[ARVADOS] updated: b40d2110e1fe102ea687252cf6b0f48a6397f11e

git at public.curoverse.com git at public.curoverse.com
Wed Sep 2 20:18:04 EDT 2015

Summary of changes:
 doc/sdk/cli/subcommands.html.textile.liquid | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py     |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

       via  b40d2110e1fe102ea687252cf6b0f48a6397f11e (commit)
      from  7ca887a10c55b7fe9400bd3c536e721115a28a6e (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

commit b40d2110e1fe102ea687252cf6b0f48a6397f11e
Author: Ward Vandewege <ward at curoverse.com>
Date:   Wed Sep 2 20:17:29 2015 -0400

    arv-copy: Make the help text for the --src and --dst options more easily
    No issue #

diff --git a/doc/sdk/cli/subcommands.html.textile.liquid b/doc/sdk/cli/subcommands.html.textile.liquid
index 3184c09..018213c 100644
--- a/doc/sdk/cli/subcommands.html.textile.liquid
+++ b/doc/sdk/cli/subcommands.html.textile.liquid
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ h3(#arv-copy). arv copy
 $ <code class="userinput">arv copy --help</code>
-usage: arv-copy [-h] [-v] [--progress] [--no-progress] [-f] --src
-                SOURCE_ARVADOS --dst DESTINATION_ARVADOS [--recursive]
-                [--no-recursive] [--dst-git-repo DST_GIT_REPO]
-                [--project-uuid PROJECT_UUID] [--retries RETRIES]
-                object_uuid
+usage: arv_copy.py [-h] [-v] [--progress] [--no-progress] [-f] --src
+                   SOURCE_ARVADOS --dst DESTINATION_ARVADOS [--recursive]
+                   [--no-recursive] [--dst-git-repo DST_GIT_REPO]
+                   [--project-uuid PROJECT_UUID] [--retries RETRIES]
+                   object_uuid
 Copy a pipeline instance, template or collection from one Arvados instance to
@@ -64,15 +64,15 @@ optional arguments:
   --no-progress         Do not report progress on copying collections.
   -f, --force           Perform copy even if the object appears to exist at
                         the remote destination.
-  --src SOURCE_ARVADOS  The name of the source Arvados instance (required).
-                        May be either a pathname to a config file, or the
-                        basename of a file in
-                        $HOME/.config/arvados/instance_name.conf.
+  --src SOURCE_ARVADOS  The name of the source Arvados instance (required) -
+                        points at an Arvados config file. May be either a
+                        pathname to a config file, or (for example) "foo" as
+                        shorthand for $HOME/.config/arvados/foo.conf.
                         The name of the destination Arvados instance
-                        (required). May be either a pathname to a config file,
-                        or the basename of a file in
-                        $HOME/.config/arvados/instance_name.conf.
+                        (required) - points at an Arvados config file. May be
+                        either a pathname to a config file, or (for example)
+                        "foo" as shorthand for $HOME/.config/arvados/foo.conf.
   --recursive           Recursively copy any dependencies for this object.
   --no-recursive        Do not copy any dependencies. NOTE: if this option is
diff --git a/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py b/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py
index 8ee61f5..a10eb2b 100755
--- a/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py
+++ b/sdk/python/arvados/commands/arv_copy.py
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ def main():
         help='Perform copy even if the object appears to exist at the remote destination.')
         '--src', dest='source_arvados', required=True,
-        help='The name of the source Arvados instance (required). May be either a pathname to a config file, or the basename of a file in $HOME/.config/arvados/instance_name.conf.')
+        help='The name of the source Arvados instance (required) - points at an Arvados config file. May be either a pathname to a config file, or (for example) "foo" as shorthand for $HOME/.config/arvados/foo.conf.')
         '--dst', dest='destination_arvados', required=True,
-        help='The name of the destination Arvados instance (required). May be either a pathname to a config file, or the basename of a file in $HOME/.config/arvados/instance_name.conf.')
+        help='The name of the destination Arvados instance (required) - points at an Arvados config file. May be either a pathname to a config file, or (for example) "foo" as shorthand for $HOME/.config/arvados/foo.conf.')
         '--recursive', dest='recursive', action='store_true',
         help='Recursively copy any dependencies for this object. (default)')



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