[ARVADOS] updated: 1.3.0-1605-gc2c27beb2

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Thu Sep 12 17:56:59 UTC 2019

Summary of changes:
 build/run-tests.sh | 27 ++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

       via  c2c27beb2cb306608523874e23ef66424a10453a (commit)
      from  36b3f5c4d415897125a82fc733385ca999436c4e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit c2c27beb2cb306608523874e23ef66424a10453a
Author: Tom Clegg <tclegg at veritasgenetics.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 12 13:53:19 2019 -0400

    15615: Fix wrong rake task being used when wb1 testargs supplied.
    Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Tom Clegg <tclegg at veritasgenetics.com>

diff --git a/build/run-tests.sh b/build/run-tests.sh
index d70722272..ea4d6e4bd 100755
--- a/build/run-tests.sh
+++ b/build/run-tests.sh
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ test_govendor() {
 test_services/api() {
     rm -f "$WORKSPACE/services/api/git-commit.version"
     cd "$WORKSPACE/services/api" \
-        && env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS='-v -d' ${testargs[services/api]}
+        && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake test TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[services/api]}
 test_sdk/ruby() {
@@ -1088,47 +1088,32 @@ test_services/nodemanager_integration() {
 test_apps/workbench_units() {
     local TASK="test:units"
-    if [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench]}" ]] || [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench_units]}" ]]; then
-        TASK="test"
-    fi
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
-        && env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS='-v -d' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_units]}
+        && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_units]}
 test_apps/workbench_functionals() {
     local TASK="test:functionals"
-    if [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench]}" ]] || [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench_functionals]}" ]]; then
-        TASK="test"
-    fi
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
-        && env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS='-v -d' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_functionals]}
+        && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_functionals]}
 test_apps/workbench_integration() {
     local TASK="test:integration"
-    if [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench]}" ]] || [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench_integration]}" ]]; then
-        TASK="test"
-    fi
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
-        && env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS='-v -d' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_integration]}
+        && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench]} ${testargs[apps/workbench_integration]} 
 test_apps/workbench_benchmark() {
     local TASK="test:benchmark"
-    if [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench]}" ]] || [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench_benchmark]}" ]]; then
-        TASK="test"
-    fi
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
-        && env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} ${testargs[apps/workbench_benchmark]}
+        && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench_benchmark]}
 test_apps/workbench_profile() {
     local TASK="test:profile"
-    if [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench]}" ]] || [[ -n "${testargs[apps/workbench_profile]}" ]]; then
-        TASK="test"
-    fi
     cd "$WORKSPACE/apps/workbench" \
-        && env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} ${testargs[apps/workbench_profile]}
+        && eval env RAILS_ENV=test ${short:+RAILS_TEST_SHORT=1} bundle exec rake ${TASK} TESTOPTS=\'-v -d\' ${testargs[apps/workbench_profile]}
 install_deps() {



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