:
+        * url: str --- The `wss` URL for an Arvados WebSocket server.
+        * filters: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to
+          subscribe to after connecting to the WebSocket server. If not
+          specified, the client will subscribe to all events.
+        * on_event_cb: arvados.events.EventCallback --- When the client
+          receives an event from the WebSocket server, it calls this
+          function with the event object.
+        * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, this will be used as the
+          value for the `last_log_id` field in subscribe messages sent by
+          the client.
+        Constructor keyword arguments:
+        * insecure: bool | None --- If `True`, the client will not check the
+          validity of the server's TLS certificate. If not specified, uses
+          the value from the user's `ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE` setting.
+        """
+        self.url = url
+        self.filters = [filters or []]
+        self.on_event_cb = on_event_cb
         self.last_log_id = last_log_id
-        self._closing_lock = threading.RLock()
-        self._closing = False
-        self._closed = threading.Event()
-        self.on_closed = on_closed
+        self.is_closed = threading.Event()
+        self._ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(
+            purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH,
+            cafile=util.ca_certs_path(),
+        )
+        if insecure is None:
+            insecure = config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE')
+        if insecure:
+            self._ssl_ctx.check_hostname = False
+            self._ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+        self._subscribe_lock = threading.Lock()
+        self._connect()
+        super().__init__(daemon=True)
+        self.start()
+    def _connect(self) -> None:
+        # There are no locks protecting this method. After the thread starts,
+        # it should only be called from inside.
+        self._client = ws_client.connect(
+            self.url,
+            logger=_logger,
+            ssl_context=self._ssl_ctx,
+            user_agent_header=self._USER_AGENT,
+        )
+        self._client_ok = True
+    def _subscribe(self, f: Filter, last_log_id: Optional[int]) -> None:
+        extra = {}
+        if last_log_id is not None:
+            extra['last_log_id'] = last_log_id
+        return self._update_sub(WSMethod.SUBSCRIBE, f, **extra)
-    def opened(self):
-        for f in self.filters:
-            self.subscribe(f, self.last_log_id)
+    def _update_sub(self, method: WSMethod, f: Filter, **extra: Any) -> None:
+        msg = json.dumps({
+            'method': method.value,
+            'filters': f,
+            **extra,
+        })
+        self._client.send(msg)
-    def closed(self, code, reason=None):
-        self._closed.set()
-        self.on_closed()
+    def close(self, code: int=1000, reason: str='', timeout: float=0) -> None:
+        """Close the WebSocket connection and stop processing events
-    def received_message(self, m):
-        with self._closing_lock:
-            if not self._closing:
-                self.on_event(json.loads(str(m)))
+        Arguments:
+        * code: int --- The WebSocket close code sent to the server when
+          disconnecting. Default 1000.
-    def close(self, code=1000, reason='', timeout=0):
-        """Close event client and optionally wait for it to finish.
+        * reason: str --- The WebSocket close reason sent to the server when
+          disconnecting. Default is the empty string.
-        :timeout: is the number of seconds to wait for ws4py to
-        indicate that the connection has closed.
+        * timeout: float --- How long to wait for the WebSocket server to
+          acknowledge the disconnection, in seconds. Default 0, which means
+          no timeout.
-        super(_EventClient, self).close(code, reason)
-        with self._closing_lock:
-            # make sure we don't process any more messages.
-            self._closing = True
-        # wait for ws4py to tell us the connection is closed.
-        self._closed.wait(timeout=timeout)
+        self.is_closed.set()
+        self._client.close_timeout = timeout or None
+        self._client.close(code, reason)
-    def subscribe(self, f, last_log_id=None):
-        m = {"method": "subscribe", "filters": f}
-        if last_log_id is not None:
-            m["last_log_id"] = last_log_id
-        self.send(json.dumps(m))
+    def run_forever(self) -> None:
+        """Run the WebSocket client indefinitely
-    def unsubscribe(self, f):
-        self.send(json.dumps({"method": "unsubscribe", "filters": f}))
+        This method blocks until the `close` method is called (e.g., from
+        another thread) or the client permanently loses its connection.
+        """
+        # Have to poll here to let KeyboardInterrupt get raised.
+        while not self.is_closed.wait(1):
+            pass
+    def subscribe(self, f: Filter, last_log_id: Optional[int]=None) -> None:
+        """Subscribe to another set of events from the server
-class EventClient(object):
-    def __init__(self, url, filters, on_event_cb, last_log_id):
-        self.url = url
-        if filters:
-            self.filters = [filters]
-        else:
-            self.filters = [[]]
-        self.on_event_cb = on_event_cb
-        self.last_log_id = last_log_id
-        self.is_closed = threading.Event()
-        self._setup_event_client()
+        Arguments:
-    def _setup_event_client(self):
-        self.ec = _EventClient(self.url, self.filters, self.on_event,
-                               self.last_log_id, self.on_closed)
-        self.ec.daemon = True
-        try:
-            self.ec.connect()
-        except Exception:
-            self.ec.close_connection()
-            raise
+        * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One filter to subscribe to
+          events for.
-    def subscribe(self, f, last_log_id=None):
-        self.filters.append(f)
-        self.ec.subscribe(f, last_log_id)
+        * last_log_id: int | None --- If specified, request events starting
+          from this id. If not specified, the server will only send events
+          that occur after processing the subscription.
+        """
+        with self._subscribe_lock:
+            self._subscribe(f, last_log_id)
+            self.filters.append(f)
-    def unsubscribe(self, f):
-        del self.filters[self.filters.index(f)]
-        self.ec.unsubscribe(f)
+    def unsubscribe(self, f: Filter) -> None:
+        """Unsubscribe from an event stream
-    def close(self, code=1000, reason='', timeout=0):
-        self.is_closed.set()
-        self.ec.close(code, reason, timeout)
+        Arguments:
+        * f: arvados.events.Filter | None --- One event filter to stop
+        receiving events for.
+        """
+        with self._subscribe_lock:
+            try:
+                index = self.filters.index(f)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise ValueError(f"filter not subscribed: {f!r}") from None
+            self._update_sub(WSMethod.UNSUBSCRIBE, f)
+            del self.filters[index]
+    def on_closed(self) -> None:
+        """Handle disconnection from the WebSocket server
+        This method is called when the client loses its connection from
+        receiving events. This implementation tries to establish a new
+        connection if it was not closed client-side.
+        """
+        if self.is_closed.is_set():
+            return
+        _logger.warning("Unexpected close. Reconnecting.")
+        for _ in RetryLoop(num_retries=25, backoff_start=.1, max_wait=15):
+            try:
+                self._connect()
+            except Exception as e:
+                _logger.warning("Error '%s' during websocket reconnect.", e)
+            else:
+                _logger.warning("Reconnect successful.")
+                break
+        else:
+            _logger.error("EventClient thread could not contact websocket server.")
+            self.is_closed.set()
+            _thread.interrupt_main()
+    def on_event(self, m: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+        """Handle an event from the WebSocket server
+        This method is called whenever the client receives an event from the
+        server. This implementation records the `id` field internally, then
+        calls the callback function provided at initialization time.
-    def on_event(self, m):
-        if m.get('id') != None:
-            self.last_log_id = m.get('id')
+        Arguments:
+        * m: Dict[str, Any] --- The event object, deserialized from JSON.
+        """
+        try:
+            self.last_log_id = m['id']
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
-        except Exception as e:
+        except Exception:
             _logger.exception("Unexpected exception from event callback.")
-    def on_closed(self):
-        if not self.is_closed.is_set():
-            _logger.warning("Unexpected close. Reconnecting.")
-            for tries_left in RetryLoop(num_retries=25, backoff_start=.1, max_wait=15):
-                try:
-                    self._setup_event_client()
-                    _logger.warning("Reconnect successful.")
-                    break
-                except Exception as e:
-                    _logger.warning("Error '%s' during websocket reconnect.", e)
-            if tries_left == 0:
-                _logger.exception("EventClient thread could not contact websocket server.")
-                self.is_closed.set()
-                _thread.interrupt_main()
-                return
+    def run(self) -> None:
+        """Run the client loop
-    def run_forever(self):
-        # Have to poll here to let KeyboardInterrupt get raised.
-        while not self.is_closed.wait(1):
-            pass
+        This method runs in a separate thread to receive and process events
+        from the server.
+        """
+        self.setName(f'ArvadosWebsockets-{self.ident}')
+        while self._client_ok and not self.is_closed.is_set():
+            try:
+                with self._subscribe_lock:
+                    for f in self.filters:
+                        self._subscribe(f, self.last_log_id)
+                for msg_s in self._client:
+                    if not self.is_closed.is_set():
+                        msg = json.loads(msg_s)
+                        self.on_event(msg)
+            except ws_exc.ConnectionClosed:
+                self._client_ok = False
+                self.on_closed()
 class PollClient(threading.Thread):
diff --git a/sdk/python/setup.py b/sdk/python/setup.py
index 7f35a590e5..284a460f1a 100644
--- a/sdk/python/setup.py
+++ b/sdk/python/setup.py
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ setup(name='arvados-python-client',
           'setuptools >=40.3.0',
           # As of 4.8.0rc1, typing_extensions does not parse in Python 3.7
           'typing_extensions >=3.7.4, <4.8; python_version<"3.8"',
-          'ws4py >=0.4.2',
+          'websockets >=11.0',
+          'websockets ~=11.0; python_version<"3.8"',
           'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py b/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py
index f31971b1b4..b4e6a0b1cd 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import json
 import logging
 import mock
 import queue
@@ -10,10 +11,63 @@ import threading
 import time
 import unittest
+import websockets.exceptions as ws_exc
 import arvados
 from . import arvados_testutil as tutil
 from . import run_test_server
+class FakeWebsocketClient:
+    """Fake self-contained version of websockets.sync.client.ClientConnection
+    This provides enough of the API to test EventClient. It loosely mimics
+    the Arvados WebSocket API by acknowledging subscribe messages. You can use
+    `mock_wrapper` to test calls. You can set `_check_lock` to test that the
+    given lock is acquired before `send` is called.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._check_lock = None
+        self._closed = threading.Event()
+        self._messages = queue.Queue()
+    def mock_wrapper(self):
+        wrapper = mock.Mock(wraps=self)
+        wrapper.__iter__ = lambda _: self.__iter__()
+        return wrapper
+    def __iter__(self):
+        while True:
+            msg = self._messages.get()
+            self._messages.task_done()
+            if isinstance(msg, Exception):
+                raise msg
+            else:
+                yield msg
+    def close(self, code=1000, reason=''):
+        if not self._closed.is_set():
+            self._closed.set()
+            self.force_disconnect()
+    def force_disconnect(self):
+        self._messages.put(ws_exc.ConnectionClosed(None, None))
+    def send(self, msg):
+        if self._check_lock is not None and self._check_lock.acquire(blocking=False):
+            self._check_lock.release()
+            raise AssertionError(f"called ws_client.send() without lock")
+        elif self._closed.is_set():
+            raise ws_exc.ConnectionClosed(None, None)
+        try:
+            msg = json.loads(msg)
+        except ValueError:
+            status = 400
+        else:
+            status = 200
+        self._messages.put(json.dumps({'status': status}))
 class WebsocketTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
     MAIN_SERVER = {}
@@ -193,7 +247,7 @@ class WebsocketTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
         # close (im)properly
         if close_unexpected:
-            self.ws.ec.close_connection()
+            self.ws._client.close()
@@ -232,69 +286,115 @@ class WebsocketTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
     # Test websocket reconnection retry
-    @mock.patch('arvados.events._EventClient.connect')
-    def test_websocket_reconnect_retry(self, event_client_connect):
-        event_client_connect.side_effect = [None, Exception('EventClient.connect error'), None]
+    @mock.patch('arvados.events.ws_client.connect')
+    def test_websocket_reconnect_retry(self, ws_conn):
         logstream = tutil.StringIO()
         rootLogger = logging.getLogger()
         streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler(logstream)
-        run_test_server.authorize_with('active')
-        events = queue.Queue(100)
-        filters = [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']]
-        self.ws = arvados.events.subscribe(
-            arvados.api('v1'), filters,
-            events.put_nowait,
-            poll_fallback=False,
-            last_log_id=None)
-        self.assertIsInstance(self.ws, arvados.events.EventClient)
-        # simulate improper close
-        self.ws.on_closed()
-        # verify log messages to ensure retry happened
-        log_messages = logstream.getvalue()
-        found = log_messages.find("Error 'EventClient.connect error' during websocket reconnect.")
-        self.assertNotEqual(found, -1)
-        rootLogger.removeHandler(streamHandler)
-    @mock.patch('arvados.events._EventClient')
-    def test_subscribe_method(self, websocket_client):
-        filters = [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']]
-        client = arvados.events.EventClient(
-            self.MOCK_WS_URL, [], lambda event: None, None)
-        client.subscribe(filters[:], 99)
-        websocket_client().subscribe.assert_called_with(filters, 99)
-    @mock.patch('arvados.events._EventClient')
-    def test_unsubscribe(self, websocket_client):
-        filters = [['object_uuid', 'is_a', 'arvados#human']]
-        client = arvados.events.EventClient(
-            self.MOCK_WS_URL, filters[:], lambda event: None, None)
-        client.unsubscribe(filters[:])
-        websocket_client().unsubscribe.assert_called_with(filters)
-    @mock.patch('arvados.events._EventClient')
+        try:
+            msg_event, wss_client, self.ws = self.fake_client(ws_conn)
+            self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for setup callback")
+            msg_event.clear()
+            ws_conn.side_effect = [Exception('EventClient.connect error'), wss_client]
+            wss_client.force_disconnect()
+            self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for reconnect callback")
+            # verify log messages to ensure retry happened
+            self.assertIn("Error 'EventClient.connect error' during websocket reconnect.", logstream.getvalue())
+            self.assertEqual(ws_conn.call_count, 3)
+        finally:
+            rootLogger.removeHandler(streamHandler)
+    @mock.patch('arvados.events.ws_client.connect')
     def test_run_forever_survives_reconnects(self, websocket_client):
-        connected = threading.Event()
-        websocket_client().connect.side_effect = connected.set
         client = arvados.events.EventClient(
             self.MOCK_WS_URL, [], lambda event: None, None)
         forever_thread = threading.Thread(target=client.run_forever)
         # Simulate an unexpected disconnect, and wait for reconnect.
-        close_thread = threading.Thread(target=client.on_closed)
-        close_thread.start()
-        self.assertTrue(connected.wait(timeout=self.TEST_TIMEOUT))
-        close_thread.join()
-        run_forever_alive = forever_thread.is_alive()
-        client.close()
-        forever_thread.join()
-        self.assertTrue(run_forever_alive)
-        self.assertEqual(2, websocket_client().connect.call_count)
+        try:
+            client.on_closed()
+            self.assertTrue(forever_thread.is_alive())
+            self.assertEqual(2, websocket_client.call_count)
+        finally:
+            client.close()
+            forever_thread.join()
+    @staticmethod
+    def fake_client(conn_patch, filters=None, url=MOCK_WS_URL):
+        """Set up EventClient test infrastructure
+        Given a patch of `arvados.events.ws_client.connect`,
+        this returns a 3-tuple:
+        * `msg_event` is a `threading.Event` that is set as the test client
+          event callback. You can wait for this event to confirm that a
+          sent message has been acknowledged and processed.
+        * `mock_client` is a `mock.Mock` wrapper around `FakeWebsocketClient`.
+          Use this to assert `EventClient` calls the right methods. It tests
+          that `EventClient` acquires a lock before calling `send`.
+        * `client` is the `EventClient` that uses `mock_client` under the hood
+          that you exercise methods of.
+        Other arguments are passed to initialize `EventClient`.
+        """
+        msg_event = threading.Event()
+        fake_client = FakeWebsocketClient()
+        mock_client = fake_client.mock_wrapper()
+        conn_patch.return_value = mock_client
+        client = arvados.events.EventClient(url, filters, lambda _: msg_event.set())
+        fake_client._check_lock = client._subscribe_lock
+        return msg_event, mock_client, client
+    @mock.patch('arvados.events.ws_client.connect')
+    def test_subscribe_locking(self, ws_conn):
+        f = [['created_at', '>=', '2023-12-01T00:00:00.000Z']]
+        msg_event, wss_client, self.ws = self.fake_client(ws_conn)
+        self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for setup callback")
+        msg_event.clear()
+        wss_client.send.reset_mock()
+        self.ws.subscribe(f)
+        self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for subscribe callback")
+        wss_client.send.assert_called()
+        (msg,), _ = wss_client.send.call_args
+        self.assertEqual(
+            json.loads(msg),
+            {'method': 'subscribe', 'filters': f},
+        )
+    @mock.patch('arvados.events.ws_client.connect')
+    def test_unsubscribe_locking(self, ws_conn):
+        f = [['created_at', '>=', '2023-12-01T01:00:00.000Z']]
+        msg_event, wss_client, self.ws = self.fake_client(ws_conn, f)
+        self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for setup callback")
+        msg_event.clear()
+        wss_client.send.reset_mock()
+        self.ws.unsubscribe(f)
+        self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for unsubscribe callback")
+        wss_client.send.assert_called()
+        (msg,), _ = wss_client.send.call_args
+        self.assertEqual(
+            json.loads(msg),
+            {'method': 'unsubscribe', 'filters': f},
+        )
+    @mock.patch('arvados.events.ws_client.connect')
+    def test_resubscribe_locking(self, ws_conn):
+        f = [['created_at', '>=', '2023-12-01T02:00:00.000Z']]
+        msg_event, wss_client, self.ws = self.fake_client(ws_conn, f)
+        self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for setup callback")
+        msg_event.clear()
+        wss_client.send.reset_mock()
+        wss_client.force_disconnect()
+        self.assertTrue(msg_event.wait(timeout=1), "timed out waiting for resubscribe callback")
+        wss_client.send.assert_called()
+        (msg,), _ = wss_client.send.call_args
+        self.assertEqual(
+            json.loads(msg),
+            {'method': 'subscribe', 'filters': f},
+        )
 class PollClientTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

commit e2a2b9d3ec8f11394df3cc587f9caab5f6132d67
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 24 15:05:18 2023 -0500

    21146: Clean test_events imports
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py b/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py
index f5192160f3..f31971b1b4 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/test_events.py
@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from __future__ import division
-from future import standard_library
-from builtins import range
-from builtins import object
 import logging
 import mock
 import queue
@@ -21,7 +14,6 @@ import arvados
 from . import arvados_testutil as tutil
 from . import run_test_server
 class WebsocketTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers):
     MAIN_SERVER = {}

commit 28c06ec49951386a2e1831e058a839346bddb024
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 22 12:13:46 2023 -0500

    21146: Clean arvados.events imports
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
index e53e4980a8..2c5e33c2e5 100644
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/events.py
@@ -2,32 +2,27 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from future import standard_library
-from builtins import str
-from builtins import object
-import arvados
-from . import config
-from . import errors
-from .retry import RetryLoop
-import logging
 import json
-import _thread
-import threading
-import time
+import logging
 import os
 import re
 import ssl
+import _thread
+import threading
+import time
+from . import config
+from . import errors
+from . import util
+from .retry import RetryLoop
 from ws4py.client.threadedclient import WebSocketClient
 _logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.events')
 class _EventClient(WebSocketClient):
     def __init__(self, url, filters, on_event, last_log_id, on_closed):
-        ssl_options = {'ca_certs': arvados.util.ca_certs_path()}
+        ssl_options = {'ca_certs': util.ca_certs_path()}
         if config.flag_is_true('ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE'):
             ssl_options['cert_reqs'] = ssl.CERT_NONE

commit b83ec86c35e47c19b01f4f0e6fa74ddac6a5b92b
Author: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 22 11:54:18 2023 -0500

    21146: Clean and sort PySDK install_requires
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Brett Smith <brett.smith at curii.com>

diff --git a/sdk/python/setup.py b/sdk/python/setup.py
index 9ba9629bca..7f35a590e5 100644
--- a/sdk/python/setup.py
+++ b/sdk/python/setup.py
@@ -116,21 +116,20 @@ setup(name='arvados-python-client',
           'ciso8601 >=2.0.0',
+          'dataclasses; python_version<"3.7"',
           'google-api-core <2.11.0', # 2.11.0rc1 is incompatible with google-auth<2
           'google-api-python-client >=2.1.0',
           'google-auth <2',
           'httplib2 >=0.9.2, <0.20.2',
+          'protobuf <4.0.0dev',
           'pycurl >=, <7.45.0',
+          'pyparsing <3',
           'ruamel.yaml >=0.15.54, <0.17.22',
           'setuptools >=40.3.0',
           # As of 4.8.0rc1, typing_extensions does not parse in Python 3.7
           'typing_extensions >=3.7.4, <4.8; python_version<"3.8"',
           'ws4py >=0.4.2',
-          'protobuf <4.0.0dev',
-          'pyparsing <3',
-          'setuptools >=40.3.0',
-          'dataclasses; python_version<"3.7"',
           'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',



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