[ARVADOS] created: 53e5611fac8f1c7f1ca2e77746daf57ae02b94be

Git user git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Aug 31 23:41:23 EDT 2016

        at  53e5611fac8f1c7f1ca2e77746daf57ae02b94be (commit)

commit 53e5611fac8f1c7f1ca2e77746daf57ae02b94be
Author: Tom Clegg <tom at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 31 20:58:40 2016 -0400

    9888: Move record-filtering code into model classes.

diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
index 3a88818..3c5bf94 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
@@ -14,13 +14,11 @@ class ActsAsApi::ApiTemplate
 require 'load_param'
-require 'record_filters'
 class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   include CurrentApiClient
   include ThemesForRails::ActionController
   include LoadParam
-  include RecordFilters
   respond_to :json
@@ -207,11 +205,7 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   def apply_filters model_class=nil
     model_class ||= self.model_class
-    ft = record_filters @filters, model_class
-    if ft[:cond_out].any?
-      @objects = @objects.where('(' + ft[:cond_out].join(') AND (') + ')',
-                                *ft[:param_out])
-    end
+    @objects = model_class.apply_filters(@objects, @filters)
   def apply_where_limit_order_params model_class=nil
diff --git a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb
index 0c68dc2..ea9f062 100644
--- a/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/controllers/arvados/v1/jobs_controller.rb
@@ -31,89 +31,7 @@ class Arvados::V1::JobsController < ApplicationController
     return super if !params[:find_or_create]
     return if !load_filters_param
-    if @filters.empty?  # Translate older creation parameters into filters.
-      @filters =
-        [["repository", "=", resource_attrs[:repository]],
-         ["script", "=", resource_attrs[:script]],
-         ["script_version", "not in git", params[:exclude_script_versions]],
-        ].reject { |filter| filter.last.nil? or filter.last.empty? }
-      if !params[:minimum_script_version].blank?
-        @filters << ["script_version", "in git",
-                     params[:minimum_script_version]]
-      else
-        add_default_git_filter("script_version", resource_attrs[:repository],
-                               resource_attrs[:script_version])
-      end
-      if image_search = resource_attrs[:runtime_constraints].andand["docker_image"]
-        if image_tag = resource_attrs[:runtime_constraints]["docker_image_tag"]
-          image_search += ":#{image_tag}"
-        end
-        image_locator = Collection.
-          for_latest_docker_image(image_search).andand.portable_data_hash
-      else
-        image_locator = nil
-      end
-      @filters << ["docker_image_locator", "=", image_locator]
-      if sdk_version = resource_attrs[:runtime_constraints].andand["arvados_sdk_version"]
-        add_default_git_filter("arvados_sdk_version", "arvados", sdk_version)
-      end
-      begin
-        load_job_specific_filters
-      rescue ArgumentError => error
-        return send_error(error.message)
-      end
-    end
-    # Check specified filters for some reasonableness.
-    filter_names = @filters.map { |f| f.first }.uniq
-    ["repository", "script"].each do |req_filter|
-      if not filter_names.include?(req_filter)
-        return send_error("#{req_filter} filter required")
-      end
-    end
-    # Search for a reusable Job, and return it if found.
-    @objects = Job.
-      readable_by(current_user).
-      where('state = ? or (owner_uuid = ? and state in (?))',
-            Job::Complete, current_user.uuid, [Job::Queued, Job::Running]).
-      where('script_parameters_digest = ?', Job.sorted_hash_digest(resource_attrs[:script_parameters])).
-      where('nondeterministic is distinct from ?', true).
-      order('state desc, created_at') # prefer Running jobs over Queued
-    apply_filters
-    @object = nil
-    incomplete_job = nil
-    @objects.each do |j|
-      if j.state != Job::Complete
-        # We'll use this if we don't find a job that has completed
-        incomplete_job ||= j
-        next
-      end
-      if @object == false
-        # We have already decided not to reuse any completed job
-        next
-      elsif @object
-        if @object.output != j.output
-          # If two matching jobs produced different outputs, run a new
-          # job (or use one that's already running/queued) instead of
-          # choosing one arbitrarily.
-          @object = false
-        end
-        # ...and that's the only thing we need to do once we've chosen
-        # an @object to reuse.
-      elsif !Collection.readable_by(current_user).find_by_portable_data_hash(j.output)
-        # As soon as the output we will end up returning (if any) is
-        # decided, check whether it will be visible to the user; if
-        # not, any further investigation of reusable jobs is futile.
-        return super
-      else
-        @object = j
-      end
-    end
-    @object ||= incomplete_job
-    if @object
+    if (@object = Job.find_or_create_using_filters(resource_attrs, params, @filters, @read_users))
@@ -220,89 +138,11 @@ class Arvados::V1::JobsController < ApplicationController
-  def add_default_git_filter(attr_name, repo_name, refspec)
-    # Add a filter to @filters for `attr_name` = the latest commit available
-    # in `repo_name` at `refspec`.  No filter is added if refspec can't be
-    # resolved.
-    commits = Commit.find_commit_range(repo_name, nil, refspec, nil)
-    if commit_hash = commits.first
-      @filters << [attr_name, "=", commit_hash]
-    end
-  end
-  def load_job_specific_filters
-    # Convert Job-specific @filters entries into general SQL filters.
-    script_info = {"repository" => nil, "script" => nil}
-    git_filters = Hash.new do |hash, key|
-      hash[key] = {"max_version" => "HEAD", "exclude_versions" => []}
-    end
-    @filters.select! do |(attr, operator, operand)|
-      if (script_info.has_key? attr) and (operator == "=")
-        if script_info[attr].nil?
-          script_info[attr] = operand
-        elsif script_info[attr] != operand
-          raise ArgumentError.new("incompatible #{attr} filters")
-        end
-      end
-      case operator
-      when "in git"
-        git_filters[attr]["min_version"] = operand
-        false
-      when "not in git"
-        git_filters[attr]["exclude_versions"] += Array.wrap(operand)
-        false
-      when "in docker", "not in docker"
-        image_hashes = Array.wrap(operand).flat_map do |search_term|
-          image_search, image_tag = search_term.split(':', 2)
-          Collection.
-            find_all_for_docker_image(image_search, image_tag, @read_users).
-            map(&:portable_data_hash)
-        end
-        @filters << [attr, operator.sub(/ docker$/, ""), image_hashes]
-        false
-      else
-        true
-      end
-    end
-    # Build a real script_version filter from any "not? in git" filters.
-    git_filters.each_pair do |attr, filter|
-      case attr
-      when "script_version"
-        script_info.each_pair do |key, value|
-          if value.nil?
-            raise ArgumentError.new("script_version filter needs #{key} filter")
-          end
-        end
-        filter["repository"] = script_info["repository"]
-        begin
-          filter["max_version"] = resource_attrs[:script_version]
-        rescue
-          # Using HEAD, set earlier by the hash default, is fine.
-        end
-      when "arvados_sdk_version"
-        filter["repository"] = "arvados"
-      else
-        raise ArgumentError.new("unknown attribute for git filter: #{attr}")
-      end
-      revisions = Commit.find_commit_range(filter["repository"],
-                                           filter["min_version"],
-                                           filter["max_version"],
-                                           filter["exclude_versions"])
-      if revisions.empty?
-        raise ArgumentError.
-          new("error searching #{filter['repository']} from " +
-              "'#{filter['min_version']}' to '#{filter['max_version']}', " +
-              "excluding #{filter['exclude_versions']}")
-      end
-      @filters.append([attr, "in", revisions])
-    end
-  end
   def load_filters_param
-      load_job_specific_filters
+      attrs = resource_attrs rescue {}
+      @filters = Job.load_job_specific_filters attrs, @filters, @read_users
     rescue ArgumentError => error
diff --git a/services/api/app/models/arvados_model.rb b/services/api/app/models/arvados_model.rb
index 16f0343..5a6ce0a 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/arvados_model.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/arvados_model.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 require 'has_uuid'
+require 'record_filters'
 class ArvadosModel < ActiveRecord::Base
   self.abstract_class = true
   include CurrentApiClient      # current_user, current_api_client, etc.
   include DbCurrentTime
+  extend RecordFilters
   attr_protected :created_at
   attr_protected :modified_by_user_uuid
@@ -270,6 +272,15 @@ class ArvadosModel < ActiveRecord::Base
     "to_tsvector('english', ' ' || #{parts.join(" || ' ' || ")})"
+  def self.apply_filters query, filters
+    ft = record_filters filters, self
+    if not ft[:cond_out].any?
+      return query
+    end
+    query.where('(' + ft[:cond_out].join(') AND (') + ')',
+                          *ft[:param_out])
+  end
   def ensure_ownership_path_leads_to_user
diff --git a/services/api/app/models/job.rb b/services/api/app/models/job.rb
index 0aaa0bd..d05436f 100644
--- a/services/api/app/models/job.rb
+++ b/services/api/app/models/job.rb
@@ -114,6 +114,171 @@ class Job < ArvadosModel
     super - ["script_parameters_digest"]
+  def self.load_job_specific_filters attrs, orig_filters, read_users
+    # Convert Job-specific @filters entries into general SQL filters.
+    script_info = {"repository" => nil, "script" => nil}
+    git_filters = Hash.new do |hash, key|
+      hash[key] = {"max_version" => "HEAD", "exclude_versions" => []}
+    end
+    filters = []
+    orig_filters.each do |attr, operator, operand|
+      if (script_info.has_key? attr) and (operator == "=")
+        if script_info[attr].nil?
+          script_info[attr] = operand
+        elsif script_info[attr] != operand
+          raise ArgumentError.new("incompatible #{attr} filters")
+        end
+      end
+      case operator
+      when "in git"
+        git_filters[attr]["min_version"] = operand
+      when "not in git"
+        git_filters[attr]["exclude_versions"] += Array.wrap(operand)
+      when "in docker", "not in docker"
+        image_hashes = Array.wrap(operand).flat_map do |search_term|
+          image_search, image_tag = search_term.split(':', 2)
+          Collection.
+            find_all_for_docker_image(image_search, image_tag, read_users).
+            map(&:portable_data_hash)
+        end
+        filters << [attr, operator.sub(/ docker$/, ""), image_hashes]
+      else
+        filters << [attr, operator, operand]
+      end
+    end
+    # Build a real script_version filter from any "not? in git" filters.
+    git_filters.each_pair do |attr, filter|
+      case attr
+      when "script_version"
+        script_info.each_pair do |key, value|
+          if value.nil?
+            raise ArgumentError.new("script_version filter needs #{key} filter")
+          end
+        end
+        filter["repository"] = script_info["repository"]
+        if attrs[:script_version]
+          filter["max_version"] = attrs[:script_version]
+        else
+          # Using HEAD, set earlier by the hash default, is fine.
+        end
+      when "arvados_sdk_version"
+        filter["repository"] = "arvados"
+      else
+        raise ArgumentError.new("unknown attribute for git filter: #{attr}")
+      end
+      revisions = Commit.find_commit_range(filter["repository"],
+                                           filter["min_version"],
+                                           filter["max_version"],
+                                           filter["exclude_versions"])
+      if revisions.empty?
+        raise ArgumentError.
+          new("error searching #{filter['repository']} from " +
+              "'#{filter['min_version']}' to '#{filter['max_version']}', " +
+              "excluding #{filter['exclude_versions']}")
+      end
+      filters.append([attr, "in", revisions])
+    end
+    filters
+  end
+  def self.find_or_create_using_filters attrs, params, filters, read_users
+    if filters.empty?  # Translate older creation parameters into filters.
+      filters =
+        [["repository", "=", attrs[:repository]],
+         ["script", "=", attrs[:script]],
+         ["script_version", "not in git", params[:exclude_script_versions]],
+        ].reject { |filter| filter.last.nil? or filter.last.empty? }
+      if !params[:minimum_script_version].blank?
+        filters << ["script_version", "in git",
+                     params[:minimum_script_version]]
+      else
+        filters += default_git_filters("script_version", attrs[:repository],
+                                       attrs[:script_version])
+      end
+      if image_search = attrs[:runtime_constraints].andand["docker_image"]
+        if image_tag = attrs[:runtime_constraints]["docker_image_tag"]
+          image_search += ":#{image_tag}"
+        end
+        image_locator = Collection.
+          for_latest_docker_image(image_search).andand.portable_data_hash
+      else
+        image_locator = nil
+      end
+      filters << ["docker_image_locator", "=", image_locator]
+      if sdk_version = attrs[:runtime_constraints].andand["arvados_sdk_version"]
+        filters += default_git_filters("arvados_sdk_version", "arvados", sdk_version)
+      end
+      begin
+        filters = load_job_specific_filters(attrs, filters, read_users)
+      rescue ArgumentError => error
+        return send_error(error.message)
+      end
+    end
+    # Check specified filters for some reasonableness.
+    filter_names = filters.map { |f| f.first }.uniq
+    ["repository", "script"].each do |req_filter|
+      if not filter_names.include?(req_filter)
+        return send_error("#{req_filter} filter required")
+      end
+    end
+    # Search for a reusable Job, and return it if found.
+    candidates = Job.
+      readable_by(current_user).
+      where('state = ? or (owner_uuid = ? and state in (?))',
+            Job::Complete, current_user.uuid, [Job::Queued, Job::Running]).
+      where('script_parameters_digest = ?', Job.sorted_hash_digest(attrs[:script_parameters])).
+      where('nondeterministic is distinct from ?', true).
+      order('state desc, created_at') # prefer Running jobs over Queued
+    candidates = apply_filters candidates, filters
+    chosen = nil
+    incomplete_job = nil
+    candidates.each do |j|
+      if j.state != Job::Complete
+        # We'll use this if we don't find a job that has completed
+        incomplete_job ||= j
+        next
+      end
+      if chosen == false
+        # We have already decided not to reuse any completed job
+        next
+      elsif chosen
+        if chosen.output != j.output
+          # If two matching jobs produced different outputs, run a new
+          # job (or use one that's already running/queued) instead of
+          # choosing one arbitrarily.
+          chosen = false
+        end
+        # ...and that's the only thing we need to do once we've chosen
+        # a job to reuse.
+      elsif !Collection.readable_by(current_user).find_by_portable_data_hash(j.output)
+        # As soon as the output we will end up returning (if any) is
+        # decided, check whether it will be visible to the user; if
+        # not, any further investigation of reusable jobs is futile.
+        chosen = false
+      else
+        chosen = j
+      end
+    end
+    chosen || incomplete_job
+  end
+  def self.default_git_filters(attr_name, repo_name, refspec)
+    # Add a filter to @filters for `attr_name` = the latest commit available
+    # in `repo_name` at `refspec`.  No filter is added if refspec can't be
+    # resolved.
+    commits = Commit.find_commit_range(repo_name, nil, refspec, nil)
+    if commit_hash = commits.first
+      [[attr_name, "=", commit_hash]]
+    else
+      []
+    end
+  end
   def self.sorted_hash_digest h



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